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Foghat guitarist dies

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Never seen them, but a friend of my wife is playing with the current version of Foghat as their lead guitarist.


E Street sax player, Clarence Clemmons was in his band a few years ago and I have a picture of my wife standing at the foot of the stage "singing" into a mike being held by Clemmons.


Me thinks she didn't get the euphemistic musican lingo when Clarence asked if she "wanted to sing into the mic".

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The first time I saw Foghat was in a park in Pennsylvania. I worked at the National Record Mart at Eastern Hills Mall around '71 - 73. Anyone remember that place?


Each year the owners (Shapiro Brothers) would throw a picnic and invite all of the employees from all of their many stores. That year they held it in a park in Pennsylvania and they had Foghat play for free in the top of a barn on the property. We knew of Lonesome Dave from his time with Savoy Brown. Foghat was just relesing their first LP so we all went. Sure enough the band set up in the top floor of this barn... PA system, miked drums and Marshall stacks. It was a great show. The truth is I was too star struck to even say hello or get their autograpgh after they played. I've loosened up since then. I saw them many times and was happy for their success.


May he rest in peace ~


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