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Thanksgiving and the SJW

Chef Jim

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32 minutes ago, Foxx said:

lmao. sure. if you think retail and/or service jobs are going to support a family, well.... i won't say it. 

Depends. One of the ways a person with or without an education can shine is to move up in the ranks of a large box chain or even fast food chains. A store manager at a Walmart does pretty well while the district managers do very well. A store manager at a Wendy's might make 40-50k but more than double that at the next level. Some jobs just can't be learned from school but require learning on the job, so there's real opportunity for those that didn't go to college.

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42 minutes ago, Foxx said:

lmao. sure. if you think retail and/or service jobs are going to support a family, well.... i won't say it. 


1 minute ago, 3rdnlng said:

Depends. One of the ways a person with or without an education can shine is to move up in the ranks of a large box chain or even fast food chains. A store manager at a Walmart does pretty well while the district managers do very well. A store manager at a Wendy's might make 40-50k but more than double that at the next level. Some jobs just can't be learned from school but require learning on the job, so there's real opportunity for those that didn't go to college.


I have a close friend, now in his 40s, who never went to college.  He's currently working at the second job he's ever had, the first being a job at Burger King he started while we were in high school.  He currently works as an assistant manger at Lowes, where he started as a regular hourly associate.    He's been there for about 15 years, and has a total compensation package that's worth around $80k/year.

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30 minutes ago, TakeYouToTasker said:



I have a close friend, now in his 40s, who never went to college.  He's currently working at the second job he's ever had, the first being a job at Burger King he started while we were in high school.  He currently works as an assistant manger at Lowes, where he started as a regular hourly associate.    He's been there for about 15 years, and has a total compensation package that's worth around $80k/year.


Sounds like another victim of predatory capitalism.  If only he had a free college degree he might have been saved from a live of despair and hopelessness.


But at the very least he could have had Thanksgiving off.

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59 minutes ago, TakeYouToTasker said:



I have a close friend, now in his 40s, who never went to college.  He's currently working at the second job he's ever had, the first being a job at Burger King he started while we were in high school.  He currently works as an assistant manger at Lowes, where he started as a regular hourly associate.    He's been there for about 15 years, and has a total compensation package that's worth around $80k/year.

that works. what i was getting at is that you can't expect to be a cashier, burger flipper, waiter/waitress for the entire of your life and support a family. i believe these were meant to be part-time/entry level jobs.

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1 hour ago, TakeYouToTasker said:



I have a close friend, now in his 40s, who never went to college.  He's currently working at the second job he's ever had, the first being a job at Burger King he started while we were in high school.  He currently works as an assistant manger at Lowes, where he started as a regular hourly associate.    He's been there for about 15 years, and has a total compensation package that's worth around $80k/year.

Haha... Are the sick days being included in the math?

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9 minutes ago, Foxx said:

that works. what i was getting at is that you can't expect to be a cashier, burger flipper, waiter/waitress for the entire of your life and support a family. i believe these were meant to be part-time/entry level jobs.

Do your entry level job well enough and get promoted. Then do it again and again.

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2 minutes ago, Boyst62 said:

Maybe I just don't care but I don't know who 3 of them are.  Is towel head the one who hates Jews?

The one with the head covering is the representative elect in Michigan(?) who loved Jews until she had an epiphany the day after the election. It's going to be fun in two years when these newbies have to answer for shitlikethis and why they voted for Pelosi after pledging not to.

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44 minutes ago, TakeYouToTasker said:




Are you ignorant of what a "total compensation package" is?

I'm just ignorant as to how one values a "total compensation package" in this particular instance. I mean, the numbers and how some try to puff them up or deflate them down is always interesting.


That said, yes I am ignorant as to what a "total compensation package" is in this case. 

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1 minute ago, Paulus said:

I'm just ignorant as to how one values a "total compensation package" in this particular instance. I mean, the numbers and how some try to puff them up or deflate them down is always interesting.


That said, yes I am ignorant as to what a "total compensation package" is in this case. 


Total compensation is the combined value of salary, bonuses, employer 401k contributions, and employer health care contributions.


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21 hours ago, Paulus said:

I just don't see it as healthy. Or rather, it is a sign of a sick society. People running around like rabid animals for a few bucks off is simply sick. "Happily" working the holidays is just another symptom of a sick society. 


Or, perhaps the deals and the jobs are just that "good." Only the ignorant and daft believe that to be the case...


The problem is that you're standing in judgement of others based on what YOU think should be acceptable, and when it's not in alignment with your thinking, it's considered not healthy and the sign of a 'sick society.'


Likewise, you say that only the ignorant or daft would think their job was good enough to warrant working overtime when offered. 


The moment I first realized the benefits of working overtime, I couldn't get enough. The effort to go from straight time to time-and-a-half and double-time was nominal relative to the benefits. My brother just retired from the postal service and he took every hour he could get to pay off his house, put his kids through school, and not have his wife have to take a job. Yet he was home when he wanted and needed to be, and is in a great place in his life.


Not to mention, working extra hours when possible always set me up for a promotion. Always. 8-5'ers were always 8-5'ers.


You may not agree with people working the holidays or shopping for deals, but to suggest it's odd because you wouldn't do it says more about you than it does about the people eager to work and shop.










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12 minutes ago, LABillzFan said:


The problem is that you're standing in judgement of others based on what YOU think should be acceptable, and when it's not in alignment with your thinking, it's considered not healthy and the sign of a 'sick society.'


Likewise, you say that only the ignorant or daft would think their job was good enough to warrant working overtime when offered. 


The moment I first realized the benefits of working overtime, I couldn't get enough. The effort to go from straight time to time-and-a-half and double-time was nominal relative to the benefits. My brother just retired from the postal service and he took every hour he could get to pay off his house, put his kids through school, and not have his wife have to take a job. Yet he was home when he wanted and needed to be, and is in a great place in his life.


Not to mention, working extra hours when possible always set me up for a promotion. Always. 8-5'ers were always 8-5'ers.


You may not agree with people working the holidays or shopping for deals, but to suggest it's odd because you wouldn't do it says more about you than it does about the people eager to work and shop.


100% this.


When I was younger and working for an hourly wage, I had a personal policy of "once I hit 40 hours, work as many hours as they'll let me".


I once had a manger ask me why I was willing to work so much, and I replied "Because while I'm here earning it, I'm not out there spending it, and you haven't bounced a check to me yet."


He laughed, at the time, but later told me I was his most reliable employee.  I thought that was a good time to ask him for more money, and more responsibility.  He agreed.  Employers tend to value a strong work ethic.  Demonstrate one and more often than not you'll find yourself getting ahead.

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27 minutes ago, LABillzFan said:


The problem is that you're standing in judgement of others based on what YOU think should be acceptable, and when it's not in alignment with your thinking, it's considered not healthy and the sign of a 'sick society.'


Likewise, you say that only the ignorant or daft would think their job was good enough to warrant working overtime when offered. 


The moment I first realized the benefits of working overtime, I couldn't get enough. The effort to go from straight time to time-and-a-half and double-time was nominal relative to the benefits. My brother just retired from the postal service and he took every hour he could get to pay off his house, put his kids through school, and not have his wife have to take a job. Yet he was home when he wanted and needed to be, and is in a great place in his life.


Not to mention, working extra hours when possible always set me up for a promotion. Always. 8-5'ers were always 8-5'ers.


You may not agree with people working the holidays or shopping for deals, but to suggest it's odd because you wouldn't do it says more about you than it does about the people eager to work and shop.










1) We all judge. To have an opinion we must judge. You are doing the exact same thing I did, except you use anctedotal evidence to support your stance.


2) An overall policy argument beats your's every time. I mean, OT is a part of big gubment forcing workers to be paid at least semi-respectable wages for long term physical and emotional tolls exerted on the human body for the financial gain of mainly others. Do you think OT would be paid if employers did not have to? I wonder how many of you guys want the removal of minimum wage and/or OT, because there would still be people who "happily worked those extra hours," amirite?


3) As far as my opinion saying more about me than it does about those you deem "eager to shop and work" I ask if you are serious. Are you? I mean, you first deflected my stance by pointing out those on skid row, are you sure this is the right next step? You are aware the sword your trying to weild cuts two ways, right? Meaning, your stance would say more about you... 


4) Using your arguement on you, I would just state you lived a happy white male life, and have probably had it pretty easy. Therefore you are ignorant of the real struggle. That is what your opinion says about you.


Also, mommy is going to save us. 







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2 minutes ago, Paulus said:

4) Using your arguement on you, I would just state you lived a happy white male life, and have probably had it pretty easy. Therefore you are ignorant of the real struggle. That is what your opinion says about you.


You judgmental little prick.


I'm a 3rd gen Italian who looked every bit the part growing up. I was kicked out of my house at 16 by an abusive father and drunk step-mother. I lived in a pool supply-shed turned into a bedroom at a motel run by one of my high school teachers until I graduated high school, working after school at the motel during school and working fair concessions all over the NE during the summers. I worked three jobs to put myself through college, making sure at least one of them was in the food industry so I could eat. 


Everything I have came from working my ass off and making sure I kept stupidity to a minimum. And it came not because I was white and not because I had a penis because I never stopped trying to better my situation. I took jobs that sucked, moved to cities I hated, worked for people I didn't respect, all with an eye on improving my lot in life.


In fact, I represent everything a leftist like you hates: hard working, self-sufficient and self-accountable. You need victims, not success stories. And I'm not victim of anything but my own decisions.


So put your embarrassing, predictable charade of "happy white male" life on mute because you literally have no idea what you the f8ck you're talking about.



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I don't celebrate manufactured holiday's because I refuse to do x on a certain date based on arbitrary constructs.


I don't need the earth's successful orbit of the sun to tell me to get drunk. I'll get drunk on Tuesday if I choose. My birthday is meaningless for the same reason. The earth once again did it's thing. Why do I need cake?


It's really bizarre to see people running around in thick traffic today to save a buck. Amazon is up and running. I often wonder if their motivation for this is simply because they feel they're 'supposed to." They may not even know they've fallen victim to such group think. But I'd never tell anyone what to do nor judge. What I find is the opposite; admonishment for NOT playing along. My motto in life is DO YOU.


As far as holiday pay, sign me up. When I was an hourly employee at the casino, I would work every holiday. I'll work 15 hours if they allow it. It's just another day in the life.

Edited by LSHMEAB
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