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Mitt Romney 2020?

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3 hours ago, westside said:

The only reason the dems want Romney to run is, they think they can beat Romney. The dems know they don't have a chance against Trump.


Six more years. Get used to it libs.....

Romney actually outperformed Trump in the popular vote percentage wise in 2012 compared to 2016.  The problem was that Obama outperformed Hillary by more.  It'll be all about turnout for the Dems.

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58 minutes ago, Doc Brown said:

Romney actually outperformed Trump in the popular vote percentage wise in 2012 compared to 2016.  The problem was that Obama outperformed Hillary by more.  It'll be all about turnout for the Dems.

Obama's numbers were impacted in no small part by the increased black voter turnout


With Kanye/#Blexit, defections from a once Rock solid voting Bloc may swing close races towards Trump

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26 minutes ago, reddogblitz said:

I'm hoping Mitt runs as an independent.  That way he and Donald can both lose.  And, it would give my main man Gary Johnson a better chance this time.




I voted for Gary alst time around, but can we get an adult 3rd party candidate? 

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Just now, BeginnersMind said:


I voted for Gary alst time around, but can we get an adult 3rd party candidate? 


As did I.


He had the best bumper sticker.  "Better than those other 2 fools."


How about Mitt?

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Just now, reddogblitz said:


As did I.


How about Mitt?


I voted for him last time but I don't see him running again.


If he penned that Op-Ed with a goal in mind other than a call for higher standards in politics, it could be that he's the first of several Rs that will be voices of reason leading up to one of them running independent. I don't see anyone running in the R primary unless they just want to run to lose, or if Trump grossly missteps to his base.

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23 minutes ago, BeginnersMind said:


I voted for him last time but I don't see him running again.


If he penned that Op-Ed with a goal in mind other than a call for higher standards in politics, it could be that he's the first of several Rs that will be voices of reason leading up to one of them running independent. I don't see anyone running in the R primary unless they just want to run to lose, or if Trump grossly missteps to his base.


I'd just like to see some R with some cred like say Mitt or Paul Ryan run as an independent to do a civic duty to make sure Donald does not win by siphoning off enough  voters.  Then if an independent won, all the better.  Although it would probably just encourage Rs and Ds to work together against the Independent prez.


Donald has showed us that Ds and Rs will work together to make sure some outsider doesn't get in. Or if one does, there will be hell to pay and maybe jail time if they get their way.  Should Oprah or Snoop Dogg or some other outsider run and win, look the F*** out.

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On 1/2/2019 at 1:39 PM, Tiberius said:

Nancy Pelosi's House will pick the next President? 






Sort of.

It would be one state-one vote.  All the reps from any particular state would need to choose one of the top three candidates.  So even a D-controlled House might not get a D President.  How funny would that be!  Then the V.P. would be selected by the Senate. in a straight member-for-member vote (likely an R V.P -- haha).


Like I said:  Chaos!







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The only people who think Romney would make for a viable candidate are mostly moronic mainstream pundits who are heavily isolated from reality. Trump showed that anti-establishment populism is what the people want, Romney is the most establishment candidate ever who is quoted as saying "corporations are people my friend."

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5 hours ago, Golden Goat said:

Romney already wrote off 47% of the country who would vote Democrat over him. That 47% likely didn't include many people who still support Trump. Romney knows this. If he runs, it'll be for other reasons. (#OrangeManBad)


Running as an independent would give him his best chance to do Trump in.

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4 hours ago, reddogblitz said:


Running as an independent would give him his best chance to do Trump in.

I think people are overthinking this op ed.  If Trump goes down because of the Mueller report or something else than he's on the "right side of history."  I don't think he runs for president and if he does it's certainly not as an Independent as he's the run of the mill establishment Republican.

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2 hours ago, Doc Brown said:

I think people are overthinking this op ed.  If Trump goes down because of the Mueller report or something else than he's on the "right side of history."  I don't think he runs for president and if he does it's certainly not as an Independent as he's the run of the mill establishment Republican.


But as a run of the mill establishment R, he'd be running against a D and against a President who is both a former D and currently loathed by most establishment R's. In any other year, you'd be exactly correct. I'm not advocating for Romney at all, I just think this 2020 election may not be normal, and Romney is the most likely run of the mill establishment guy out there. He's a pure never-Trumper, and I don't think he'd care if he loses just to make Trump a one term President.  If you see him "reach across the aisle" as a freshman Senator, and try to "craft bi-partisan bills", and if he butts heads with McConnell in a very short period of time (while bad mouthing the Administration) then that's a good sign he's thinking about it. 



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9 hours ago, snafu said:

But as a run of the mill establishment R, he'd be running against a D and against a President who is both a former D and currently loathed by most establishment R's.


Absolutely. But I see Romney getting a sizable D vote from party moderates, because I think the D party will nominate a far-left loon who is too extreme for them. I don't think Romney will get enough of it to win, but he could get enough of it to ensure a Trump re-election. How ironic would that be?


I agree that we'll see Romney start making noise relatively soon. My bet is he attacks parts of Trump's State of the Union address next.

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6 minutes ago, Golden Goat said:


Absolutely. But I see Romney getting a sizable D vote from party moderates, because I think the D party will nominate a far-left loon who is too extreme for them. I don't think Romney will get enough of it to win, but he could get enough of it to ensure a Trump re-election. How ironic would that be?


I agree that we'll see Romney start making noise relatively soon. My bet is he attacks parts of Trump's State of the Union address next.


I want to see Warren v. Romney.  Pow-Wow Chow vs. Magic Underwear.  Mitt Romney owns a horse, but Liz Warren has the Great Plains Horse Culture in 1/1024 of her blood.  

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