Koko78 Posted February 15, 2019 Posted February 15, 2019 2 minutes ago, Tiberius said: Following the law? Ok, he couldn't win an election to get this done, couldn't get Congress to fund it, so he is taking money from things raised for other purposes over a fake crisis. That's against the Constitution. Please explain how it is unconstitutional to shuffle around money when the applicable statutes authorize it. Go ahead, I'll wait for your stunning legal analysis to be written by someone else. 3 minutes ago, Tiberius said: Electing a black guy president was not unconstitutional When you have nothing else, resort to the race card. Your liberal masters have conditioned your stupidity well. 1
Deranged Rhino Posted February 15, 2019 Posted February 15, 2019 3 minutes ago, Crayola64 said: I’m not sure if the current homeless in this country would have been helped if it wasn’t for the illegal immigrants. Take Los Angeles where I live. Country's highest population of homeless, yet the city gives more funding, aid, and healthcare to illegal immigrants than they do American citizens who are homeless. In 2017-2018 the city paid out over $1B to illegals through various programs - compared to a $3-5b homeless bill which died in legislation because people bucked at the cost.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted February 15, 2019 Author Posted February 15, 2019 Dude, Mexico will pay for it
Numark3 Posted February 15, 2019 Posted February 15, 2019 1 minute ago, Deranged Rhino said: Take Los Angeles where I live. Country's highest population of homeless, yet the city gives more funding, aid, and healthcare to illegal immigrants than they do American citizens who are homeless. In 2017-2018 the city paid out over $1B to illegals through various programs - compared to a $3-5b homeless bill which died in legislation because people bucked at the cost. I don’t think we are disagreeing on this. My point was that if you took aid to illegal immigrants out of the equation, I’d be shocked if that money went to aid the homeless. 1
bilzfancy Posted February 15, 2019 Posted February 15, 2019 36 minutes ago, The_Dude said: What fast food joint makes the best burgers? I say Culver’s. I agree, though 5 Guys aren't bad either 1
B-Man Posted February 15, 2019 Posted February 15, 2019 Posted at 2:30 pm by Glenn Reynolds TRUMP’S NATIONAL EMERGENCY ORDER TEXT: Office of the Press Secretary FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 15, 2019 DECLARING A NATIONAL EMERGENCY CONCERNING THE SOUTHERN BORDER OF THE UNITED STATES – – – – – – – BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION The current situation at the southern border presents a border security and humanitarian crisis that threatens core national security interests and constitutes a national emergency. The southern border is a major entry point for criminals, gang members, and illicit narcotics. The problem of large-scale unlawful migration through the southern border is long-standing, and despite the executive branch’s exercise of existing statutory authorities, the situation has worsened in certain respects in recent years. In particular, recent years have seen sharp increases in the number of family units entering and seeking entry to the United States and an inability to provide detention space for many of these aliens while their removal proceedings are pending. If not detained, such aliens are often released into the country and are often difficult to remove from the United States because they fail to appear for hearings, do not comply with orders of removal, or are otherwise difficult to locate. In response to the directive in my April 4, 2018, memorandum and subsequent requests for support by the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Department of Defense has provided support and resources to the Department of Homeland Security at the southern border. Because of the gravity of the current emergency situation, it is necessary for the Armed Forces to provide additional support to address the crisis. NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including sections 201 and 301 of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), hereby declare that a national emergency exists at the southern border of the United States, and that section 12302 of title 10, United States Code, is invoked and made available, according to its terms, to the Secretaries of the military departments concerned, subject to the direction of the Secretary of Defense in the case of the Secretaries of the Army, Navy, and Air Force. To provide additional authority to the Department of Defense to support the Federal Government’s response to the emergency at the southern border, I hereby declare that this emergency requires use of the Armed Forces and, in accordance with section 301 of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1631), that the construction authority provided in section 2808 of title 10, United States Code, is invoked and made available, according to its terms, to the Secretary of Defense and, at the discretion of the Secretary of Defense, to the Secretaries of the military departments. I hereby direct as follows: Section 1. The Secretary of Defense, or the Secretary of each relevant military department, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, shall order as many units or members of the Ready Reserve to active duty as the Secretary concerned, in the Secretary’s discretion, determines to be appropriate to assist and support the activities of the Secretary of Homeland Security at the southern border. Sec. 2. The Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and, subject to the discretion of the Secretary of Defense, the Secretaries of the military departments, shall take all appropriate actions, consistent with applicable law, to use or support the use of the authorities herein invoked, including, if necessary, the transfer and acceptance of jurisdiction over border lands. Sec. 3. This proclamation is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fifteenth day of February, in the year of our Lord two thousand nineteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-third. DONALD J. TRUMP ###
The_Dude Posted February 15, 2019 Posted February 15, 2019 Just now, bilzfancy said: I agree, though 5 Guys aren't bad either Theyre expensive though.
Deranged Rhino Posted February 15, 2019 Posted February 15, 2019 Just now, Crayola64 said: I don’t think we are disagreeing on this. My point was that if you took aid to illegal immigrants out of the equation, I’d be shocked if that money went to aid the homeless. Maybe not. I'm pointing out the ease in which illegals get funding and protections pushed through the same city legislature that hesitates to do the same for it's own citizens, who are every bit as endangered or vulnerable as the illegals. But because of the nature of the programming in this country, "we MUST help the illegals!" gets voted quickly and passed for over a billion dollars while a similar bill to help homeless citizens is allowed to be debated and killed in committee rather than voted on. ...And CNN/MSNBC/KTLA won't run story after story about how the city voted down protections/aid for homeless people. Yet they do and would if the same was done to the bill(s) to protect illegals. The priorities are clear: illegals come before our own homeless citizens in the eyes of the DNC in California (and nationally). Why? Votes.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted February 15, 2019 Author Posted February 15, 2019 4 minutes ago, Koko78 said: Please explain how it is unconstitutional to shuffle around money when the applicable statutes authorize it. Go ahead, I'll wait for your stunning legal analysis to be written by someone else. When you have nothing else, resort to the race card. Your liberal masters have conditioned your stupidity well. When did congress raise funds to build his stupid wall? Never. You can't just steal money from something else 1
Koko78 Posted February 15, 2019 Posted February 15, 2019 2 minutes ago, Tiberius said: When did congress raise funds to build his stupid wall? Never. You can't just steal money from something else When they allocated funds to the military for construction, and passed legislation specifically authorizing the DoD to reallocate those allocated funds under certain conditions (which are being met.) Seriously, it's not that complicated, you halfwit. 2
bilzfancy Posted February 15, 2019 Posted February 15, 2019 6 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said: Maybe not. I'm pointing out the ease in which illegals get funding and protections pushed through the same city legislature that hesitates to do the same for it's own citizens, who are every bit as endangered or vulnerable as the illegals. But because of the nature of the programming in this country, "we MUST help the illegals!" gets voted quickly and passed for over a billion dollars while a similar bill to help homeless citizens is allowed to be debated and killed in committee rather than voted on. ...And CNN/MSNBC/KTLA won't run story after story about how the city voted down protections/aid for homeless people. Yet they do and would if the same was done to the bill(s) to protect illegals. The priorities are clear: illegals come before our own homeless citizens in the eyes of the DNC in California (and nationally). Why? Votes. How about corrupt Sen. Melendez say illegals getting DUIs, aren't criminals or Charlottesville, NC passing a law prohibiting police from arresting illegals for DUI and other traffic crimes, because it makes the illegals fear the police 1
B-Man Posted February 15, 2019 Posted February 15, 2019 4 minutes ago, Koko78 said: When they allocated funds to the military for construction, and passed legislation specifically authorizing the DoD to reallocate those allocated funds under certain conditions (which are being met.) Seriously, it's not that complicated, you halfwit. It is for him. I am sure he didn't read the release above. . 1
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted February 15, 2019 Author Posted February 15, 2019 Just now, Koko78 said: When they allocated funds to the military for construction, and passed legislation specifically authorizing the DoD to reallocate those allocated funds under certain conditions (which are being met.) Seriously, it's not that complicated, you halfwit. Lol, nothing is hard for you Trump zombies to understand, as long as it's lock step in line with whatever Trump vomits out at the moment. Grabbing funds meant for one thing to do something else at the President's whim is unconstitutional. But don't matter, the wall ain't getting built. Just now, B-Man said: It is for him. I am sure he didn't read the release above. . Doesn't Trump hire illegals at his resorts? Like, lots of them? You guys are such tools
Koko78 Posted February 15, 2019 Posted February 15, 2019 1 minute ago, Tiberius said: Never change, buddy.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted February 15, 2019 Author Posted February 15, 2019 Just now, Koko78 said: Never change, buddy. Quote 'This golf course was built by illegals.' Trump's NJ club hired ... NJ.com-Feb 8, 2019 There was a pipeline of workers who illegally crossed the U.S. border from Costa Rica and ended up with jobs at President Donald Trump's ... You guys are tools. He is playing you idiots. It funny to watch, except the part where he trashes the constitution to play you guys and all. But at least it won't work.
B-Man Posted February 15, 2019 Posted February 15, 2019 2 minutes ago, Tiberius said: Doesn't Trump hire illegals at his resorts? Like, lots of them? You guys are such tools ? -- "uh-oh.I don't have an honest reply ready..............HEY ?️ ?️ ?️ 's you're on again.
Chef Jim Posted February 15, 2019 Posted February 15, 2019 52 minutes ago, Tiberius said: I like the Burger King double cheeseburger Ok I just had to break out from under my Tibs Cone of Silence to say......dude, you can't even ***** eat correctly. 42 minutes ago, Teddy KGB said: Have all the Mexicans been training with Vince Carter and Zach Lavine ? Reminds me of the joke during the 1984 LA Olympics. Why does't Mexico have an Olympic team? Because all the Mexicans that can run, jump or swim are already here. 3
/dev/null Posted February 15, 2019 Posted February 15, 2019 59 minutes ago, The_Dude said: What fast food joint makes the best burgers? I say Culver’s. 54 minutes ago, Cinga said: In N Out is pretty good 22 minutes ago, bilzfancy said: I agree, though 5 Guys aren't bad either Never had Culvers nor In N Out. Nearest Culver is several hundred miles away and In N Out looks like a West Coast thing So I'll have to go with bilzfancy and say 5 Guys 4 minutes ago, Chef Jim said: Ok I just had to break out from under my Tibs Cone of Silence to say......dude, you can't even ***** eat correctly. BK is probably the only fast food joint near his laundromat 1
Chef Jim Posted February 15, 2019 Posted February 15, 2019 33 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said: Take Los Angeles where I live. Country's highest population of homeless, yet the city gives more funding, aid, and healthcare to illegal immigrants than they do American citizens who are homeless. In 2017-2018 the city paid out over $1B to illegals through various programs - compared to a $3-5b homeless bill which died in legislation because people bucked at the cost. Now this it the ***** that fries my balls about California. We have a major homeless problem here and we're talking about free tuition and healthcare to non-citizens (I'm being nice here). We're talking about 10's or 100's of billions of dollars so people can feel good about taking a train from LA-SF vs a plane while he have people addicted to drugs and alcohol, the mentally disabled who sleep on the street and ***** on themselves because we have "better ways" to spend our money. The elites in this state are pushing me closer and closer head out of here after 40 years. 28 minutes ago, Koko78 said: Seriously, it's not that complicated, you halfwit. You need some math lessons. 1
HamSandwhich Posted February 15, 2019 Posted February 15, 2019 3 hours ago, Bob in Mich said: Trump is hurting this country. His lying and ignorance of the issues, which so many have overlooked or claimed is harmless, is costing us and will soon be costing us all even more. If a wall fixed all the problems as he claims, everyone would be for it but nearly everyone knows that it won't really do what he claims. Humans are amazingly ingenious and will just attack the next weakest point. Certainly any major drug dealer or any terrorist with a brain will not be stopped. Halting demand from the US, just like with the drug problem, would be far more effective in deterring illegal immigration. Got any other uses for $ billions? Supporters often imply that this is not a great deal of money and we should basically humor him. If we do that, then what is the next national emergency he concocts and from where does he re-appropriate that money? Soon we will be hearing how we can't afford Social Security but we can afford foolish spending to humor the fool, right? The only thing that can stop him are his supporters, unfortunately, and they are in so deep they no longer seem to be able to tell right from wrong. So, since a wall will do absolutely nothing as you claim, what is your idea that is so great? Most people are not saying "lets just humor him" when they are talking about why we should build a wall, they are saying it's a drop in the bucket in the scheme of the national budget. The democrats would not sneeze at putting those into bloated government spending elsewhere tenfold.. Tell me, do you think a wall has any affect at all or is it nothing and everyone will easily bring ladders and scale the wall? My opinion is that there are bigger fish to fry as far as illegal immigration, such as the millions that overstay their visas. That does not mean you can't plug a "low lying fruit" first such as a wall which would not cost nearly as much and is not nearly as complicated as the immigrants overstaying their visas. Fix what is easiest to fix and would, for sure, have an affect on immigration to a certain degree (and I would think it's a higher degree than most dems give credit), and then move on to more complicated issues. Say you have a condition that causes excruciating pain, so much so that you cannot be gainfully employed. Say that the doctor says, well we are working on a cure for your condition but we haven't quite figured out what's happening but we are investing money and resources to figuring it out. The good news is, we have this pill you can take that will allow you to work but will not cure your pain completely. Would you tell the doc, nah, come back when you can cure it completely? I would assume not. 1
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