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Hate Crime or Hoax?


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3rdnlng,  I made this post:



"People staging crimes to prove a political point is beyond bizarre.  Every time I see someone (liberal or conservative) do it, I always wonder why they don’t have something better to do... "


Here are my questions to you.


1) My original post just said that I don't understand when anyone does it, liberal or conservative.  Wouldn't one example of a conservative back up my post factually?


2) Isn't Ashley todd a perfect example?


3) Did I back up my post with facts.  I don't see how you can argue I have not


4) Why in the world would you (wrongly as I have shown) dipsute that a conservative has falsified being a victim to further a political point (and if you don't think this, why would have me proove it)?  I am very interested in you explaining this 

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2 minutes ago, Crayola64 said:


I made the list.  I will wait for your reply.  And just for the record, I didn't make a claim nor was I trying to prove a point.  I made an innocuous post saying I think it is bizarre when people, regardless of political affiliation, make up these stupid hoaxes.  You are the one who is acting like I am saying something worth prooving.  

You certainly did make a claim. I even copied and pasted it in a subsequent post for you. I will read over your list but will look at the individual instances under the light you originally shone on them.

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2 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

You certainly did make a claim. I even copied and pasted it in a subsequent post for you. I will read over your list but will look at the individual instances under the light you originally shone on them.


How about you read my post I just said.  To prove my claim, I only need one example.  Ashley Todd, I gave you a link.  I asked you a few questions, it is only fair for you to answer them.


And again, you only need one to prove my point (I just said i don't understand it when a liberal or conservative does it.  There were no plurals or anything)


And honestly, you can read the Ashley Todd story in about 60 seconds.  So I'll wait for you answers, since you want to play this game.  

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1 minute ago, Crayola64 said:

3rdnlng,  I made this post:



Here are my questions to you.


1) My original post just said that I don't understand when anyone does it, liberal or conservative.  Wouldn't one example of a conservative back up my post factually?


2) Isn't Ashley todd a perfect example?


3) Did I back up my post with facts.  I don't see how you can argue I have not


4) Why in the world would you (wrongly as I have shown) dipsute that a conservative has falsified being a victim to further a political point (and if you don't think this, why would have me proove it)?  I am very interested in you explaining this 

As I just posted, I will look at your list with an eye towards whether these incidents are political hoaxes.

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14 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

As I just posted, I will look at your list with an eye towards whether these incidents are political hoaxes.


When I did the list with links, I re-ordered them in likelihood of you believing they are political hoaxes (I believe a white person making up a story about a black person raping them is inherently politically motivated, but I figured we might disagree so I moved them to the bottom).  I will be surprised if you believe the first three aren't politically motivated.  And again,  I only need one to back up my original post.  I put about 15 minutes into this, so I look forward to your answers.  


Im sincerely curious why you would dispute that a conservative has falsified being a victim for political reasons.  Or a hoax. It seems like an unreasonable position for you to take.  And it’s objectively wrong too.

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14 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

I know you know better than this. If a person makes a claim it is up to them to prove it by whatever means necessary.


You was getting all pissy with me a while ago because I was labeling Reagan a cowardly douchebag who routinely violated citizens privacy, and broke the law with the Iran-Contra deal and you wanted links and all I knew of was books. 

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8 minutes ago, The_Dude said:

I should be exempt from links. If I say it, it’s true. I don’t make things up all willy-nilly. I’m no Tom. 


We should all be exempt from links that are common sense or easily verifiable without someone demand proof.  Asking for links to learn more is something totally different and should be encouraged!

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24 minutes ago, Crayola64 said:


I made the list.  I will wait for your reply.  And just for the record, I didn't make a claim nor was I trying to prove a point.  I made an innocuous post saying I think it is bizarre when people, regardless of political affiliation, make up these stupid hoaxes.  You are the one who is acting like I am saying something worth prooving.  

I looked at the first 4 on your list:


Ashley Todd  = A woman made up a story of a black man robbing her, pinning her down, scratching the letter B (for obama) into her face.  Suffered from mental problems


Joshua Witt =Made up a story of people accusing him of being a neo-nazi because of his haircut, and them stabbing him.  His allegations went viral and was picked up by conservative media.  Accidentally cut himself and made up a story.


Walker Daugherty and Micahel Bryant  = Two hunting guides shot up a place and made up a story about seeing mexicans illegally cross the border and do the shooting. They got into a shooting match  between themselves and blamed it on some people crossing the border.


Kristen Michelle Rhimes (November 2018) - Completely fabricated a story of a black man attempting to rape her in a walmart parking lot.  She was apparently nowhere near a walmart.  She is facing felony charges. I read it twice and missed the "Black man" part.


None of this lying to police appears to be politically motivated with the possible exception of Ashley Todd, who was determined to be mentally ill, as she was in the past. Furthermore, your contention that if only one example can be found that you will have proven your case. Post better and don't try to get away with weakshit.


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6 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

I looked at the first 4 on your list:


Ashley Todd  = A woman made up a story of a black man robbing her, pinning her down, scratching the letter B (for obama) into her face.  Suffered from mental problems


Joshua Witt =Made up a story of people accusing him of being a neo-nazi because of his haircut, and them stabbing him.  His allegations went viral and was picked up by conservative media.  Accidentally cut himself and made up a story.


Walker Daugherty and Micahel Bryant  = Two hunting guides shot up a place and made up a story about seeing mexicans illegally cross the border and do the shooting. They got into a shooting match  between themselves and blamed it on some people crossing the border.


Kristen Michelle Rhimes (November 2018) - Completely fabricated a story of a black man attempting to rape her in a walmart parking lot.  She was apparently nowhere near a walmart.  She is facing felony charges. I read it twice and missed the "Black man" part.


None of this lying to police appears to be politically motivated with the possible exception of Ashley Todd, who was determined to be mentally ill, as she was in the past. Furthermore, your contention that if only one example can be found that you will have proven your case. Post better and don't try to get away with weakshit.



You are seriously disputing Ashley Todd?  A McCain staffer who made up that a black Obama supporter scratched a B into her face was not politically motivated???  Just because she was mentally ill doesn’t change anything.  She was a ***** McCain staffer


hahah admit when you are wrong man.  I said I hate it when anyone, liberal or conservative, makes up a hoax that is politically motivated.  I just gave you an example of a conservative doing it, Ashley Todd.  I prooved my point.  


Admit it lol.  You look silly not just admitting it.




EDIT: There we have it.  You are the type of person who demands proof of something obvious.  Gets the proof. And won't admit it when you are wrong.  

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6 minutes ago, Crayola64 said:


You are seriously disputing Ashley Todd?  A McCain staffer who made up that a black Obama supporter scratched a B into her face was not politically motivated???  Just because she was mentally ill doesn’t change anything.  She was a ***** McCain staffer



Was she the dingbat that scratched it in to her face backwards because she did it looking in a mirror?

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Just now, DC Tom said:


Was she the dingbat that scratched it in to her face backwards because she did it looking in a mirror?


YES!  Its like the guy who scratched his hand with a knife, and then made up an entire hoax about how people stabbed him because he had a neo-nazi haricut.  World's dumbest criminals lol

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Ashley Todd Hoad



12 minutes ago, Crayola64 said:


You are seriously disputing Ashley Todd?  A McCain staffer who made up that a black Obama supporter scratched a B into her face was not politically motivated???  Just because she was mentally ill doesn’t change anything.  She was a ***** McCain staffer


hahah admit when you are wrong man.  I said I hate it when anyone, liberal or conservative, makes up a hoax that is politically motivated.  I just gave you an example of a conservative doing it, Ashley Todd.  I prooved my point.  


Admit it lol.  You look silly not just admitting it.




EDIT: There we have it.  You are the type of person who demands proof of something obvious.  Gets the proof. And won't admit it when you are wrong.  

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3 minutes ago, Crayola64 said:


You are seriously disputing Ashley Todd?  A McCain staffer who made up that a black Obama supporter scratched a B into her face was not politically motivated???  Just because she was mentally ill doesn’t change anything.  She was a ***** McCain staffer


hahah admit when you are wrong man.  I said I hate it when anyone, liberal or conservative, makes up a hoax that is politically motivated.  I just gave you an example of a conservative doing it, Ashley Todd.  I prooved my point.  


Admit it lol.  You look silly not just admitting it.

One more time. In your original post on this you put conservative political hoaxes on par with liberal political hoaxes. Then you stated that you would be proven correct if there was even one example of conservative hoaxes found. So, we found a mentally ill college student who made up some stupidshit. Nice. You can now claim that you've won something. I hope you've learned that providing links is a good thing here and providing links that back up your point is an even better thing.

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6 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


My opinion - at the time and now - was that it shouldn't be considered a "hoax," as anyone who carves their face backwards is far too stupid to be credited with the ability to fake anything.


Welllllllll are we setting any intelligence threshold for these people to call it a hoax?  Didn't this actor guy hire people he knew to do the attack or something lol?

5 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

One more time. In your original post on this you put conservative political hoaxes on par with liberal political hoaxes. Then you stated that you would be proven correct if there was even one example of conservative hoaxes found. So, we found a mentally ill college student who made up some stupidshit. Nice. You can now claim that you've won something. I hope you've learned that providing links is a good thing here and providing links that back up your point is an even better thing.


I said they were on par with each other in my original post?  Proove it lol.  I am serious, go ahead and show me.  All I said is I am confused anytime anyone does this, conservative or liberal.  Let's see where I put them on par with each other....



And its not about me being right (though I was, I just said I hate it when either political side does it, and I proved a conservative did it).  I am more curious why you even disputed that a conservative has done that.  You don't realize there are absolutely crazy losers on both sides of the spectrum that seek attention?  The only people who don't believe that are the Tibs and Row_33 people of the world.  




I am going to give you a tip about learning something.  Before you dispute something obvious/common sense and demand evidence, you should research it for 30 seconds to see if you are right or not.  It avoids situations like this.  Also, never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line. 

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1 minute ago, Crayola64 said:


Welllllllll are we setting any intelligence threshold for these people to call it a hoax?  Didn't this actor guy hire people he knew to do the attack or something lol?


There has to be some intelligence threshold, given that a "hoax" requires a formed intent to deceive.  The moon landing, 9/11, Gwenyth Paltrow winning an Oscar, Nutella being edible...all are "hoaxes" in that They actively engaged in a disinformation campaign designed to mislead the public (e.g. we never landed on the moon, the Twin Towers are still there, Gwenyth Paltrow has all the acting range of wilted celery, and Nutella is basically congealed motor oil).  


I'll admit it's a low minimum level of intelligence, to formulate the intent to deceive.  And it doesn't take the brain power of a Harvey Weinstein or...the inventor of Nutella, whoever that ####### is - to conceive and perpetrate a hoax.  But I submit that the failure to understand that reflections in mirrors are reversed is below that minimum.  

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Just now, DC Tom said:


There has to be some intelligence threshold, given that a "hoax" requires a formed intent to deceive.  The moon landing, 9/11, Gwenyth Paltrow winning an Oscar, Nutella being edible...all are "hoaxes" in that They actively engaged in a disinformation campaign designed to mislead the public (e.g. we never landed on the moon, the Twin Towers are still there, Gwenyth Paltrow has all the acting range of wilted celery, and Nutella is basically congealed motor oil).  


I'll admit it's a low minimum level of intelligence, to formulate the intent to deceive.  And it doesn't take the brain power of a Harvey Weinstein or...the inventor of Nutella, whoever that ####### is - to conceive and perpetrate a hoax.  But I submit that the failure to understand that reflections in mirrors are reversed is below that minimum.  


I think concocting an entire story and reporting it to police gets her above the threshold.  Though, I admit, it is tough to get above it when you do the B backwords.

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