Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted December 5, 2018 Posted December 5, 2018 On 12/5/2018 at 7:50 PM, WhitewalkerInPhilly said: Have we yet mentioned today that they were Democrats, and completely forget the historical context of the Republican party being the progressives at least through Teddy Roosevelt, only to have TR split the Progressive party away from the Republican party in the election of 1912. Expand No we haven't! But we did have Progressive Republicans in the 1960's
Doc Brown Posted December 5, 2018 Posted December 5, 2018 I think every president since Clinton fakes it and is really agnostic with the exception of W. It does say something about this country that you have to at least pretend to be religious as a prerequisite for the job. 1
WhitewalkerInPhilly Posted December 5, 2018 Posted December 5, 2018 (edited) On 12/5/2018 at 7:49 PM, Tiberius said: All true, but it does raise the question of why "Values Voters," those who say they want moral leadership, would follow this clown so fervently? Expand Yeah, they can swallow a XXXL extra nubbly rubber, latex or silicone based marital aid. Let's be honest, for a long time "family values" has been the fig leaf for "Other people are doing different things, and the fact that they're not my thing makes me uncomfortable. It's better to punish them for not being like me rather than me to become comfortable with this broadening of my perspective" Edited December 5, 2018 by WhitewalkerInPhilly 1
sherpa Posted December 5, 2018 Posted December 5, 2018 On 12/5/2018 at 7:49 PM, Tiberius said: All true, but it does raise the question of why "Values Voters," those who say they want moral leadership, would follow this clown so fervently? Expand And the options for them were? You really don't get this. Trump is hardly the voice of Christiandom. Most vote, I'd guess, on other issues, like basic economic sense and the view that the gov is not the answer. Nothing to do with an oath to the Nicene Creed. 1
Nanker Posted December 5, 2018 Posted December 5, 2018 President Trump's "Apostle's Creed" I believe in God, the Father almighty, because I do - and so should you. He's very, very powerful and almighty.creator of heaven and earth. Yes, it's true. He created heaven AND earth so people like me - can build their businesses to great, great heights.I believe in Jesus Christ, God's only Son, our Lord, of course, he was his ONLY son so one should be expected to believe in him.who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and what a magnificent, magnificent, Holy Spirit it is.born of the Virgin Mary, and I can vouch for her. Yes, she was a virgin.suffered under Pontius Pilate, who was a very, very bad man. A bad man. He ended up doing a very bad thing.was crucified, died, and was buried; Yes, crucified, Pilate crucified him and he died. And not a very Kindly death it was either - believe me when I tell you.he descended to the dead. That's a terrible place to be, I can say you don't want to go there folks. You don't want to go there.On the third day he rose again; How beautiful was that, I tell you. How beautiful was that.he ascended into heaven, Which is where he belongs, it's where he belongs.he is seated at the right hand of the Father, Which is where any father would want his son to be. I want my son to be there too.and he will come to judge the living and the dead. Though I'm about to do some judging myself in short order here, and let me tell you there are going to be some people who wish they were dead by the time I'm done with them.I believe in the Holy Spirit, Such a Holy, Holy Spirit.the holy catholic Church, Yes, the catholic Church - which isn't the "Catholic" Church. That right there is Fake News for some of you out there that don't know the difference.the communion of saints, Communion is good. We all like Communion, now don't we.the forgiveness of sins, Everybody can use some forgiveness - except the rats that have tried to get me in trouble with the law and their day is coming folks. Their day is coming.the resurrection of the body, I'm actually looking forward to seeing some bodies resurrected. I truly am. Not YOU horse face.and the life everlasting. Everlasting life, you know the Pharaohs of Egypt and many, many very powerful men wanted everlasting life. I think I've got a good shot at that too. Amen. Yes, Amen. I wanted to say more. I wanted to say more, but time just wouldn't allow. 1
Gary M Posted December 5, 2018 Posted December 5, 2018 On 12/5/2018 at 7:49 PM, Tiberius said: All true, but it does raise the question of why "Values Voters," those who say they want moral leadership, would follow this clown so fervently? Expand Because the other choice is the daughter of Satan. 2
DC Tom Posted December 5, 2018 Posted December 5, 2018 On 12/5/2018 at 7:49 PM, Tiberius said: All true, but it does raise the question of why "Values Voters," those who say they want moral leadership, would follow this clown so fervently? Expand I'd say it's because they're a basket of deplorables...but really, what difference, at this point, does it make? 2
WhitewalkerInPhilly Posted December 5, 2018 Posted December 5, 2018 On 12/5/2018 at 8:06 PM, DC Tom said: I'd say it's because they're a basket of deplorables...but really, what difference, at this point, does it make? Expand Well, I wouldn't really care if they kept to themselves, but they keep throwing little S**t fits about how they're oppressed, so they decide to put kleptocrats in charge to make them feel better and that causes problems for normal people. What a bunch of triggered snowflakes.
DC Tom Posted December 5, 2018 Posted December 5, 2018 On 12/5/2018 at 8:10 PM, WhitewalkerInPhilly said: Well, I wouldn't really care if they kept to themselves, but they keep throwing little S**t fits about how they're oppressed, so they decide to put kleptocrats in charge to make them feel better and that causes problems for normal people. What a bunch of triggered snowflakes. Expand 2
WhitewalkerInPhilly Posted December 5, 2018 Posted December 5, 2018 (edited) On 12/5/2018 at 8:11 PM, DC Tom said: Expand No, I'm answering you Well the simple answer "what point does it make" is that the "basket of deplorables" as you phrased it, seem to be NPC cucks who like watching DJT ream out traditional values because it really get them off to screw over other people. And boy, do they trigger. "OH MY GOD, YOU SAID HAPPY HOLIDAYS INSTEAD OF MERRY CHRISTMAS, I NEED MY SAFE SPACE, WAAAAAA!" PS: Sorry, I'm trying to use up all the 4chan before boyst and Tasker get here. EDIT: And Rhino! How can I forget the 4channer in chief? Edited December 5, 2018 by WhitewalkerInPhilly
DC Tom Posted December 5, 2018 Posted December 5, 2018 On 12/5/2018 at 8:20 PM, WhitewalkerInPhilly said: No, I'm answering you Expand No, you're not. I made a very simple point, and you're conscientiously ignoring it. 2
TakeYouToTasker Posted December 5, 2018 Posted December 5, 2018 On 12/5/2018 at 8:20 PM, WhitewalkerInPhilly said: No, I'm answering you Well the simple answer "what point does it make" is that the "basket of deplorables" as you phrased it, seem to be NPC cucks who like watching DJT ream out traditional values because it really get them off to screw over other people. And boy, do they trigger. "OH MY GOD, YOU SAID HAPPY HOLIDAYS INSTEAD OF MERRY CHRISTMAS, I NEED MY SAFE SPACE, WAAAAAA!" PS: Sorry, I'm trying to use up all the 4chan before boyst and Tasker get here. Expand Lot's of ugly projection here, with little attempt to understand either the motives or values of others. Your moral compass is so far skewed that it's actually depressing, and has actually lead me to pray for you. 3
WhitewalkerInPhilly Posted December 5, 2018 Posted December 5, 2018 On 12/5/2018 at 8:23 PM, DC Tom said: No, you're not. I made a very simple point, and you're conscientiously ignoring it. Expand Ok, I am confused. I am actually trying be serious now. You asked, "what does it matter as to why "values voters" went for Trump when he absolutely does not embody the so called "values" they share" My, mostly sarcastic replies, have been: Because they throw small tantrums when other people don't. They scream about how oppressed their voices are because someone got to put up a Mennorah at city hall along with a Christmas tree, or when Satanists got to submit coloring books along with their own, and how Starbucks cups are a different color, or that college campuses are dens of sin because they teach other ideas other than Christian philosophy, or a public school teaches modern scientific theory and that's an assault on the home. And the normal people have been expected to nod their heads, grit their teeth and force a fake smile, hoping that these idiots die off or go completely senile before they can do much more damage. So when they completely ignore all the faults that they normally constantly cannot stop whining and moaning about, because that person let's them impose their way, of course non-crazy people are going to call them out on their BS. On 12/5/2018 at 8:25 PM, TakeYouToTasker said: Lot's of ugly projection here, with little attempt to understand either the motives or values of others. Your moral compass is so far skewed that it's actually depressing, and has actually lead me to pray for you. Expand Cool story bro. It would matter more if whatever you pray to existed, but I appreciate the thought. I'm a little surprised. I thought you'd think I was hip for speaking your lingo. My moral compass is just fine. You're the idiots who constantly B word, whine and moan about how oppressed you are, while complaining about "snowflakes" and the irony is just too rich not to enjoy.
Swill Merchant Posted December 5, 2018 Posted December 5, 2018 On 12/5/2018 at 8:31 PM, WhitewalkerInPhilly said: Ok, I am confused. I am actually trying be serious now. You asked, "what does it matter as to why "values voters" went for Trump when he absolutely does not embody the so called "values" they share" My, mostly sarcastic replies, have been: Because they throw small tantrums when other people don't. They scream about how oppressed their voices are because someone got to put up a Mennorah at city hall along with a Christmas tree, or when Satanists got to submit coloring books along with their own, and how Starbucks cups are a different color, or that college campuses are dens of sin because they teach other ideas other than Christian philosophy, or a public school teaches modern scientific theory and that's an assault on the home. And the normal people have been expected to nod their heads, grit their teeth and force a fake smile, hoping that these idiots die off or go completely senile before they can do much more damage. So when they completely ignore all the faults that they normally constantly cannot stop whining and moaning about, because that person let's them impose their way, of course non-crazy people are going to call them out on their BS. Expand 2
WhitewalkerInPhilly Posted December 5, 2018 Posted December 5, 2018 I mean, come on people, you see the irony here: The people who like to complain about a lack "traditional values", "Christian values" and want to "make America great again" went off and elected a thrice married, serial adulterer (Jesus had some words on that) who is a crooked business than with a long record of cheating poor people (something about a camel through the eye of a needle) who made promises to get rid of a government sponsored health care and keep throwing people unnecessarily into prisons ("I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.") And I of all people, don't think it matters if Trump attends Church, because it has zero bearing on his ability to steer the ship of state and he's never claimed that in who he is. I think he is doing a terrible job regardless, but we really shouldn't be making any deal about his Church visits. On 12/5/2018 at 8:41 PM, Swill Merchant said: Expand ...why, yes, that is a surprisingly accurate depiction of "values voters". How astute of you.
TakeYouToTasker Posted December 5, 2018 Posted December 5, 2018 (edited) On 12/5/2018 at 8:31 PM, WhitewalkerInPhilly said: You asked, "what does it matter as to why "values voters" went for Trump when he absolutely does not embody the so called "values" they share" Expand Because the system doesn't regularly provide candidates which outwardly embody Christian values, and Christians got tired of being mocked and having their values discarded, and in many cases trampled on by the excesses of government. They recognized that men are not perfect creatures, and know each one themselves to be sinners; so they voted for a candidate who, while he may not have exhibited those values in his own life, made a promise to him to fight for them. And it's a promise he has honored. And you mock them for it because you can't be bothered to actually understand them, or their values, which you casually dismiss out of hand; and I know you don't understand their values because you quote scripture without context or meaning, because you haven't studied it because you don't value it. You now chastise them because you lack any respect for the way they choose to live, going so far as to say you hope Christians "die off" so they will "stop ruining the world". You go on say that you wouldn't have a problem with their existence "if they'd only shut up and surrender their rights, both political and natural," as if that's a reasonable accommodation. Christians voted for Trump because they voted in the best interests of themselves and their faith, and it should be a lesson to you about your own myopic views of who they are, and what you are. Edited December 6, 2018 by TakeYouToTasker 3 2
WhitewalkerInPhilly Posted December 5, 2018 Posted December 5, 2018 On 12/5/2018 at 8:46 PM, TakeYouToTasker said: Because the system doesn't regularly provide candidates which outwardly embody Christian values, and Christians got tired of being mocked and having their values discarded, and in many cases trampled on by the excesses of government. They recognized that men are not perfect creatures, and know each one themselves to be sinners; so they voted for a candidate who, while he may not have exhibited those values in his own life, made a promise to him to fight for them. And it's a promise he has honored. And you mock them for it because you can't be bothered to actually understand them, or their values, which you casually dismiss out of hand. You now chastise them because you lack and respect for the way they choose to live, going so far as to say you hope Christians "die off" so they will "stop ruining the world". You go on say that you wouldn't have a problem with their existence "if they'd only shut up and surrender their rights, both political and natural," s if that's a reasonable accommodation. Christians voted for Trump because they voted in the best interests of themselves and their faith, and it should be a lesson to you about your own myopic views of who they are, and what you are. Expand Dude, you want to talk about projection on that one...I don't want them to surrender their rights. You don't seem to understand that other people being able to live their lives, lives that are different than the "Values voter" nutjobs, is not "oppressing" them. But moving aside from that, I am going to call BS on "the system doesn't regularly provide candidates which outwardly embody Christian values". The system is chock full of them. Do you know how many renditions of "God Bless America" I heard during my formative years? Candidates regularly seek endorsements from religious leaders, and it's practically been a requirement that presidential candidates show some outside show of faith. In fact, if anyone would be ruled out due to their religious stance, it's Muslims and Athiests: There are tons of Christians who I know who see their faith as something that sustains them and enriches them, and do their best as imperfect creatures. But you don't get to rail, rant and rave about how the Democrats are "devils" and "evil" (and believe you me, I've heard that) and then completely ignore it when your boy ignores all the things you b1tch about to the rest of us, and not be called out for the frauds you are. 1
TakeYouToTasker Posted December 5, 2018 Posted December 5, 2018 On 12/5/2018 at 8:31 PM, WhitewalkerInPhilly said: Cool story bro. It would matter more if whatever you pray to existed, but I appreciate the thought. I'm a little surprised. I thought you'd think I was hip for speaking your lingo. My moral compass is just fine. You're the idiots who constantly B word, whine and moan about how oppressed you are, while complaining about "snowflakes" and the irony is just too rich not to enjoy. Expand And this, right here, is exactly why Christians voted for President Trump. You have mocked my faith, seek to tear down traditional family and value structures, and legislate away the ability for me to practice my religious rights and conversely impose anti-Judeo-Christian legislation on me; all in body of five brief sentences. The President promised to fight you on my behalf. I didn't vote for him, but individuals like you have convinced me that I absolutely should and will in the next Presidential election. 4
DC Tom Posted December 5, 2018 Posted December 5, 2018 On 12/5/2018 at 8:31 PM, WhitewalkerInPhilly said: Ok, I am confused. I am actually trying be serious now. You asked, "what does it matter as to why "values voters" went for Trump when he absolutely does not embody the so called "values" they share" Expand Actually, I didn't ask it. I answered it. With two statements from Hillary that illustrate why they went for Trump: because the alternative was equally valueless, but condescended and belittled them at every turn. Trump, raging asshat that he is, didn't alienate middle America. He related to them, and they effectively recognized someone who would pay attention to then. And Democrats, of all people, should recognize that strategy, as it's precisely how they've manipulated minorities and women into voting for them: paying lip service to their interests while not sharing those interests in the slightest. 4
RaoulDuke79 Posted December 5, 2018 Posted December 5, 2018 On 12/5/2018 at 7:49 PM, Tiberius said: All true, but it does raise the question of why "Values Voters," those who say they want moral leadership, would follow this clown so fervently? Expand Because he was better than the alternative. 3 1
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