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Why do the gays love the dems so much ?

Teddy KGB

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18 minutes ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

So you think a 5 year old who believes he is Batman should be able to get a Batman tattoo all over his body? 

Ask his parents - they know best.

1 hour ago, B-Man said:

For those of you with limited reading 


Andrew Sullivan is gay and been a vocal advocate for decades   

and he knows bullsh*t when he smells it. 


Vocal advocate for what exactly Bonnie?


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5 minutes ago, BillStime said:

From the cult that brought us don't say gay.... that same cult that cares so much about our children they let them get slaughtered at school...


Introducing: Bill 233



The Party of Hypocrisy...





The law does not do that but once again you must lie because your side is so screwed. You literally can't defend anything you do so you must lie about others.

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23 minutes ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

The law does not do that but once again you must lie because your side is so screwed. You literally can't defend anything you do so you must lie about others.

The law doesn’t do what? Protect children?



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On 4/2/2022 at 10:27 PM, BillStime said:

Stupid people shouldn't breed.






If by some chance you think that what is said in Lauren Boeberts link you posted is foolish or stupid (which i pray i have misunderstood)  in any way and you believe that children under a certain age should be able to make life altering decisions my level of disrespect has just went to a totally new height for you .


I do agree with the statement at the top of this post though !! So there is that .

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6 minutes ago, T master said:


If by some chance you think that what is said in Lauren Boeberts link you posted is foolish or stupid (which i pray i have misunderstood)  in any way and you believe that children under a certain age should be able to make life altering decisions my level of disrespect has just went to a totally new height for you .


I do agree with the statement at the top of this post though !! So there is that .

So people over the age 18 should have to wait three more years to make decisions about their own body?

Do you really think any of these laws will successfully sweep the LGTBQ away?


Cuz lets just be honest - that’s what this is all about.



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15 minutes ago, BillStime said:

So people over the age 18 should have to wait three more years to make decisions about their own body?

Do you really think any of these laws will successfully sweep the LGTBQ away?


Cuz lets just be honest - that’s what this is all about.




When i was a young person the legal drinking age was 18 & i did some pretty stupid things when i was that age then they changed they legal age to 21 to drink which in some ways i had a problem with . 


I thought that if at the age of 18 you could go fight for your country & die for it that you should dam sure be able to drink a freakin beer or smoke at that age if you decided to . 


That being said though if you think back to those days we didn't make some of our best decisions about our lives and it's direction at that time but again i would hope that at 18 there would be enough common sense if the parents have done their job to make such a decision .


Then you look at parenting today OMG i have little to no faith in the majority of parents today to teach their children there are very few parents that i see today that teach their kids that there are any consequences to their actions .


The only consequences i see a lot is that mommy or daddy will make a excuse if they even pay any attention to what the child has done at all if they can look up from their phone or i pad long enough to realize their kid is being a little POS . 


I see it every day my wife owns a day care & the excuses that parents have in order to not discipline their child when they truly do something wrong is just amazing & gives me reason to have little to no faith in those peoples parenting & think that those kids will be able to make rational decisions in their lives  .


So i will ask you this - the reply that you posted with the young lady saying she would rather have Putin than Biden & said that Bush was a Nazi would you want her as a parent of her children & teaching them with that mind set to allow her children to make the decisions you talk about ?


I would have no faith in that her child making a reasonable common sense decision about what cloths to wear let alone about what sex they decide they want to be so it's all relative in a lot of ways to me .


But to you my thought process is ridiculous so i don't expect you to ever in any way agree with anything that i believe .

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1 hour ago, BillStime said:


Do you really think any of these laws will successfully sweep the LGTBQ away?


Cuz lets just be honest - that’s what this is all about.






It is not.



But we all realize that you need it to be so, to hang onto your own biases.





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31 minutes ago, B-Man said:




It is not.



But we all realize that you need it to be so, to hang onto your own biases.






Oh, look who grew a pair - lmao/.


There are so many better and inclusive ways to improve education for our kids  - but alienating and targeting specifically LGTBQ is disgusting and discrimination.


How are kids whose parents are LGTBQ supposed to talk about their home life at school?


Why are passing laws for an alleged issue that doesn't exist?








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20 minutes ago, Doc said:

Where are the studies on the age at which children know their sexuality?  Much less that "saying gay" to them from 5-8 years old helps them later in life?


Do we need a study? Can't you just ask one of your gay relatives or friends?


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