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58 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


You keep missing the point. 


The point is I've personally been to the border. I've personally done the due diligence, spoken to officers and victims alike for going on two years now. I did this because I wanted to see fact from fiction first hand. And what I've learned, and what is echoed by nearly every working professional along the border, is that walls are needed to fight human trafficking.  


You can throw me study after study - but that's not going to move me off a position I've seen first hand - especially when the sources you give are dubious and partisan in nature. 


You call that "working off Feelz". It's not. I'm working off first hand experience I've had with trafficking, victims, perpetrators, and the men and women who fight them day in and day out. Walls work. That's not a debatable point yet you're trying to debate it without even thinking it through. 




Because you made up your mind long ago that Trump is bad and everything he does must be bad as a result. You've prevented logic from entering your brain at nearly every turn. On this topic and on Russia especially. You keep getting proven wrong, at nearly every turn, yet you keep doubling down. 


Someday you're going to wake up and realize the people you put your trust in to be the conveyors of information, the authorities you trusted to tell you the truth, were lying to you and using you for their own benefit. They don't want you to think for yourself. Thinking for yourself makes you dangerous... 


Be a bit more dangerous, NPCinPhilly. You'll be amazed at what you'll learn when you go into the real world and talk to the people doing the work. You can do it today, even from the North East. Pick up the phone and make some calls. Ask to talk to border patrol agents. You'll be amazed at how willing they are to talk with you about this issue.

Its also true that a wall does nothing to combat most of the trafficking which is occurring through legal points of entry. 

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1 minute ago, Jauronimo said:

Its also true that a wall does nothing to combat most of the trafficking which is occurring through legal points of entry. 

How does anyone actually know this?  It doesn't make any sense to make this argument.  Those who enter illegally through non-ports of entry try to do it without being detected I'll bet and thus would be hard to keep track of.  I want to see the research done on this.  Where are you getting this source? 

37 minutes ago, B-Man said:



? -- "uh-oh.I don't have an honest reply ready..............HEY ?️ ?️ ?️ 's  you're on again.

Trump employs illegals. That's your saviour! You guys are nothing more than Trump University tools to him. 

18 minutes ago, HamSandwhich said:

So, since a wall will do absolutely nothing as you claim, what is your idea that is so great? 


Most people are not saying "lets just humor him" when they are talking about why we should build a wall, they are saying it's a drop in the bucket in the scheme of the national budget.  The democrats would not sneeze at putting those into bloated government spending elsewhere tenfold.. 


Tell me, do you think a wall has any affect at all or is it nothing and everyone will easily bring ladders and scale the wall? 


My opinion is that there are bigger fish to fry as far as illegal immigration, such as the millions that overstay their visas.  That does not mean you can't plug a "low lying fruit" first such as a wall which would not cost nearly as much and is not nearly as complicated as the immigrants overstaying their visas.  Fix what is easiest to fix and would, for sure, have an affect on immigration to a certain degree (and I would think it's a higher degree than most dems give credit), and then move on to more complicated issues. 


Say you have a condition that causes excruciating pain, so much so that you cannot be gainfully employed.  Say that the doctor says, well we are working on a cure for your condition but we haven't quite figured out what's happening but we are investing money and resources to figuring it out.  The good news is, we have this pill you can take that will allow you to work but will not cure your pain completely.  Would you tell the doc, nah, come back when you can cure it completely?  I would assume not. 

Sorry, the wall is useless. Waste of money, and now it's a waste of money that was authorized to be spent elsewhere, so it's totally unconstitutional 

55 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


Maybe not. I'm pointing out the ease in which illegals get funding and protections pushed through the same city legislature that hesitates to do the same for it's own citizens, who are every bit as endangered or vulnerable as the illegals. But because of the nature of the programming in this country, "we MUST help the illegals!" gets voted quickly and passed for over a billion dollars while a similar bill to help homeless citizens is allowed to be debated and killed in committee rather than voted on. 


...And CNN/MSNBC/KTLA won't run story after story about how the city voted down protections/aid for homeless people. Yet they do and would if the same was done to the bill(s) to protect illegals. 


The priorities are clear: illegals come before our own homeless citizens in the eyes of the DNC in California (and nationally). 





There is a simple reason why this is happening.  It's because the far left and some not so far left democrats pander to the lowest denominator.  The more intersectional racism, sexism, etc you can claim victimhood on, the more points you get.  Those who are illegal immigrants are higher on the totem pole of victimhood than your regular garden variety homeless person who grew up in the US.  So the immigrant population gets put on a pedestal and morality is the flag they wave.  Meanwhile, our homeless victims are second class citizens to those illegal immigrants.  It's a backward way of thinking.

3 minutes ago, HamSandwhich said:

How does anyone actually know this?  It doesn't make any sense to make this argument.  Those who enter illegally through non-ports of entry try to do it without being detected I'll bet and thus would be hard to keep track of.  I want to see the research done on this.  Where are you getting this source? 

So you don't know, yet you want the wall build anyway? Isn't that pretty ignorant? 

5 minutes ago, HamSandwhich said:

How does anyone actually know this?  It doesn't make any sense to make this argument.  Those who enter illegally through non-ports of entry try to do it without being detected I'll bet and thus would be hard to keep track of.  I want to see the research done on this.  Where are you getting this source? 

But not hard enough to, ya know, actually do any.


If you say so.  The multi-billion dollar drug and human trafficking industry faces the greatest supply chain bottleneck of all time as hundreds of people and donkeys carry billions of dollars worth of contraband across miles and miles of rough terrain.

1 minute ago, Tiberius said:

So you don't know, yet you want the wall build anyway? Isn't that pretty ignorant? 

FACT....4,000 murders by these scumbags is more then enough reason to build a wall and enforce birder security 

Just now, Tiberius said:

So you don't know, yet you want the wall build anyway? Isn't that pretty ignorant? 

No, actually, since we don't know and it's logical that it's easier get across the border with no wall than it is if there is a physical barrier, in this particular scenario, the "better safe than sorry" saying is the appropriate stance.  It's logical to protect your borders, just like you have walls on your house to protect from the elements AND from intruders.  That's why there are walls around prisons.  That's why there are walls around those houses of the affluent.  It's not likely they will be robbed, but just in case.  Right? 

2 minutes ago, Jauronimo said:

But not hard enough to, ya know, actually do any.


If you say so.  The multi-billion dollar drug and human trafficking industry faces the greatest supply chain bottleneck of all time as hundreds of people and donkeys carry billions of dollars worth of contraband across miles and miles of rough terrain.

Why do they have to be on foot?  Why do they have to illegally cross with donkeys?  Is that truly how you think they would do that? 


You probably think that walls can be moral or immoral too? 

2 minutes ago, bilzfancy said:

FACT....4,000 murders by these scumbags is more then enough reason to build a wall and enforce birder security 

Good, then get the American people to vote people into office to support your position on this. Oh wait, you tried that last November at lost 40 House seats. Too bad your hateful scapegoating of immigrants didn't get you what you wanted. 


It's like I said, the wall isn't going to fix anything, but it's going to stop some.  Why wouldn't you do something that would fix some of it, instead of doing nothing and allowing for business as usual?  Build a wall, where it is strategically needed, then move on to the next lowest lying fruit.  It's not that crazy. 

  • Like (+1) 1
3 minutes ago, HamSandwhich said:

No, actually, since we don't know and it's logical that it's easier get across the border with no wall than it is if there is a physical barrier, in this particular scenario, the "better safe than sorry" saying is the appropriate stance.  It's logical to protect your borders, just like you have walls on your house to protect from the elements AND from intruders.  That's why there are walls around prisons.  That's why there are walls around those houses of the affluent.  It's not likely they will be robbed, but just in case.  Right? 

The wall won't stop people, DHS showed it could be cut through very easily. Waste of money. And many of us don't care that illegals are here anyway. I think many are better people than a lot of American citizens 

1 minute ago, HamSandwhich said:

It's like I said, the wall isn't going to fix anything, but it's going to stop some.  Why wouldn't you do something that would fix some of it, instead of doing nothing and allowing for business as usual?  Build a wall, where it is strategically needed, then move on to the next lowest lying fruit.  It's not that crazy. 

Because it's a made up crisis, that's why 

5 minutes ago, bilzfancy said:

FACT....4,000 murders by these scumbags is more then enough reason to build a wall and enforce birder security 


Just now, Tiberius said:

Good, then get the American people to vote people into office to support your position on this. Oh wait, you tried that last November at lost 40 House seats. Too bad your hateful scapegoating of immigrants didn't get you what you wanted. 

If there is even one American killed by an ILLEGAL immigrant, then that's reason to stop it.  If it was not for the lax way we do our boarder security (catch and release) then we would not have that one death.  I am not against immigrants, as long as their legal.  It's not just Trump supporters (of which I am not) there are immigrants I know that came here legally that are for the wall and curtailing illegal migration. 

1 minute ago, HamSandwhich said:

It's like I said, the wall isn't going to fix anything, but it's going to stop some.  Why wouldn't you do something that would fix some of it, instead of doing nothing and allowing for business as usual?  Build a wall, where it is strategically needed, then move on to the next lowest lying fruit.  It's not that crazy. 

Makes too much sense, something the left doesn't have anymore

2 minutes ago, HamSandwhich said:


If there is even one American killed by an ILLEGAL immigrant, then that's reason to stop it.  If it was not for the lax way we do our boarder security (catch and release) then we would not have that one death.  I am not against immigrants, as long as their legal.  It's not just Trump supporters (of which I am not) there are immigrants I know that came here legally that are for the wall and curtailing illegal migration. 

That's silly. 

16 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

You are a stupid idiot 


Because I challenge your eating habits?  Absolutely brilliant retort.  


<lowers the cone of silence.

1 minute ago, Tiberius said:

The wall won't stop people, DHS showed it could be cut through very easily. Waste of money. And many of us don't care that illegals are here anyway. I think many are better people than a lot of American citizens 

Because it's a made up crisis, that's why 

There it is, perhaps you've shown your true colors before, but I had not seen this.  Sure sure, easily cut through. MMM hmmm. 

So you're ok with all of them coming here. What happens when the US becomes so encumbered with unemployable illegal immigrant who are such a drain on the economy because they are living off of assistance that the US becomes a 2nd world country?  What would happen if one of your family members was killed by one of the illegal immigrants who was not vetted properly because, who cares, right?  I see why people write off your idiotic posts.   How old are you anyway?  20s?

5 minutes ago, HamSandwhich said:

No, actually, since we don't know and it's logical that it's easier get across the border with no wall than it is if there is a physical barrier, in this particular scenario, the "better safe than sorry" saying is the appropriate stance.  It's logical to protect your borders, just like you have walls on your house to protect from the elements AND from intruders.  That's why there are walls around prisons.  That's why there are walls around those houses of the affluent.  It's not likely they will be robbed, but just in case.  Right? 

Why do they have to be on foot?  Why do they have to illegally cross with donkeys?  Is that truly how you think they would do that? 


You probably think that walls can be moral or immoral too? 

If you did a modicum of research you might understand how illegal border crossings occur in the areas that are not covered by existing walls. But you haven't and yet you want to be taken seriously.  I'll give you a ***** hint, there aren't 5 lane super highways running across the Sonoran and Rio Grande which the border patrol simply doesn't know about.


1 minute ago, HamSandwhich said:


If there is even one American killed by an ILLEGAL immigrant, then that's reason to stop it.  If it was not for the lax way we do our boarder security (catch and release) then we would not have that one death.  I am not against immigrants, as long as their legal.  It's not just Trump supporters (of which I am not) there are immigrants I know that came here legally that are for the wall and curtailing illegal migration. 

If it can help "even 1" is the most asinine argument possible.  "Spend billions on a problem because if it helps even one person, isn't it worth it?" 

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Just now, Tiberius said:

That's silly. 

Not as silly as your thinking that "many" means a majority.

Just now, Jauronimo said:

If you did a modicum of research you might understand how illegal border crossings occur in the areas that are not covered by existing walls. But you haven't and yet you want to be taken seriously.  I'll give you a ***** hint, there aren't 5 lane super highways running across the Sonoran and Rio Grande which the border patrol simply doesn't know about.


If it can help "even 1" is the most asinine argument possible.  "Spend billions on a problem because if it helps even one person, isn't it worth it?" 

In most cases I believe you are correct, but in this case, I will stick with that logic.  This case and the abortion case. 


to liberal thinking, if a conservative idea isn't guaranteed 100% perfect, then it's useless, and it's never going to be seen as positive anyways


and for their own liberal ideas they accept anything they can dream up, never bothering to foresee the obvious negatives that show up 100% guaranteed



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