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Operation Boomerang AG Barr's Investigation of Acts of Treason by Federal Employees

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30 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


This is what I presumed for the longest time. But the more I've spoken with prosecutors about this, the more I keep hearing that in a RICO case it works in the opposite direction. Start at the top (or mid-top), nail the lieutenants with can't miss cases and watch them squirm to rat on the big boss(es). 


I guess we'll see over the coming weeks/months. :beer: 

I guess it’s anyone’s definition of what the middle is on this one. We know it didn’t get into the rank and file. Seems like Stunk and Page is the lowest wrung on the ladder. I’m guessing Lisa doesn’t want to go to prison and she’ll flip on Stunk in two minutes FLAT!

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1 hour ago, B-Man said:

What the fudge!?  Not sure how this is gonna play with the DC circuit court.  I know Sullivan's son is a nightmare who has caused daddy to use no end of favors and Eric Holder is a "friend," but ... :blink:

The federal judge who refused a Justice Department request to immediately drop the prosecution of former Trump adviser Michael Flynn has hired a high-profile trial lawyer to argue his reasons for investigating whether dismissing the case is legally or ethically appropriate.

In a rare step that adds to this criminal case’s already unusual path, U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan has retained Beth Wilkinson to represent him in defending his decision to a federal appeals court in Washington, according to a person familiar with the hire who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter. The U.S. District Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit is now examining the judge’s actions and the larger case against Flynn after lawyers for Trump’s former national security adviser asked the court to force Sullivan to toss Flynn’s guilty plea.



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4 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

I know Sullivan's son is a nightmare who has caused daddy to use no end of favors and Eric Holder is a "friend," but ... :blink:


I'm not saying that this is the case with Sullivan's son at all, but I wonder how many times unsavory characters are intentionally run at spouses/children/siblings of power players to get them involved in various forms of criminality/addiction, that is then used as a blackmail lever. In many cases that would be stronger leverage than involving the real target directly.

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2 minutes ago, Koko78 said:


Huh. Dude's got bigger stones than I gave him credit for.


You think?

Dosen’t every judge use clerks to write for them? Isn’t this pretty much the same thing?



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1 minute ago, snafu said:


You think?

Dosen’t every judge use clerks to write for them? Isn’t this pretty much the same thing?




As I just mentioned in the other thread, I don't see anything wrong with him hiring an attorney to respond. I'm just surprised he's going this route, because the applicable caselaw is against whatever argument he's going to try to make to keep Flynn's case going.

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1 minute ago, Koko78 said:


As I just mentioned in the other thread, I don't see anything wrong with him hiring an attorney to respond. I'm just surprised he's going this route, because the applicable caselaw is against whatever argument he's going to try to make to keep Flynn's case going.


He’s got to save face — and get the court of appeals to shut the door for him.

Thats the only reason I see for him to persist. 


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What the Media will not ask

Will anyone in the media inquire from: Judge Sullivan, John Gleeson, Beth Wilkinson, and the Chief Judge for the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, and ask:
If Gleesons work and Wilkinsons work is pro bono or paid?
If paid, then paid by whom?—Sullivan or the Treasury (or other)?
If the Treasury, then through what fund or under what specific legal authority?
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Now why in the world would he do that? Humm.




Judge Emmett Sullivan from General Flynn Trial, Arranged Speaking Gig for James Comey at Howard University for $100,000

 by Joe Hoft

Original Article


The confused judge who has unconstitutionally inserted himself into the Justice Department’s case against General Flynn made some actions behind the scene that are just as troubling.Judge Sullivan helped Jim Comey get his speaking gig at Howard University for $100,000. How much more corruption can America take. The corrupt judge who inserted himself into the General Flynn case, who insinuated the General was a traitor, has a lifestyle that matches his actions in court.




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