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[OT] Broke my own record yesterday

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18 USC 1719 Franking privelege.


Whoever makes use of any official envelope, label, or indorsement authorized by law, to avoid the paying of postage or registry fee on his private letter, packet, package, or other matter in the mail, shall be fined under this title.


You can send back what they send you, anything else is not intended to be placed in that envelope, and you are therefor commiting a fraud against the United States by failing to pay postage. You can send them your junk mail, you just have to pay the postage.

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Hey don't send any of this stuff back to CapitalOne!!! I am currently contracting with CapOne and they pay me well. If you keep sending this stuff back they won't be able to keep me.


Overall, this is a very good company for people who want to work. Otherwise you will be out the door very quickly. Not to many slackers at this place. :devil:

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Hey don't send any of this stuff back to CapitalOne!!!  I am currently contracting with CapOne and they pay me well.  If you keep sending this stuff back they won't be able to keep me.


Overall, this is a very good company for people who want to work.  Otherwise you will be out the door very quickly.  Not to many slackers at this place. :devil:



Then what the hell are you doing posting on a message board? Get back to work!



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18 USC 1719 Franking privelege.


Whoever makes use of any official envelope, label, or indorsement authorized by law, to avoid the paying of postage or registry fee on his private letter, packet, package, or other matter in the mail, shall be fined under this title.


You can send back what they send you, anything else is not intended to be placed in that envelope, and you are therefor commiting a fraud against the United States by failing to pay postage.  You can send them your junk mail, you just have to pay the postage.





That statute pertains to Federal government mailings and abuse therof, not the paying citizenry or the paying business entities. The Feds don't innundate me with junk mail. If they happen to enclose free postage for a response, I'm not about to pitch trash towards them if I respond.


Key words: "Official" and "Private"...


I could use business reply (they state they'de like to hear from you, after all) attached to a cinder block, and the purveyor would't blink an eye if they got my $$$.


You have energized me to greater heights. Are you a shill?



Duck! :devil:

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