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Where's the heck is Elliot Spitzer? This thing so smacks of coersion it's not even funny. NYS and NYC taxpayers get a one billion dollar tab from Mr. Moneybags Bloomberg and Mr. Mumbles Pataki. I feel bad for NYS taxpayers. Vote those crooks out next election.

Several union members, along with City Council member Leroy Comrie of Queens, spoke in favor of the West Side development. "The Jets' proposal, the Olympics, are the best thing for New York,'' said union worker Kevin Crowley.


union members get dollar signs in their eyes




Where's the heck is Elliot Spitzer? This thing so smacks of coersion it's not even funny. NYS and NYC taxpayers get a one billion dollar tab from Mr. Moneybags Bloomberg and Mr. Mumbles Pataki. I feel bad for NYS taxpayers. Vote those crooks out next election.


i'm just moving

Uh, yes it is.  But 700 mil is ok for NYC.  Thanks for that.


when did i say it was ok for NYC? i'm disgusted with that deal as well


what a crock of stojan. these a$$holes still don't get it. It's bull stojan like this that keeps the flow of hardworking taxpayers exiting NYS for "red" states that don't rape your earnings.


And the olympics... another crock of stojan... whatever they spend to prepare for the olympics, they will never recoup... as Athens, ask Atlanta, Ask Salt Lake...


Anyone else hope that Paris gets the 2012 Olympics so that the whole stadium deal falls apart? :doh:


This is a load of sh--. More money going to the city when the whole !@#$ing state is broke and in lots of debt. :lol:


!@#$ you, Pataki!!!

Thinking like this is how NYC ends up with 600 mil of our money.



so your logic is if we don't spend it, they will? so spend away?

how about not wasting money on this crap anyway

so your logic is if we don't spend it, they will? so spend away?

how about not wasting money on this crap anyway



That's great for whining and posturing on radio talk shows and editorials, but unfortunately, things just don't work that way. Sorry, but deal with it. If we don't spend it, they will. There are enough soccer mullet yahoos up here that a stadium will get used and tickets will be purchased. No one may want to hear this, or care, but there is a market for soccer here. It's not money going down the drain. It's not a risk.


You just saw 600 Million go downstate on a football stadium we will never get anything out of up here, yet 9 million for Rochester might as well be wrapped in rotten meat. No righteous stance on fiscal responsibility is going to change what just happened.



Just keep on giving yourself a pat on the back for being all hardball, while at the end of the day our money gets spent somewhere else by people who know how to take us for granted.

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