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New episode of LOST tonight


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I'm interested to know why the drug smuggling plane was transporting heroin, Charlie's old drug of choice. The writers could have had the plane transporting cocaine or merely been a plane carrying missionarys. Instead it has heroin and a lot of it. Will Locke end up getting Charlie hooked back on the H and use him to do something?

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I'm interested to know why the drug smuggling plane was transporting heroin, Charlie's old drug of choice. The writers could have had the plane transporting cocaine or merely been a plane carrying missionarys. Instead it has heroin and a lot of it. Will Locke end up getting Charlie hooked back on the H and use him to do something?



I was thinking Locke was going to bring it back so Jack can use it as a pain killer during Boone's surgery...


...and of course its presence would be a test/temptation for Charlie.



But that is a good idea too. Locke now has a way to test Charlie's new found sobriety.

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I'm interested to know why the drug smuggling plane was transporting heroin, Charlie's old drug of choice. The writers could have had the plane transporting cocaine or merely been a plane carrying missionarys. Instead it has heroin and a lot of it. Will Locke end up getting Charlie hooked back on the H and use him to do something?



I think they should all get hooked on the H, let's see what happens then...

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If Locke/Boone = Abraham/Isaac, then the writers missed big time.  Abraham never causes harm on Isaac in the Genesis account.  He is willing, but never hurts him.



Going further with this religios theme, is Jacks father not named CHRISTIAN Shepard.


Also, got his idea for the significance of the numbers from another board.


Enetr the numbers in order fro Latitude and Longitude, and what do ya know, Nigeria pops up on the map.



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I was thinking Locke was going to bring it back so Jack can use it as a pain killer during Boone's surgery...


...and of course its presence would be a test/temptation for Charlie.

But that is a good idea too. Locke now has a way to test Charlie's new found sobriety.



Problem is Locke told Jack that Boone fell off a cliff. Didn't mention the plane at all.

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Going further with this religios theme, is Jacks father not named CHRISTIAN Shepard.


Also, got his idea for the significance of the numbers from another board.


Enetr the numbers in order fro Latitude and Longitude, and what do ya know, Nigeria pops up on the map.




:blink: Now that is good stuff. lol

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anyone know of a good messege board devoted only to LOST?



ABC has one on their site.


Also, this plave has one for lost, along with every other show




Now, if you are going to tell me to go post there, and leave this board to football , well I fell for the trap :blink:

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ABC has one on their site.


Also, this plave has one for lost, along with every other show




Now, if you are going to tell me to go post there, and leave this board to football , well I fell for the trap :blink:



LOL! No, I was not going to tell you to go post on that messege board. That would be hypocritical since I posted a long description of John Locke's (the philospher) theories of knowledge and reality.

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Going further with this religios theme, is Jacks father not named CHRISTIAN Shepard.


Also, got his idea for the significance of the numbers from another board.


Enetr the numbers in order fro Latitude and Longitude, and what do ya know, Nigeria pops up on the map.




I just saw that and thought it was pretty cool.


There's another thread there about the significance of the opening "mouse trap" scene. Some are theorizing that the young boy was really Boone - a precursor to Locke 'sacrificing' him in the plane (if you subscribe to that theory)

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ABC has one on their site.


Also, this plave has one for lost, along with every other show




Now, if you are going to tell me to go post there, and leave this board to football , well I fell for the trap :blink:



LOL! No, I was not going to tell you to go post on that messege board. That would be hypocritical since I posted a long description of John Locke's (the philospher) theories of knowledge and reality.

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FWIW, stealing from another board. However, when the PI hands over the documents about Lockes mom being in a mental facility, it was the same hospital that Hurley was in, Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute.


Here's a question...


Could this show work as well without the internet? So much of the show is going back through all the clues and hints given out and having fun putting it all together. But who has time to watch an episode 100 times? Yet, with the internet fans can share all the bits and pieces they picked up like that one there...


Just food for thought.

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The level of detail included in each episode is staggering, and it is a testiment to the maniacal nature of us LOST fans that we will continue to post day after day with each little bit of info we can extract from each episode.


Anyone think Boone dies, is buried, and pulls a Pet Semetary? (shudder) Nah, that would be a touch too cheesy.


I liked Hurley's lone line last night..."Dude...you look like someone steamrolled Harry Potter." :doh::lol::lol:


I liked Jin bitching out Michael...the whole interaction between those two is pretty funny.


How would you like to be one of those peripheral survivors that is just constantly doing busy work in the background, or wandering aimlessly on the beach. B-)

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Here's a question...


Could this show work as well without the internet? So much of the show is going back through all the clues and hints given out and having fun putting it all together. But who has time to watch an episode 100 times? Yet, with the internet fans can share all the bits and pieces they picked up like that one there...


Just food for thought.



Dude...this show is on the internet...on all these freaking bb's where tools like us discuss each freaking clue and hint for days. I have never been so engrossed in a television show. Sure, I have been a faithful watch of many a show, but never have I delved this deeply into each episode, hoping to pick up apart each and every nuance in the hopes of piecing together some minute aspect of the overall meaning and direction show.


Thank you LOST...thank you.

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BTW...where the hell is stevestojan? This boy is always all over this Lost thread. Got a message from him last night about right after the Locke dream sequence, and then...nothing. Maybe it was all too much for him. :doh:

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Dude...this show is on the internet...on all these freaking bb's where tools like us discuss each freaking clue and hint for days.  I have never been so engrossed in a television show.  Sure, I have been a faithful watch of many a show, but never have I delved this deeply into each episode, hoping to pick up apart each and every nuance in the hopes of piecing together some minute aspect of the overall meaning and direction show.


Thank you LOST...thank you.



Yeah no kidding. If they can keep this up for a season or two more at this level of excellence I think it would have to qualify as the best TV series of all time.

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