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(OT) Who is at work today??

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I always wondered how that was spelled.


It's generally spelled phonetically.


To wit;

aramalamalama adippitydipdadoo

changchang changedychangchabop

dipdadipdadip doowopshedoobydoo

boogedaboogedaboogedaboogeda shoobydoowopshebop


If aussie has the soundtrack, she can easily fill in the rest. :doh:

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:lol:  Sad but still funny.


I'm responsible for overseeing HR so I can understand the tendancy to not give religious holidays, even though the policy is inconsistant vis a vis Christmas.  Especially if you live/work somewhere were people observe various religions.  It's also a legal thing;  we can't close today and then not close on the big Jewish holidays, etc. without risking some type of lawsuit.


We give people 3 floating holidays/personal days per year in addition to vacation time specifically for this type of day.


As for me, I came to work cause I don't want to go do stations of the cross, but I'll feel guilty if I stayed home and did nothing!



Pretty soon all holidays will be floating :doh:

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No, I have weekends off. But certain departments do, and they dont get Sunday off at all.


Also, when any other hoilday falls on a weekend, we get the friday before or monday after off.



Religious holidays are different, except Christmas. And that's because virtually everyone celebrates Christmas in some fashion or another and people travel in huge numbers. Part of the reason for extra days is because it's not cost effective to open the company if 20% of the staff shows up on Dec 24. A lot of places, especially manufacturing, will close for the whole Christmas week (and do the same in the summer).


This is the cost of separation of Church and State. In England, they have today and Monday off. But most people would rather go to work than have an official "Church of The United States".

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yup i am here at work, and not only that, instead of the meeting i had with my boss sometime early afternoon, he has decided to ever so graciously push it back to 5pm...thank God i am getting out of this place

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I wish I was at work. The fiancee is taking me shopping for wedding bands in about 5 mintues.



Your wedding band is easy, just say "I like the classic look." ($400 tops)


Her ring on the other hand is a little bit different, it could cost anywhere from $400 to $10000. But remember, shiny diamonds always make the day go oh so smooth. Guaranteed good sex tonight too...

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Your wedding band is easy, just say "I like the classic look."  ($400 tops)


Her ring on the other hand is a little bit different, it could cost anywhere from $400 to $10000.  But remember, shiny diamonds always make the day go oh so smooth.  Guaranteed good sex tonight too...


shopping for mine took 7 minutes...hers took 7 trip to the jewelry store

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Religious holidays are different, except Christmas.  And that's because virtually everyone celebrates Christmas in some fashion or another and people travel in huge numbers.  Part of the reason for extra days is because it's not cost effective to open the company if 20% of the staff shows up on Dec 24.  A lot of places, especially manufacturing, will close for the whole Christmas week (and do the same in the summer).


This is the cost of separation of Church and State.  In England, they have today and Monday off.  But most people would rather go to work than have an official "Church of The United States".



Having worked extensively in manufacturing, the Christmas and summer shutdowns are used for installation of new equipment, intensive maintenance tasks, etc. The skilled tradesmen tend to work 16 hours per day in those times, 7 days per week. And usually, plant inventory counting occurs.

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Having worked extensively in manufacturing, the Christmas and summer shutdowns are used for installation of new equipment, intensive maintenance tasks, etc. The skilled tradesmen tend to work 16 hours per day in those times, 7 days per week. And usually, plant inventory counting occurs.




I used to be one of those guys counting that inventory! That's not fun, but you are right, it's much better than trying to do inventory in an active planet. I've had to do that as well as it's a pain in the ass. Still, there is no better way to understand a business than to take a long walk through the plant and talk to the people making the stuff.

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I used to be one of those guys counting that inventory!  That's not fun, but you are right, it's much better than trying to do inventory in an active planet.  I've had to do that as well as it's a pain in the ass.  Still, there is no better way to understand a business than to take a long walk through the plant and talk to the people making the stuff.  :doh:



Thanks to counter-productive tax laws, in automotive and other businesses, perfectly good parts and assemblies were identified and tagged for destruction before year's end. You name it - floor mats, radios, engine blocks etc. were scrapped and crushed by an army of forklifts, jackhammers, torches and so forth.


Smashing them was cheaper tax-wise than keeping them on the books.



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I'm working and it sucks, the only time my phone rang so far was when my wife called. We're a Global company, our Asia, South American and European regions have off today and Monday, Canadian has off today, but good old US of A has to work both days. :doh:

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Your wedding band is easy, just say "I like the classic look."  ($400 tops)


Her ring on the other hand is a little bit different, it could cost anywhere from $400 to $10000.  But remember, shiny diamonds always make the day go oh so smooth.  Guaranteed good sex tonight too...



We actually did the opposite. Spent quite a bit on the engagement ring, but then I told her, "We're only going to get a plain gold band for you for your wedding ring; you don't want the wedding ring competing with your beautiful engagement ring." So her band was like $150.


Then for mine, I said, "Hey, if you get a really cool engagement ring, why can't I have a nice ring too?" We went to 4 or 5 stores, and I only saw one ring I liked the entire time. Did some research and found out how much the jeweler paid for the ring. Went to the store and offered $100 more than their cost for it. The sales woman got pissed off and started yelling at us and told us to get out of the store. Apparantly I touched a nerve... :lol: I wrote a letter to the owner saying how unprofessional she was, told him that my first offer was simply a place to start negotiating. He wrote me back, appologized for the saleswoman's reaction, gave me a fair price (about $400 over their cost, instead of $900 over their cost like they were trying to charge). I went into the store, he appologized in person and made the woman take us into a back room and appologize as well. :doh: So I have a cool ring, paid a "reasonable" price and had fun in the process! (I love writing letters to companies that piss me off).


Hey, the company that made the ring actually has their website up now (they didn't 3 years ago). Here's a picture of it:



The description says it's white gold, but I'm pretty sure mine's platinum. I think I had the option of platinum or white gold, and took the plat. I'd have to look at the certificate to be sure though.


God I'm bored today....


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I'm working and it sucks, the only time my phone rang so far was when my wife called.  We're a Global company, our Asia, South American and European regions have off today and Monday, Canadian has off today, but good old US of A has to work both days. :doh:



So much for those who claim that religion has too much power in America, eh? :lol:

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I get the market holidays, I'm off today.  This year there was no holiday for New Year's Day, so we only get 8 holidays (MLK, P-day, Good Fri, Mem, 7/4, Labor, T-giving, X-Mas).  I've been here for 5+ years, so I get 15 vacation days.  I have no idea what I'm going to do with them, but they won't go to waste.


Of course, I'm trapped at home because I'm waiting for the charity truck to come and pick up a couch that I'm donating.



I agree at some point its too much time off.


We are off every federal holiday. 5 personal days. I have 25 vacation days and 2 "stress days"


Last year I only used 17 of my vacation days and no personal time.

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