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Operation Boomerang AG Barr's Investigation of Acts of Treason by Federal Employees

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9 hours ago, Hedge said:

Posting in this thread for the second video (the first deals with Ukraine):






...like how AG Barr quietly goes about his business, out of the spot light, low key and not offering any salacious tidbits to the urinalists......probably driving them crazier....just like Holder would (COUGH)......

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Who would trust this justice department run by corrupt Bill Barr? 


A veteran federal judge on Monday warned U.S. prosecutors either to charge former acting FBI director Andrew McCabe or to drop their investigation into whether he lied to investigators about an unauthorized media disclosure, saying their indecision was undermining the credibility of the Justice Department.

If a decision is not made, U.S. District Judge Reggie B. Walton of Washington, D.C., said at a hearing that he would order the Justice Department to release internal FBI documents related to McCabe’s firing by Nov. 15.

The extraordinary warning by Walton — a 2001 President George W. Bush appointee and former presiding judge of the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court — marked the latest turbulence in an investigation that McCabe’s defenders say is a move by the Trump administration to punish the president’s perceived political enemies.


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Even if one thinks mentioning Biden on the Ukraine call was ill-advised, it’s hard to see what’s objectionable about the Australia call. After all, the ­bipartisan consensus to ­uncover possible foreign interference in the 2016 election led to Robert Mueller’s special counsel investigation. To get to the bottom of foreign interference, Barr needs the cooperation of … foreign officials.


And there’s the rub. Democrats and the anti-Trump media were determined to keep the focus on Trump and Russia. Republicans, on the other hand, dismissed the collusion narrative, which turned out to be bunk, as the Mueller ­report determined. Instead, the right pointed at coordination ­between the Hillary Clinton campaign and other foreign powers.


Read the whole thing.

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