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Pope John Paul II was given the last rites...

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God bless PJPII.


On an aside- isn't he listed in some prophecy as the last true pope? That the next will herald the fall of the Catholic Church or something like that? Seem to remember reading about that somewhere...


That has basically been said about every Pope since Pius. Every "new" Pope has changed the beliefs and allowed too many changes that people feel that they have already created a new Catholic Church. I believe this was one of the issues that Mel Gibson has and has been fairly vocal about it.


I don't believe it, nor do I belive the whole Nostradomus thingy.

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Aren't you Irish?


Are you Orange Irish?


The short answer is, yup, I have some Irish in me, and it was Green for a time. In any event, I'm much more Scots/Protestant than Irish/Green or Orange.


I don't have the patience to research geneology. Luckily for me my grandfather, uncle, and father were all very much in to it, and now that the research has been done, I love reading about it.


I'm either an Ulster-Scot or Scots-Irish, depending on who you talk to. A family picked up and moved from Scotland to Ulster when times were peaceful. They were Protestant, but married into, and had children that were Green.


After a couple of generations, Cromwell began his genocidal march through Ireland. One of the grandchildren of that first generation to settle in Ulster was killed defending the Green (over in Limerick if I recall). Several other members of the then extended family were put to death for supporting the "insurrection." All of the remaining members of the family joined with other Ulster-Scots and Oranges in fleeing from either Cromwell's tyranny and/or reprisals by Greens by returning to Scotland.


Once there they had to, among other things, convert to the Anglican Church in an attempt to regain ancestoral priviledge and title and to reclaim ancestoral land in Argylle. By all acounts they relatively successful given that they had supported the Irish "rebels." I'm a single line direct descendant of that family.


I know, I know, more than you ever cared to know, but there be but a wee bit o Green in me bones. :o

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so i have a question...  this mass thing that's being held in an hour by that bishop...  is that to pray for jp's health, or has he already died with the announcement being made by this guy at the mass?


Being a Jewish man...can someone tell me who can give the Pope last rites? He is the highest ranking guy in the church....seems to me anyone who does it would be a "lesser" man. Am I off base?

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Being a Jewish man...can someone tell me who can give the Pope last rites?  He is the highest ranking guy in the church....seems to me anyone who does it would be a "lesser" man.  Am I off base?




Any catholic priest can perform the rites. I think it's called the prayer for the sick now, my father had it performed last year when he was very ill.

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Amazing how things can work when you put a Polish guy in power.


Ivan Putski for Pope! Polish Power!


I think JPII could be the most influential person for positive change of the 20th century, with consideration given to Roosevelt, Salk, and Mother Teresa.

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Ivan Putski for Pope!  Polish Power!


I think JPII could be the most influential person for positive change of the 20th century, with consideration given to Roosevelt, Salk, and Mother Teresa.



I watched the broadcast of Mother Teresa's funeral service. She was a great gift, and reminded me that from time to time, God sends us mighty intellects and hearts to bring faith back into our lives...

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Yes - my radio broadcasts claims that Italian news agencies say he has passed on.


Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world... :devil:



Not being Catholic, I'm not quite sure what to think of that.


But my condolences to Catholics everywhere.

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