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'Twas the night before Christmas, and at Santa's House
The eggnog was gone, the elves were all soused
The toys were not finished, the sleigh wasn't packed,
The Workshop a mess and a big hole in his sack,
St. Nick rolled his eyes, then clenched his big fists.
For some children tomorrow, he had no gifts.
Then out on the lawn, there arose such a clatter, 
Santa ran to the window to see what was the matter.
He pulled up the blinds, and what did he see?
Eight tiny reindeer, starting to flee.
"Now Dasher! Now Dancer! Now Prancer and Vixen!
Here Comet! Back cupid! Now! Donder and Blitzen!"
The reindeer stopped, as he called out their names, 
Then went right back to their reindeer games.
St. Nick shook his head, and muttered to himself,
"Why tonight? You damn drunken elves."
His blood pressure rising, his face getting red, 
Off to get his suit, Old St. Nick did then tread.
Opening the closet, and grabbing his boots,
Santa saw something wrong with his trademark red suit.
The suit wasn't red, but a light shade of pink.
It was far too small, when did it shrink?
Santa was livid, and threw his suit to the floor,
When he heard a light knock on his back door.
Running downstairs, he answered the knock.
Grabbing the handle and unlocking the lock.
At the door was an angel, in his hand a fir tree.
"Hi Nick! How's it going? Were you waiting for me?
I brought what you asked, I'm sorry I'm late.
I got sidetracked, I figured you could wait.
Then on the way, I got caught in a thicket.
So, Nick, old man, where should I stick it?"

And that is the story of how the Angel got on top of the Christmas Tree


Merry Christmas all you Bills Fans! And everybody else, too. Except for Pats fans. They've been getting gifts from the Refs for years.

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I was thinking more like a 12 Days of Christmas with Bills related items...



five good receivers

four D linemen

two new O tackles

and a head coach who doesn’t need to clap



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Twas the night before Christmas

And all through the house

Not a creature was stirring

Because we're all in the living room watching a Die Hard/Lethal Weapon double-feature. 




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