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Counting his money. He own more Starbucks stores than the Milky Way.


I've read this 5 times and still have no clue what the hell it means.



It's very clear. You see, Magic Johnson owns a lot of Starbucks, but the Milky Way used to own a WHOLE lot of Starbucks and no one ever thought that the Milky Way would be surpassed as the celestial event that would own more Starbucks. But Magic, though not a celestial event, does own more than...ummm...err...uhhh..


Yeah, okay. No !@#$ing clue, either.

I've read this 5 times and still have no clue what the hell it means.


"The only writing you'll do is in collaboration with an owl''. ''I STILL have no idea what he meant.."--Woody Allen on statement by his father..

I would not be totally shocked if Magic is cured. I still have this feeling there is a vaccine out there to cure AIDS, maybe its only available to the very wealthy, who knows.


come on, are you kidding with this? Are you wearing a tinfoil hat?


This guy must be dumb. To think the rich Like Magic and Elton John have access to medical resources we don't is CRAZY! The rich and super rich take advil for everything just like our HMO doctors tell us to do. There are no secret anythings. No secrets kept from the common folks. And if the elite tried to keep secrets from us they would get out in our Democratic Free Press almost as fast as they were spoken. Thank God for our free press.


Good going saying this guy must be wearing a tin foil hat. That's the way to police our own kind and save the elite the trouble.

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