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Everything Joe Biden--Gaffes, Miscues, Touching, Songs

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If Uncle Joe is so worried about Trump being an ‘existential threat to the country’ then why in the world  did he spend the better part of a decade working for a guy who wanted to ‘fundamentally transform America’? Apparently one mans threat is another mans Hope and Change. Right, Joe? What a total hack!

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39 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

If Uncle Joe is so worried about Trump being an ‘existential threat to the country’ then why in the world  did he spend the better part of a decade working for a guy who wanted to ‘fundamentally transform America’? Apparently one mans threat is another mans Hope and Change. Right, Joe? What a total hack!


Joe's been in DC for 50 years now and he doesn't even have a clue what he thinks



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48 minutes ago, Hedge said:






No, just the biggest scandal in American history is about to come down that started with Obozo and this clown Biden.


And they say Trump lies all the time.


No one lies more than the Demonrats.

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14 minutes ago, njbuff said:


No, just the biggest scandal in American history is about to come down that started with Obozo and this clown Biden.


And they say Trump lies all the time.


No one lies more than the Demonrats.


not a hope, the Dems will slide totally on this, maybe a few nobody scapegoats thrown to the bonfire



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22 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


Is a scandal really a scandal if it's not covered?

I've said before this is my fear... and what little they are covering, they are currently twisting and perverting in coverage. SMH

IF people get indicted, I do not see the press ignoring it. I do see the press lying (or at least being disingenuous) as to why Person A, Person B, Person C (etc) are being arrested. 

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Drudge was the only one who carried the Lewinsky narrative, all the big brave media stopped when Hillary yelled at them


and that blue dress (thank goodness) became the narrative as helpful as those 18.5 minutes missing from the Nixon tapes.



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16 minutes ago, row_33 said:


not a hope, the Dems will slide totally on this, maybe a few nobody scapegoats thrown to the bonfire




Unfortunately, you may be right.


Two tier justice system in America. 


Dems get away Scott free on anything and everyone else who isn't a Dem will go to jail and be investigated to no end even if you didn't commit crimes.

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11 minutes ago, njbuff said:


Unfortunately, you may be right.


Two tier justice system in America. 


Dems get away Scott free on anything and everyone else who isn't a Dem will go to jail and be investigated to no end even if you didn't commit crimes.


the Dems are the little snots in the playground who antagonize those who are "it" in tag, and when they get tagged they cry and run home to mommieeeeeeeeeeee



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1 minute ago, row_33 said:


the Dems are the little snots in the playground who antagonize those who are "it" in tag, and when they get tagged they cry and run home to mommieeeeeeeeeeee




Not for nothing..............


I don't know shyt about politics.


In 2015 when Trump decided to run as President, I thought it was a joke at the time................ anyways...........


After that, I got to know a little about what was going on in this country and after Trump's nomination I saw what the left was really about (starting with my family).


I always thought throughout my life that Republicans were spineless and the left was for us Americans and I learned that I was totally wrong.


I don't have to tell you all the stories with the left, but it is FAR more negative than anyone on the right, independent or hold no political party have done.


Again, I hold no political party, but the ones who are like me see the left as unpatriotic scumbags. FACT. It is pretty overwhelming too.

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18 minutes ago, Greybeard said:

      That is debatable but none of them were as dishonest as she is.


Correct, they were honourable men, even in politics, toss Humphrey in there as well (he was a good candidate...)



11 minutes ago, njbuff said:


Not for nothing..............


I don't know shyt about politics.


In 2015 when Trump decided to run as President, I thought it was a joke at the time................ anyways...........


After that, I got to know a little about what was going on in this country and after Trump's nomination I saw what the left was really about (starting with my family).


I always thought throughout my life that Republicans were spineless and the left was for us Americans and I learned that I was totally wrong.


I don't have to tell you all the stories with the left, but it is FAR more negative than anyone on the right, independent or hold no political party have done.


Again, I hold no political party, but the ones who are like me see the left as unpatriotic scumbags. FACT. It is pretty overwhelming too.


the lower-income folk on the left are counting on the promises of Union leaders (oops, that's long buried) and the Democrats to make their life a lot better


welcome to this world...


i'm astounded the GOP ever wins an election


what babysitter would a child prefer:


1) eat your dinner and study and a little TV and then off to bed at the time your parents stated (GOP)


2) paint and ***** and spray ketchup and chocolate all over the walls and do whatever you want and don't go to bed until hours past your regular time?


How do the people keep seeing option 1) is better?




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3 minutes ago, row_33 said:


Correct, they were honourable men, even in politics, toss Humphrey in there as well (he was a good candidate...)




the lower-income folk on the left are counting on the promises of Union leaders (oops, that's long buried) and the Democrats to make their life a lot better


welcome to this world...


i'm astounded the GOP ever wins an election


what babysitter would a child prefer:


1) eat your dinner and study and a little TV and then off to bed at the time your parents stated (GOP)


2) paint and ***** and spray ketchup and chocolate all over the walls and do whatever you want and don't go to bed until hours past your regular time?


How do the people keep seeing option 1) is better?





I just shake my head.

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11 minutes ago, B-Man said:



Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

















Jonathan Edwards promised Christopher Reeve would get out of his wheelchair and walk just fine during one campaign



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