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State of the Union Address - Choosing Greatness


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No point in waiting, media/Left/dems are already criticizing the speech over 48 hrs. beforehand..........?







In the midst of the understandable backlash regarding the abortion bills put forth in New York and Virginia, along with Wreck-It Ralph’s KKK/Blackface debacle, the White House has been working on Trump’s State Of the Union speech. It’s overarching theme is a positive one. “Choosing Greatness”

Despite the potential for another government shutdown and President Donald Trump’s threat to declare a national emergency, the White House said Friday that his State of the Union address on Tuesday will take an optimistic tone — presenting “an inspiring vision of American greatness” and a call for bipartisanship in a divided Congress.


A senior administration official told reporters the speech is titled “Choosing Greatness” and outlined five themes that the president is expected to zero in on during the speech; including immigration, trade, infrastructure, health care and protecting America’s national security.

I’m sure the Democrats and media are already working on the spin regarding the theme and anything he’ll have to say during the speech. In fact, ABC News is already trying to spin one of the excerpts that was shared with them.

“Together we can break decades of political stalemate, we can bridge old divisions, heal old wounds, build new coalitions, forge new solutions and unlock the extraordinary promise of America’s future,” the president will say, according to the excerpt. “The decision is ours to make.”


Though the excerpt suggests the likelihood for a verbal, symbolic olive branch to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the new Democratic House majority, it’s unclear whether the president will present any new positions in terms of compromising on contentious issues like immigration and health care.


He’s likely to face an icy reception from many members in the chamber, after saying on Twitter Thursday that the Democrats “are becoming the Party of late-term abortion, high taxes, Open Borders and Crime!”



Well guess what? The Democrats ARE the party of abortion, crime, high taxes, and open borders.




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SalenaZitoVerified account @SalenaZito 4h4 hours ago
Tree of Life hero officer Timothy Matson who suffered multiple gunshot wounds and saved countless lives in that horrid anti-Semitic attack at the Synagogue here in Pittsburgh will be one of two beautiful yinzers @realDonaldTrump & @FLOTUS will have as their #SOTU guests 1/





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28 minutes ago, BeginnersMind said:

Trump to discuss healing the divide and unity in the SOTU. 


Someone else must have written the speech. 

Trump to discuss greatness and yet here you are.


Trump to discuss the divide and getting over it and you're coming to the table already butthurt. You and your TDS NPC ilk won't hear one word he said, so spare us your blithering rants and go ahead and fudge right off.

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14 hours ago, Tiberius said:

Do we have an over/under for number of lies moron Trump will vomit out at the country in this speech? God, what a pos he is 


You can refrain from making these posts, you’ve been mathematically eliminated. 

Edited by Teddy KGB
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14 minutes ago, Boyst62 said:

Trump to discuss greatness and yet here you are.


Trump to discuss the divide and getting over it and you're coming to the table already butthurt. You and your TDS NPC ilk won't hear one word he said, so spare us your blithering rants and go ahead and fudge right off.


Thanks for the running tips Coach. 


If he wants to heal the divide, I applaud it. But he drives the wedge deeper every day. He's not the only party with a sledgehammer but he would need to lead on this issue instead of making the situation worse. 

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I said it once and I'll say it again, what business does Trump have actually promoting the very things he promised during his campaign.  That's not how it's done in  DC; the proper path is to make promises, get elected, then make excuses why promises can't be fulfilled "...at the present time."


Oh the audacity!

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1 hour ago, BeginnersMind said:


Thanks for the running tips Coach. 


If he wants to heal the divide, I applaud it. But he drives the wedge deeper every day. He's not the only party with a sledgehammer but he would need to lead on this issue instead of making the situation worse. 

Your welcome. Now run your ass the hell up out of here.


But, with that note, why bother bringing that up?  Do you think it's cute or that I care?  I'm twice the man you are and have accomplished far more than you'll ever dream of even with the negatives in my life I've done quite well and pretty damn respected in the community.  What can you say for yourself, pleb?


Further, if you actually listen to his message unfiltered - don't worry, I know you won't, it's too much to ask - you'll see what he's actually saying.


So, like I said... Fudge off with your dishonesty. There is a reason 99% of this board ignores you including myself. You're worthless.

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