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  JoeSixPack said:
Again, God forbid anyone be "excluded", wouldn't want anyone's feelings hurt.


It's business. They're not there on a charity mission, there's money on the line.



Yeah, there's money on the line, the difference between a guy making something like $650 million or $675 million a year. So crank up the PSL, overpayed meglomanics need an extra couple of million to roll around in.


Equating a call for restraint with turning the NFL into a charity is idiotic. The NFL has made BILLIONS of dollars a year without raping the average "joe sixpack."


The NFL is a business? I don't really think so. IBM is a business. Verizon is a buisness. I don't see people paying 50 bucks a pop to watch them work everyday.


The NFL is entertainment. It became a wildly successful buisness because of the mass appeal it generated with middle class america. The same people who get screwed in deals like this.


So give Fireman Ed's seat to Ken Lay. No problem with that, right?

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  BillsNYC said:
Cablevision wins the deal...they are read to pay the full sum in cash right now. Taxpayers don't pay a thing and building begins.


Jets win and taxpayers get to shell out at LEAST $300 million and they STILL have to get several approvals.


I love that the media here is saying how the Jets deal is less risky, when they were singing the opposite tune 3 days ago.


  MikeH said:
Come on now Joe ... you looked like you were having a good time HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE:blink:



Where'd you find those? LOL



Those were all BEFORE the game :D I nearly threw that jersey into the trash after that game.

  KD in CT said:
Lupica?  Come on, talk about an agenda.  He is right in questioning the initial lack of an open bid, but his math is all b.s.  He is suggesting that the platform will cost $300MM if Cablevision gets the bid but $750MM if the Jets get the bid?  If you cut through all his crap it sounds like Cablevision is offering $400MM and the Jets are offering $720MM - $300/$350MM for the platform.  In other words, the bids are very close.


And who gives a rats ass if the money comes from Woody Johnson or other investors?  Why would those investor back out?  Because of permit problems?  So Bloomberg can rig this whole process but can't get a building permit?  Gimmie a break Lupica.


Actually, local papers say that the taxpayers will foot more than $900 million - the stadium is expected to cost almost $1.7 billion (with a 'b') dollars. Bloomberg really doesn't care much about the jests, he wants to say that he lured the Olympics to NYC. This is in a city where more than half of the schools do not even have operational gymnasiums - unbelievable.

  MikeH said:
Come on now Joe ... you looked like you were having a good time HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE:blink:



Yeah...and those times are almost over now. :D


I'm going to miss Lot 16C...we're going to have to see if we can tailgate in McFadden's before the games, cover the windows like we're having a stripper or something!


PS....the only fight I've ever had to breakup was between 2 BILLS fans after the game.

  BillsNYC said:
Yeah...and those times are almost over now.  :blink:


I'm going to miss Lot 16C...we're going to have to see if we can tailgate in McFadden's before the games, cover the windows like we're having a stripper or something!


PS....the only fight I've ever had to breakup was between 2 BILLS fans after the game.



Go to a game at RWS if you want to tailgate. MUCH better tailgate, IMO.

  JoeSixPack said:
Go to a game at RWS if you want to tailgate. MUCH better tailgate, IMO.



I have season tickets to the Bills. I usually hang out with Kenny.


Kenny drives his Van out to our tailgate in NJ and brings his bar/bowling ball with him...can't wait to do bowling ball shots on 42nd Street in between the Israeli Consolate and the Pfizer Building.

  BillsNYC said:
I'm going to miss Lot 16C


So will I. It's always a good time partying with the NYCBBB crew. Maybe we can still tailgate in 16C and then shuttle over to the game?

  JoeSixPack said:
Again, God forbid anyone be "excluded", wouldn't want anyone's feelings hurt.


It's business. They're not there on a charity mission, there's money on the line.



Aren't you the same poster who felt the Dodgers should give "charity" to an 86 year old fan who's seats were being increased 500 percent? Wasn't there money on the line for the Dodgers? Why DO you like a blue collar team like the Bills? You should switch to Dallas or Washington who are all about the mighty buckaroos. Don't expect sympathy after we've watched corporations like Enron and World Com bilk thousands of loyal "less successful" employees out of their life savings. I feel sorry for the true Jet fans.

  MikeH said:
So will I. It's always a good time partying with the NYCBBB crew. Maybe we can still tailgate in 16C and then shuttle over to the game?



I think we're either going to have to tailgate at McFadden's and then have a parade of hundreds of Bills fans walk to the stadium...OR...rent a boat and tailgate on that!

  KD in CT said:

Lupica? Come on, talk about an agenda. He is right in questioning the initial lack of an open bid, but his math is all b.s. He is suggesting that the platform will cost $300MM if Cablevision gets the bid but $750MM if the Jets get the bid? If you cut through all his crap it sounds like Cablevision is offering $400MM and the Jets are offering $720MM - $300/$350MM for the platform. In other words, the bids are very close.


I believe the Jets bid has the Taxpayers building/Paying for the platform.

The MTA is hurting for money now so what would you do, Cablevision gives them $400 million plus Now or.... the Jets give the MTA $50 million now and then get paid the rest of the $$$ over time.

  BillsNYC said:
I think we're either going to have to tailgate at McFadden's and then have a parade of hundreds of Bills fans walk to the stadium...OR...rent a boat and tailgate on that!


NICE ... either way ... count me in.

  Hammered a Lot said:
I believe the Jets bid has the Taxpayers building/Paying for the platform.

The MTA is hurting for money now so what would you do, Cablevision gives them $400 million plus Now or.... the Jets give the MTA $50 million now and then get paid the rest of the $$$ over time.



It amazes me that the MTA has no money...they have raised my fares twice in the last year and cut service. The MTA is corrupt in my opinion, and so is everything having to deal with this stadium.

  BillsNYC said:
It amazes me that the MTA has no money...they have raised my fares twice in the last year and cut service. The MTA is corrupt in my opinion, and so is everything having to deal with this stadium.



The MTA is awful. My father spent the last part of his career at there, he designed thier data center on 10th Avenue about 15 years ago. He said it was the most horribly run outfit he had ever seen. Waste everywhere. Ignorant, lazy people with no accountability. Then last year when I was scouting commercial real estate downtown, my broker was telling me about the billions that the MTA committed to in office space, taking far more space than they could use. He was pointing out full floors of buildings that were sitting empty that the MTA was paying for. Just crazy.

  BillsNYC said:
I think we're either going to have to tailgate at McFadden's and then have a parade of hundreds of Bills fans walk to the stadium...OR...rent a boat and tailgate on that!


Now that boat thing sounds very cool. Have taken a boat to a game in Pittsburgh, and I think someone posted here last season that Cinci has one as well. How cool would that be, go to NYC for the weekend, get on a boat for a tailgate , way to cool.


Could this be done even now?

  jad1 said:
Because it leads to the exclusion of those who aren't as "successful."



What's new about that? I must have missed something about capitalism being repealed in the last few days. :doh:

  jad1 said:
The NFL is entertainment.  It became a wildly successful buisness because of the mass appeal it generated with middle class america.  The same people who get screwed in deals like this.



Entertainment, huh? Been to a Broadway show lately? How about a U2 concert with premium seats going for +150 a pop. Supply and demand dictate price, and obviously there's ample demand even with the price increases we're starting to see.


BTW, the NFL's mass appeal was built on television, not in-stadium attendance. The total number of NFL seats available on any given Sunday (about 1 million, league-wide) is a drop in the bucket versus the 25 million households that tune in each week.

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