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The Trump Shutdown

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2 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


Because he can only operate based off emotions. Facts and logic are not things he's interested in nor capable of deploying.

Yes, but if we are all so stupid then why is he here?  Usually when the 4th graders are on recess they don't play with the 2nd grades. So maybe he has no kids to play with, because if that was me I'd be really sad and mad, too.


Poor guy. He reminds me of Butters. I have begun reading his threads in butters voice, "awe shucks guys... Did you know that Trump is killing Mexicans?  I saw on Maddow last night and it was really something."

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31 minutes ago, WhitewalkerInPhilly said:

...I mean, that's an extremely low bar to set. But yes, I can rebuke that.


You see, we managed to get through that humanitarian crisis with compassion without completely disregarding the rule of law. 


Guess what you don't need to do that?


Answer: A wall. You stupid shites.


Further answer: You know what isn't getting passed while Trump shuts down the government: $1.9 Billion in border security.




It's the same crisis, caused by a complete disregard of the law, which you only think wasn't inhumane because the news didn't tell you it was inhumane.

20 minutes ago, B-Man said:





I'd give serious consideration to voting for Crenshaw in a presidential race.

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4 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


It's the same crisis, caused by a complete disregard of the law, which you only think wasn't inhumane because the news didn't tell you it was inhumane.


I'd give serious consideration to voting for Crenshaw in a presidential race.

I've been keeping an eye out for him.

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They're trying desperately to make this sound as if Trump hasn't been stressing humanitarian and security crisis since day one of his administration. He has not only talked non stop about both, he's signed multiple EO's about both issues. 


But because CNN and the establishment media didn't cover it, it doesn't exist in their minds. 


That's not how it works.

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2 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

I've been keeping an eye out for him.

? That's just wrong.

And yes, what I have read and heard from Crenshaw so far points to him as someone who shows real promise. Now let's see if Washington ruins him or not.  

Edited by Buffalo_Gal
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2 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

? That's just wrong.

And yes, what I have read and heard from Crenshaw so far points to him as someone who shows real promise. Now let's see if Washington ruins him or not.  

He's impressed me. Seems to be very focused.

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1 minute ago, Deranged Rhino said:

:lol: It's tweets like this that make me suspicious that Acosta is possibly shining us all on and is playing a role... 








You are too kind. I think he's too stupid to realize he just proved President Trump's point about a wall. 


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46 minutes ago, Boyst62 said:

You seem angry.  Why?


43 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


Because he can only operate based off emotions. Facts and logic are not things he's interested in nor capable of deploying.

I think it's because even I, bastion of patience that I am, get annoyed when I provide you two knuckleheads independently verifiable facts, and you go "Nah. You're wrong. Why are you so emotional?"


It's like trying to convince small children, only they are cleverer and less stubborn than you two.



Ahh man, it's a shame. I kind of liked him, but I guess he missed the fact that we keep finding them.






It's almost like drug cartels are very motivated people and have more ingenuity than Lil' Baby Trump.

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5 minutes ago, WhitewalkerInPhilly said:


I think it's because even I, bastion of patience that I am, get annoyed when I provide you two knuckleheads independently verifiable facts, and you go "Nah. You're wrong.

You've yet to do that ONCE :lol: 


It's a fact DHS/CPB/ICE agents who work the border want a wall and believe it'll help. That's a fact backed by even Obama era officials. You ignore this and say the wall is only wanted by "white nationalists" which ignores the majority of those men and women working the border and who want the wall aren't white. 


You fail because you're incapable of dealing with facts devoid of emotion. You operate solely on emotion. 


7 minutes ago, WhitewalkerInPhilly said:

Why are you so emotional?"


... And all you can muster is a "double dumbass on you!" response - which again, shows you have nothing to offer on this topic (or any other).

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1 hour ago, Deranged Rhino said:


That's a dodge, not an answer. It's all you do down here. 


The wall is needed in certain sections along the border. I know this to be a fact because I went there first hand and have done hours and hours of interviews with the men and women who work in smuggler's alley (a long stretch of land where most human traffickers operate and where a wall would save lives). 


No one is disregarding the rule of law. Everything Trump is doing is within his constitutional power, including if he declares an emergency. As POTUS, securing the borders is a constitutional duty. 


When you operate without facts and rely purely on the feelz as you often do, it's easy to become propagandized without even realizing it. You should take a deep look in the mirror and rethink this position.


He has signed EO's issuing national emergencies for human trafficking. That's one.

He has signed EO's issuing national emergencies for the opioid epidemic. That's two. 


Both of those are already in place. 

And you are saying a wall will stop drugs and human smuggling? They can't stop drugs from getting in a jail, how will it stop them from coming in other ways. In fact, most of the drugs already come in other places. 


The wall is a political stunt 

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15 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

... And all you can muster is a "double dumbass on you!" response - which again, shows you have nothing to offer on this topic (or any other).


Well, at least there were no pork chops involved...


9 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

And you are saying a wall will stop drugs and human smuggling?


I love this strawman. No one has ever said that a wall all by itself would be a panacea that will immediately stop all drugs, illegal immigrants, and human traffickers.

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1 minute ago, Tiberius said:

And you are saying a wall will stop drugs and human smuggling? They can't stop drugs from getting in a jail, how will it stop them from coming in other ways. In fact, most of the drugs already come in other places. 


The wall is a political stunt 


I'm not saying it, CBP/DHS/ICE agents are saying that a wall will do more to stop the flow of human trafficking and smuggling along the southern border than not having a wall will do. A wall alone is not enough, nor the only thing Trump is asking for. It will require more manpower and technology as well, but those without a wall are not as helpful. 


Most of the drugs do not come in from other places, most of the drugs coming into this country cross through the southern border. Ditto with human trafficking and other illegal smuggling. This isn't even debatable, it's a stone cold fact. 


No one, not Trump or anyone else, is asking for a wall across the entire border or claiming a wall alone will permanently solve the issue. They are merely saying it will greatly help curb the flow and drive the smugglers towards more policed and covered areas when they attempt to cross. That will increase security, arrests, and save lives


There is a political gain for Trump here. No one questions that or disputes it. The wall was his signature issue and if he can get it, it would be a tremendous political victory for 2020. Just as denying him a wall would be a victory in 2020 for the left and DNC. The difference between the two is that there is more than just politics to Trump's position, and there's nothing but politics on the DNC's side of this coin. 


Pain coming. The shutdown will hurt the left far more than the right starting tomorrow when the first checks are missed. 

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2 minutes ago, westside said:

Maybe they should strap sone freakin laser beams to the top of the wall!?

It has been suggested that spikes be in place at the top of a steel wall... some say for an added difficulty to get over it, other's say for severed heads as a warning...

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11 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

Exactly what harm could having a wall in place cause? 


Ecological disruption.  Some rare desert toad's migration patterns get disrupted or something, and interferes with their sweet, sweet desert toad nookie.  


But again: it's not about a wall.  It's about Trump's and Pelosi's pathological need to have everything their way.  

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