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comments on Kent Hull and the juice

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I was and still am a huge fan of Kent Hull. Hence the user ID and avatar. Being a life long fan and long time season ticket holder Kent Hull is my favorite Bill player.

The guy always worked his ass off and always gave a straight answer. I've met him on a handful of occasions around town and he always took the time to talk to the fans. He treated them with respect and never came off as a big ego guy like Jim Kelly. Which is why I think Bills fans like this guy so much. He truly fit the blue collar mentality which people around here understand.

Larry Felser tells the story of how Kent Hull ended the bickering Bills in the 89 season. Kelly was getting out of control in the locker room and Hull dragged Kelly into the trainers room, shut the door, they came out 10 minutes later and that was the end of the Bickering Bills. Whatever he said or did that day probably sent the Bills on that great run in the early 90's. Got them playing as a team and not a bunch of egotistical a-holes.

In regards to the steroids issue itself? When he came into the league there was no steroid policy. I don't even think steroids were banned Federally until 1990. So at the time the guy was ALLEGEDLY taking a legal substance. I really don't have a problem with it.

I don't understand what Haslett's motivation was here. He is a coach on the hot seat as it is and to draw attention to this especially now when it's the hot topic nationally sounds like career suicide to me. If you want to burn yourself, fine but don't burn others on the way down with you. Jim Haslett lost all respect with me today.


Kent Hull belongs in the Hall of Fame.

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i'm with you. i think haslett is mental. why do this now? I like to see Hull crack him one. do it right before the season opener for the Saints. That way we can all witness him on Prime Time sporting a raw steak on his eye on the sidelines.


I wasn't sure about when the steroids ban was in effect. But my feeling is there were some in the league doing it to the extreme, like Alzado and The Tuz. I wouldn't expect KH to be in that same category.

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