Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted May 15, 2019 Posted May 15, 2019 Like I said, abortion will be an issue in every state now as the men of the Supreme Court will decide for women on their health care lack of choices now. Ala. lawmakers pass nation’s most restrictive abortion ban The measure permits abortion only when necessary to save a mother’s life, making no exceptions for victims of rape or *****.
B-Man Posted May 15, 2019 Posted May 15, 2019 Ahhhh, Tibsy bleating out the standard "MEN" bullspit...................... Lily Adams, communications director for 2020 presidential candidate Kamala Harris, tweeted “A woman President sure would be nice right about now!” in response to the new abortion law just voted on by the Alabama legislature: Um, who wants to tell her? The bill now goes to the desk of Alabama’s governor, Kay Ivey, who we’re pretty sure is a woman Bonus? The bill was written by a woman, too: But..............keep on throwing people into blocks, rather than realize they are individuals...........? By the way, a good share of women understand that pregnancy is preventable, a fetus is just the early stage of development of a human being, and dismembering them in the womb is inhumane and unnecessary. .
Dante Posted May 15, 2019 Posted May 15, 2019 On 5/8/2019 at 7:22 AM, B-Man said: This is same reason given for slavery of blacks. Democrat CNN Contributor Insanely Claims Unborn Babies Aren’t Even Human The Federalist, by Madeline Osburn Original Article . If nothing else they are consistent. 1
Dante Posted May 15, 2019 Posted May 15, 2019 On 5/9/2019 at 3:31 AM, row_33 said: A culture of death and gleeful ungodliness. Hey! What's not to like? No accountability. Absolutely anything goes. Rid yourself of the responsibility of your own newborn even though you were given a life.
B-Man Posted May 15, 2019 Posted May 15, 2019 (edited) FTA: Here are some things to keep in mind as the Left panics and the media fear-monger: Abortions due to rape are very rare. The vast majority of abortions have nothing at all to do with rape. The pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute surveyed post-abortion women and found that the top six reasons for getting an abortion, accounting for over 85% of all cases, were: "Not ready for a child," "can't afford a baby," "have completed my childbearing," "don't want to be a single mother," "don't feel mature enough," and "would interfere with education or career plans." In other words, most women get abortions for lifestyle reasons. They are getting rid of the baby because the baby would interfere with the kind of lives they want to live. Less than one percent of respondents said they were rape victims. Considering how often rape comes up in abortion discussions, you'd think that something like half of the women who walk into a Planned Parenthood on a given day are rape victims. That is clearly not the case. Instead of half, it's more like half of one percent. So why do we focus disproportionately on these rare and difficult cases? Because pro-aborts would much rather talk about a 15-year-old girl who gets an abortion because she was raped by her father (an extraordinary hypothetical that probably accounts for half of half of one percent, if the number is even that large) than a grown woman who gets an abortion because she doesn't want a baby to mess up her career plans. The latter case is many times more common than the former, but the latter makes abortion seems cruel and self-centered. In other words, it gives an accurate impression of abortion, and advocates of the procedure do not want anyone to have an accurate impression of it. We've established that pro-aborts focus on hard cases in order to distract from their real position, and that abortion restrictions will actually protect rape victims and help assist in bringing rapists to justice. Once we've qualified this discussion with those two crucial points, we can move on to addressing the specific question at hand: Should there be exceptions to allow raped women to get abortions? The answer is no. The pro-life case is rather simple. We believe that abortion should be outlawed because unborn humans are people and all people are endowed with inherent rights and dignities. There is no other reason to be pro-life. And if we're wrong on either point — that unborn humans are people or that all people are endowed with inherent rights — then there is no reason to be pro-life at all. But if that's the case, then we need not get into rape and ***** exceptions. Abortion should simply be legal across the board, and probably infanticide and involuntary mercy killing should be legal, too. If personhood lies on a spectrum, contingent on a human being's ability to care for himself, forget about limiting abortion to rape cases. We shouldn't even limit it to the womb. On the other hand, if we're right, if it's true that unborn humans are people and thus intrinsically deserving of the same legal protections you and I enjoy, then again, there is no reason to discuss exceptions. A baby conceived in rape is not any less a person than one conceived consensually. If we believe they are people, and people have rights, it would be incoherent and contradictory to say, "Well, except for..." Our whole point is that there is no "except for." People are people are people. To pretend that a baby conceived in rape is not a person is nonsensical. To admit that he is a person but still execute him for his father's sins is morally abominable. We cannot remain consistently pro-life while supporting exceptions because the exceptions must either be based on the belief that not all unborn people are people or that sometimes it is actually okay to murder an innocent and defenseless human being. Either claim contradicts and ultimately destroys our whole case. Pro-abortion people know this. That's why they want the exceptions in the first place.*****-argument-matt-walsh Edited May 15, 2019 by B-Man
row_33 Posted May 15, 2019 Posted May 15, 2019 3 hours ago, Dante said: Hey! What's not to like? No accountability. Absolutely anything goes. Rid yourself of the responsibility of your own newborn even though you were given a life. A few years back one of the monsters who made multi millions in abortions crashed his private jet, with family members on board, ironically into the Catholic graveyard next to his shangrila mansion the media didn’t mention a peep about how he really made his money., shocked....
B-Man Posted May 15, 2019 Posted May 15, 2019 If only someone had warned 27 years ago that Court's refusal to overrule Roe in Planned Parenthood v. Casey "merely prolongs and intensifies the anguish" from Roe's "foreclosing all democratic outlet for the deep passions [abortion] arouses." From Scalia's dissent
Q-baby! Posted May 16, 2019 Posted May 16, 2019 4 hours ago, row_33 said: A few years back one of the monsters who made multi millions in abortions crashed his private jet, with family members on board, ironically into the Catholic graveyard next to his shangrila mansion the media didn’t mention a peep about how he really made his money., shocked.... Will they mention how you didn’t make any money when you crash and burn?
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted May 16, 2019 Posted May 16, 2019 Quote An Alabama bill intended to test whether President Trump’s Supreme Court appointees will allow for the banning of abortion, even in cases of rape and *****, threatened Wednesday to reshape the dynamics of the 2020 election. Democrats erupted with loud and sustained outrage in an effort to reclaim the upper hand on a politically sensitive issue that has recently found them on the defensive after liberal states proposed extending protections for abortions late in pregnancy. Republicans leaders, by contrast, spent much of the day avoiding questions about the Alabama law, wary of being dragged into a debate over whether to refuse rape and ***** victims the option of abortion following forced pregnancies.
3rdnlng Posted May 16, 2019 Posted May 16, 2019 The enactment of new abortion laws in NY and VA allowing abortion throughout the third trimester (and sometimes after birth) was the catalyst for this Alabama law. The pro abortion people pushed the envelope to such an extent that they really pissed off not only the pro lifers, but those that could reluctantly go along with it as "safe, legal and rare". Well, the pro abortion faction threw a red flag in the face of the pro lifers and they feel that there is an opening that can be exploited. This will work its way through the courts and end up being relitigated by a conservative Supreme Court. You dumbasses on the Left laid down a gauntlet and tried to expand abortion rights just at the very time you were outgunned.
Koko78 Posted May 16, 2019 Posted May 16, 2019 17 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said: The enactment of new abortion laws in NY and VA allowing abortion throughout the third trimester (and sometimes after birth) was the catalyst for this Alabama law. The pro abortion people pushed the envelope to such an extent that they really pissed off not only the pro lifers, but those that could reluctantly go along with it as "safe, legal and rare". Well, the pro abortion faction threw a red flag in the face of the pro lifers and they feel that there is an opening that can be exploited. This will work its way through the courts and end up being relitigated by a conservative Supreme Court. You dumbasses on the Left laid down a gauntlet and tried to expand abortion rights just at the very time you were outgunned. The most likely outcome is that the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, and says that each state has the right to make its own abortion laws. Then the real liberal tears will flow when half the states completely outlaw abortion, while many others pass absurd up-to-birth laws like King Andrew. 1
3rdnlng Posted May 16, 2019 Posted May 16, 2019 5 minutes ago, Koko78 said: The most likely outcome is that the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, and says that each state has the right to make its own abortion laws. Then the real liberal tears will flow when half the states completely outlaw abortion, while many others pass absurd up-to-birth laws like King Andrew. I agree. Unintended consequences are a beach.
Taro T Posted May 16, 2019 Posted May 16, 2019 1 hour ago, Koko78 said: The most likely outcome is that the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, and says that each state has the right to make its own abortion laws. Then the real liberal tears will flow when half the states completely outlaw abortion, while many others pass absurd up-to-birth laws like King Andrew. Not sure that I'd count Roberts in the 'overturn Roe v Wade' column. He seems to have flipped his opinion on Obamacare before putting out that decision & I wouldn't put not wanting to overthrow a ~45 year old precedent past him. Now, if McCain were the one that had dirt on him & not somebody else, then maybe he would vote his Catholic conscience.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted May 16, 2019 Posted May 16, 2019 1 hour ago, Koko78 said: The most likely outcome is that the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, and says that each state has the right to make its own abortion laws. Then the real liberal tears will flow when half the states completely outlaw abortion, while many others pass absurd up-to-birth laws like King Andrew. It could also increase the speed of conversion of Red states to Blue and women increase their walk away from the Republican Party. The GOP is like the dog that caught the mail truck. We have seen this before Five men ruling on women's health care issue. Love it!
3rdnlng Posted May 16, 2019 Posted May 16, 2019 36 minutes ago, Taro T said: Not sure that I'd count Roberts in the 'overturn Roe v Wade' column. He seems to have flipped his opinion on Obamacare before putting out that decision & I wouldn't put not wanting to overthrow a ~45 year old precedent past him. Now, if McCain were the one that had dirt on him & not somebody else, then maybe he would vote his Catholic conscience. It's still a state's right issue and that may end up being the perfect way to settle the eventual case.
Taro T Posted May 16, 2019 Posted May 16, 2019 6 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said: It's still a state's right issue and that may end up being the perfect way to settle the eventual case. Not doubting that. But am doubting how Roberts would go.
B-Man Posted May 16, 2019 Posted May 16, 2019 (edited) I see "johnny one note" can't see past his 5 men instructions.................? As if, millions and millions of women aren't Pro-Life................? .Added: ‘Keep pretending we don’t exist’! Pro-life women (and others) take Elizabeth Warren to the reality check woodshed . Edited May 16, 2019 by B-Man
McGee Return TD Posted May 16, 2019 Posted May 16, 2019 As per usual, George Carlin hits the nail on the head
B-Man Posted May 16, 2019 Posted May 16, 2019 (edited) As per usual.....................that "conservatives don't care about babies after they are born" easy to disprove. To anyone who has 3 digits in their IQ and eyes open enough to see the real world. She asked what pro-lifers have done to help low-income single mothers, and she got answers Twitter is all about abortion Wednesday after Alabama’s abortion ban was signed into law, and last we checked, #AlabamaAbortionBan is the top trending topic in the United States. All of which means the pro-choice crowd is out in force, doing everything it can to demonize all pro-lifers and bringing out the old saw that pro-lifers only care about the baby until it’s born. Blue-check author Sarah Tuttle-Singer asked what pro-lifers have done for low-income single mothers: Quote (((TuttleSinger))) سارا تاتل سينجر שרה טאטל-סינגר ✔@TuttleSinger Dear Pro-Life friends: what have you *personally* done to support lower income single mothers? I’ll wait: 3:11 PM - May 15, 2019 No need to wait....................there are answers ALL around you. . Edited May 16, 2019 by B-Man 1
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