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Bad Dining Experiences

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On 1/29/2019 at 4:39 PM, Bad Things said:


Forgive me if I'm being ignorant, but if your wife has Type-1 Diabetes, why couldn't she simply give herself more insulin to compensate for the extra carbs in the soda?

No problem.


Maintaining a good blood sugar involves eating and balancing carbs.  While you are right she could just give me insulin think of it like a scale.  The more items you put on it the harder it is to balance.  Add in that soda is empty carbs it makes it harder still.


It was long told to diabetics that they could eat whatever they want and just give insulin for it.  That completely ignores the effects different things have on you.  Before the allergies, pizza always caused a problem for her for example.  She would always wake up in the middle of the night with a high sugar.  It probably was her allergies that she hadn't figured out yet though.


Each food effects each diabetic differently and it changes.  She's pregnant and regularly fighting low sugars no matter what she eats now.  It's a difficult disease to manage but she's a trooper.  @The Real Buffalo Joe is right though, you should never assume what someone can or can't have as it's different person to person.

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Went to a local chain sit-down restaurant, known for it's early bird type of crowd, we got there on the tail end of it. Got seated right away, then waited for someone to come by. And waited. And waited. We weren't hidden away in a corner, we were on the main aisle where everyone going to/from the kitchen had to pass us. We ended up bailing after about 15-20 minutes without anyone stopping by. Have not been back since. 

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I just remembered this one. I was about 14ish. At Old Country Buffet. I'm about to get mashed potatoes. A girl about my age, hoop earrings, and a red South Pole jacket cuts in front of me, looks me dead in the eye, and said "F*** you!" She then proceded to start serving herself mashed potatoes, and walked away. It was the most bizarre thing, and I still think of her to this day. 

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41 minutes ago, The Real Buffalo Joe said:

I just remembered this one. I was about 14ish. At Old Country Buffet. I'm about to get mashed potatoes. A girl about my age, hoop earrings, and a red South Pole jacket cuts in front of me, looks me dead in the eye, and said "F*** you!" She then proceded to start serving herself mashed potatoes, and walked away. It was the most bizarre thing, and I still think of her to this day. 


Maybe she was offering?

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