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The NHL has developed two prototypes for bigger nets that will be shown to GMs at their upcoming meetings in Detroit, according to a report on The Hockey News website.


According to the report, NHL senior vice-president Colin Campbell told The Hockey News the league will ask GMs to consider two super-sized net designs at their meetings scheduled for April 8-9.


The first new design features goalposts that curve outwards to provide shooters with a larger target. The posts remain six feet apart at the base.


The second new design simply adds two inches in height and width to the traditional rectangle goal.





That's lame.


If you want more scoring, get rid of the two line pass - done! Keep offsides, just remove the stupid redline.




People think hockey need radical changes when it doesn't. Just play the game like it should be played and enfore the rules. The game will be better.


I agree though, two line pass needs to go.


I like the idea, especially if they're not going to reduce the size of goalie equipment. I'd go with the 2nd idea, just make the nets a little bit bigger, the 1st idea sounds a little to weird, but there aren't any pictures to go by. They need to ditch the 2 line pass and ditch the rules on how much curve a stick blade can have as well.

  Fezmid said:
That's lame.


If you want more scoring, get rid of the two line pass - done!  Keep offsides, just remove the stupid redline.




That'd certainly help but it's only one step in the process. Reducing the goalie's pads will also help.


The decision not to increase ice size in every new rink was a huge mistake.


Also, they could actually call interference. Probably too novel. Nothing pisses me off more than a forward coming in on the forecheck being ridden off by the trailing defenseman so his partner can pick up the puck.

  Zamboni Man said:
I like the idea, especially if they're not going to reduce the size of goalie equipment. I'd go with the 2nd idea, just make the nets a little bit bigger, the 1st idea sounds a little to weird, but there aren't any pictures to go by.  They need to ditch the 2 line pass and ditch the rules on how much curve a stick blade can have as well.


Good call on the stick thing. They only need to regulate the length/width of the blade. If some guy wants to play with a jai lai curve, let him.

  Alaska Darin said:
The decision not to increase ice size in every new rink was a huge mistake.


But one driven entirely by monetary considerations (more ice = fewer seats to sell). Of course, crappy product = fewer seats sold anyway.


I'm a fan of the no-touch icing that's in effect in the AHL this year. Speeds the game up some and, in the long run, keeps legs fresher.


I'm also all for reducing the size of goalie pads. Technology makes it possible to manufacture lighter and SMALLER equipment that still protects equally well. Pads are for protection, not blocking the net. Garth Snow made a travesty of the playoffs back in '98 or whenever it was.

  Alaska Darin said:
Good call on the stick thing.  They only need to regulate the length/width of the blade.  If some guy wants to play with a jai lai curve, let him.



Yup, the only reason they ever started enforcing it was to protect the goalie, well since goalies wear more equipment than riot police, I think it's safe to toss that rule out. Other than actually play hockey again, I'd I'd like to see the NHL do two things, call penalties (interference, hooking, and slashing especially) and do away with the trap/left wing lock/defensive systems that choke out offensive creativity. If the officials called the game the way it was supposed to be called and the league would reduce the size of equipment for all players, there would be no need for any drastic changes in the way the game is played or what size the sheet of ice they play on. People forget that the French Connection did their best work at the Aud, and the ice there was smaller than any other arena in the NHL at the time.


I'm a fan of the no-touch icing that's in effect in the AHL this year. Speeds the game up some and, in the long run, keeps legs fresher.


I like no touch icing, unless there's an actual pursuit of the puck. When there are two players racing for the puck and the ref blows it dead, it really takes the air out of the game. I'd like a modified no touch system, where it's icing unless there is a player from the opposing team inside the blueline. If that was the case, it would be perfect imo.

  BRH said:
But one driven entirely by monetary considerations (more ice = fewer seats to sell).  Of course, crappy product = fewer seats sold anyway.


I'm a fan of the no-touch icing that's in effect in the AHL this year.  Speeds the game up some and, in the long run, keeps legs fresher.


I'm also all for reducing the size of goalie pads.  Technology makes it possible to manufacture lighter and SMALLER equipment that still protects equally well.  Pads are for protection, not blocking the net.  Garth Snow made a travesty of the playoffs back in '98 or whenever it was.


What, you mean when he had a pair of midgets sitting on his shoulders swatting the puck away?


Unlike some of the drama queens over at TSN, I think this is a good idea. Slightly larger nets do not signal the end of hockey and will probably be a good thing.

  BRH said:
But one driven entirely by monetary considerations (more ice = fewer seats to sell).  Of course, crappy product = fewer seats sold anyway.


I'm a fan of the no-touch icing that's in effect in the AHL this year.  Speeds the game up some and, in the long run, keeps legs fresher.


I'm also all for reducing the size of goalie pads.  Technology makes it possible to manufacture lighter and SMALLER equipment that still protects equally well.  Pads are for protection, not blocking the net.  Garth Snow made a travesty of the playoffs back in '98 or whenever it was.


I'm was talking about in new arenas only - just to change the games' dynamic. That wouldn't have cost any seats as the barns could have been designed around the Olympic Ice.


If you like the "no touch" icing, you should see the "touch up" offsides in action. Terrific rule that allows the offensive team to exit the zone if they're offsides and play to continue - as long as they don't touch the puck. Eliminates at least 10 whistles a game.


Curved nets are about as stupid as blue ice. Then Larry Quinn wonders why no one from the NHL showed up to see his great innovation! :doh:


I don't see anything wrong with making the net bigger by a couple of inches in each direction and reducing the size of the goalie pads as long as it's not an alternative to fixing the existing problems of the game.


PS I agree with the earlier points on eliminating the redline & no limit on the curvature of the sticks.

  Zamboni Man said:
Yup, the only reason they ever started enforcing it was to protect the goalie, well since goalies wear more equipment than riot police, I think it's safe to toss that rule out. Other than actually play hockey again, I'd I'd like to see the NHL do two things, call penalties (interference, hooking, and slashing especially) and do away with the trap/left wing lock/defensive systems that choke out offensive creativity. If the officials called the game the way it was supposed to be called and the league would reduce the size of equipment for all players, there would be no need for any drastic changes in the way the game is played or what size the sheet of ice they play on. People forget that the French Connection did their best work at the Aud, and the ice there was smaller than any other arena in the NHL at the time.


Eliminating the redline would essentially kill the trap anyway - especially if they put in "touch up" offsides as well.


They really need to call attention to the things that make the game great. The speed, creativity, and physicality. That's tough to do when guys like Kariya are taking so many illegal shots as they traverse the middle of the ice.

Eliminating the redline would essentially kill the trap anyway - especially if they put in "touch up" offsides as well.


Not necessarily, Team Germany played a modified trap at the last Winter Olympics. Touch up offsides would be great, the NHL should've never gotten rid of it.


super-sized nets? what, has mcdonald's signed up to be an NHL sponsor?


better yet, get wendy's to sponsor the league and call them 'biggie' nets...


seriously, though, the 2-line pass crap has got to go. let them play.


many good ideas in this thread - no touch icing, touch up offsides, reducing goalie pads, etc.


at the risk of sounding like a neanderthal, i wish they would eliminate the instigator rule. skill players had more room to operate back when the clutchers, grabbers, slashers, hackers had to fear retribution.

  DPR4444 said:
many good ideas in this thread - no touch icing, touch up offsides, reducing goalie pads, etc.


at the risk of sounding like a neanderthal, i wish they would eliminate the instigator rule.  skill players had more room to operate back when the clutchers, grabbers, slashers, hackers had to fear retribution.


I agree completely. Terrible rule that has led to an increase in incidents involving sticks, elbows, and sucker punches. Plus, a good line brawl now and again helps attendance!

  Alaska Darin said:
I agree completely.  Terrible rule that has led to an increase in incidents involving sticks, elbows, and sucker punches.  Plus, a good line brawl now and again helps attendance!




as former coach Harry Neale once put it, "We better do something about all this fighting, or we'll have to build bigger arenas......."



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