NoSaint Posted November 22, 2018 Posted November 22, 2018 1 minute ago, BringBackOrton said: Yeah but the connotations of “beat bloody” versus “spanked” are Gucci as long as it promotes cyber lynching. I mean, Peterson did beat the kid pretty badly last go around. There are pictures and reports. I agree we dont know what he did this time exactly but think there’s an element of maybe not letting your friend with 3 DUIs drive even if you only saw him have 2 beers, your friend that’s been through rehab get away with just a bump, or your guy that’s got child abuse charges pull out the belt and go to his “whooping room” with the kid. generally the behaviors might not be out of this world terrible for average Joe but Peterson’s proven not to be the guy that knows how to get the questionable behavior right 1
Steve O Posted November 22, 2018 Posted November 22, 2018 9 hours ago, Da webster guy said: Not sure if he's beating him with a belt. It could just be a little whack now and then. It used to just scare us kids more than it hurt growing up when my dad would pull out the belt. If he's continually beating him with it thats jailable esp considering the dude is on parole for the stick incident, but I think there's still room for a well-placed light belt whack in disciplining a kid if thats all he responds to. One time my father took out the belt, started whacking the kitchen table and told me to start crying so my mother would think it was by butt he was whacking. Told me next time it would be my butt. There was no next time.
BringBackOrton Posted November 22, 2018 Posted November 22, 2018 2 minutes ago, NoSaint said: I mean, Peterson did beat the kid pretty badly last go around. There are pictures and reports. I agree we dont know what he did this time exactly but think there’s an element of maybe not letting your friend with 3 DUIs drive even if you only saw him have 2 beers, your friend that’s been through rehab get away with just a bump, or your guy that’s got child abuse charges pull out the belt and go to his “whooping room” with the kid. generally the behaviors might not be out of this world terrible for average Joe but Peterson’s proven not to be the guy that knows how to get the questionable behavior right So what? The judge could have taken away his kids. He didn’t. The judge could have mandated that AP is never allowed to practice corporal punishment again. He didn’t. If the State decided that the guy with three DUIs can still drive his car if he wants, who the ***** are you to say he shouldn’t? Stop playing judge, jury and executioner when the State even refuses to play that role. Stop drawing false conclusions on a story that has zero details reported outside of Florio’s editorializing from his ivory tower. Stop supporting the cyber lynching of a black man by falsely quoting him and changing his use of language to malign him. Stop supporting an OP that states AP should be beaten with a “sock full of doorknobs” because he “violated” his agreement with the NFL. You’re gross.
H2o Posted November 22, 2018 Posted November 22, 2018 2 minutes ago, NoSaint said: Im fine giving benefit of the doubt but maybe a learning experience? The history of our country protecting white women from young black men isn’t particularly good. Throwing in blonde instead of woman creates connotations that a huge number will read whether you meant them or not I have never played the "race card" on here in my 12+ years as a member of this site. There are blonde haired women other than just whites, as evidenced by Teddy KGB's timely photo ( a quality choice I might add ). If people always want to jump to the race aspect of things they should probably do a little soul searching because many times it is an issue they need to address within themselves instead of projecting it upon others. I'm not making about race and I'm sorry if others may be, but I'm not one of the types to check myself due to others' possible sensitivity of any and everything I could possibly say. It's just not me and maybe that's due to the fact I treat everyone the same as the next regardless of race, color, creed, or religion. 1
row_33 Posted November 22, 2018 Posted November 22, 2018 15 minutes ago, H2o said: I have never played the "race card" on here in my 12+ years as a member of this site. There are blonde haired women other than just whites, as evidenced by Teddy KGB's timely photo ( a quality choice I might add ). If people always want to jump to the race aspect of things they should probably do a little soul searching because many times it is an issue they need to address within themselves instead of projecting it upon others. I'm not making about race and I'm sorry if others may be, but I'm not one of the types to check myself due to others' possible sensitivity of any and everything I could possibly say. It's just not me and maybe that's due to the fact I treat everyone the same as the next regardless of race, color, creed, or religion. don't bother with people who trap you into a response like this.... they are just wasting away their existence and look to devour the time of useful people.
Augie Posted November 22, 2018 Posted November 22, 2018 (edited) 11 hours ago, Augie said: I saw my father do it on my sister, and my wife reports it was part of her father’s repertoire. All turned out great. Spoiling kids is a worse offense as a parent IMO. I got enough reaction that I felt I need to explain myself. By “spoiling” I was referring to allowing a lack of personal discipline. They often lack the proper level of fear of consequences. My kids have attended more funerals than I have, to put it mildly. It’s a serious problem. It’s just another case of not wanting to be in either extreme. The sweet spot is in the middle. . Edited November 22, 2018 by Augie 1
Hapless Bills Fan Posted November 22, 2018 Posted November 22, 2018 13 hours ago, buffalo2218 said: Ok here’s the problem I have, and it’s not Adrian Peterson I have the problem with. The problem I have is the people complaining about spanking a child. Ok, I got spanked with a belt, switch, toy race car track, just about whatever. Now the extent of what Peterson’s tactics were the first time was way too much. But as far as using a belt? I have zero issues with it. Because it seems to me that not using a belt today is part of the problem: Growing up, I never saw or even heard of kids killing other kids and teachers in school, how many times has that happened recently? There’s what’s called right to parent in the law itself. I don’t in any way advocate child abuse, using a belt is not the same. But back to Peterson, I don’t have any issues with him using a belt for corporal punishment, but the line is drawn there. A lot depends on the context. A lot of my generation grew up with "get the soap" (Fels Naptha - ugh) or "go cut a switch". Most of us were never bruised or bloodied, but we all got the point "when the parents say No, no means No." Time-outs and chores and such are great if they work, but if they don't? I have issues with Peterson if he's using a belt again, because of his past history of taking it to excess and lacking a "tool kit" of other punishments. 3
NoSaint Posted November 22, 2018 Posted November 22, 2018 (edited) 6 minutes ago, row_33 said: don't bother with people who trap you into a response like this.... they are just wasting away their existence and look to devour the time of useful people. True story- was totally out to get him with my “im down to assume you meant well, but should be aware many don’t mean well and it might get you jumped on by folks.... like we saw here” response lots of people that feel persecuted in here today. Edited November 22, 2018 by NoSaint
LSHMEAB Posted November 22, 2018 Posted November 22, 2018 51 minutes ago, H2o said: It was in reference to the girl in general. The reason any of you are harping on the fact that I said blonde in the original statement instead of just saying woman is beyond anal. That blonde woman also shoved him and close fist clocked him before he had time to process what had occurred. It looked like a natural reflex from Mixon. There's always a reason......just don't do it.
row_33 Posted November 22, 2018 Posted November 22, 2018 9 minutes ago, NoSaint said: True story- was totally out to get him with my “im down to assume you meant well, but should be aware many don’t mean well and it might get you jumped on by folks.... like we saw here” response it's a sports board, it's a total waste of our time supposedly for fun and amusement while we continue waiting for the Bills to generate a bandwagon of 100,000 for public confrontation it's best to develop the ability to yell out "***** OFF!!" in a perfect Glaswegian accent louder than a 747.
Dr. K Posted November 22, 2018 Posted November 22, 2018 My father hit me with his belt; it was his go-to threat whenever he was mad. Most of the time when a parent hits a child the parent is not dispassionately thinking of the child's benefit, they are just frustrated or pissed off and they lash out. The use of the belt or any instrument is too much. These parents often say that they are teaching their child not to "act out" but 90% of the time they are simply acting out themselves, teaching intemperance, rage, and cruelty. The number of you who think this is a good child rearing strategy disheartens me. 2
hemma Posted November 22, 2018 Posted November 22, 2018 Belt was pretty common when I was a kid, though my dad never hit me. Can't say that beating a child's balls with a stick was the norm, but what happens in Appalachia, stays in Appalachia. 1
Irv Posted November 22, 2018 Posted November 22, 2018 13 hours ago, SMAKCruiser said: I used to get beaten with a spoon in the 80s from my parents. I got the plastic spoon. Whipping action was way more painful than the wooden spoon.
JohnC Posted November 22, 2018 Posted November 22, 2018 34 minutes ago, Kirby Jackson said: This may be the first thread that I’ve ever read all of the posts in. It’s been an interesting discussion. On the topic, I agree with Weo’s point. AP has no business in this league. If you are suspended for drugs and you get busted for drugs again, you get suspended a second time (and more severely). Why would he continue hitting his kid with a belt? Regardless of where you stand on discipline we can all agree that it CAN be interpreted as abuse. At the very least AP is a moron and at worst he’s a criminal. He was already punished for child abuse. Clearly, he didn’t learn a lesson if he still believes that a belt is an acceptable form of discipline. He’s a terrible parent. I'm not saying this to be mean-spirited and ridiculing but AP is not a very bright person. Or to put it more bluntly he is very ignorant. It's clear that even after going through the legal process and public exposure from the first beating case he simply doesn't believe that he did anything wrong. Being forced to go to counseling was simply a charade that he was compelled to do. In his mind and heart he doesn't believe that he did anything wrong. That's how he was raised and that is how he is going to raise his offspring. He will continue to enforce his discipline code in a way that he wants to. What makes this case most reflective of his ignorance is his willingness to publicly state that he continues to discipline in the way he sees fit. What's the saying? Ignorance is bliss. What's really pernicious about AP's behavior is that this cycle of physical behavior gets repeated because this type of behavior is learned and considered to be the norm. So it is passed on from one parenting generation to the next. That's the tragedy. 3
OldTimeAFLGuy Posted November 22, 2018 Posted November 22, 2018 5 minutes ago, Dr. K said: My father hit me with his belt; it was his go-to threat whenever he was mad. Most of the time when a parent hits a child the parent is not dispassionately thinking of the child's benefit, they are just frustrated or pissed off and they lash out. The use of the belt or any instrument is too much. These parents often say that they are teaching their child not to "act out" but 90% of the time they are simply acting out themselves, teaching intemperance, rage, and cruelty. The number of you who think this is a good child rearing strategy disheartens me. ...agree....was on the receiving end of the belt many times as a kid.......the other one was the fork across the knuckles at the dinner table for not holding mine correctly.....even though were talking 50+ years ago, the perceived "old school way" was wrong IMO.......... 22 minutes ago, LSHMEAB said: Yep. I would. ..pretty sure she was at the luau I went to.....had an apple in her mouth...............
Foxx Posted November 22, 2018 Posted November 22, 2018 14 hours ago, Mr. WEO said: He has now admitted he has violated the terms of his reinstatement---leaving aside, if you can, the fact that he still beats his son. He is no man. Will we here from the owners about this or are they still worried about the National Anthem? This is the worst human in the NFL right now. He needs sock full of doorknobs therapy. lol @ the SJW.
Kirby Jackson Posted November 22, 2018 Posted November 22, 2018 11 minutes ago, JohnC said: I'm not saying this to be mean-spirited and ridiculing but AP is not a very bright person. Or to put it more bluntly he is very ignorant. It's clear that even after going through the legal process and public exposure from the first beating case he simply doesn't believe that he did anything wrong. Being forced to go to counseling was simply a charade that he was compelled to do. In his mind and heart he doesn't believe that he did anything wrong. That's how he was raised and that is how he is going to raise his offspring. He will continue to enforce his discipline code in a way that he wants to. What makes this case most reflective of his ignorance is his willingness to publicly state that he continues to discipline in the way he sees fit. What's the saying? Ignorance is bliss. What's really pernicious about AP's behavior is that this cycle of physical behavior gets repeated because this type of behavior is learned and considered to be the norm. So it is passed on from one parenting generation to the next. That's the tragedy. Well said John. 1
Foxx Posted November 22, 2018 Posted November 22, 2018 and we are already seeing the tragedy of today's form of parenting.
HerdMenatlity1 Posted November 22, 2018 Posted November 22, 2018 13 hours ago, Mr. WEO said: He beat a 4 year old bloody. There is nothing such a young child could to his father at that age to elicit that kind of punishment. And the fact that he continues to do it means he's still a POS. Nixon sucker punched an adult who for, he felt, was mouthing off to him.. A horrible act, but orders of magnitude to beating an innocent child---his own child! I was smacked on occasion and rarely got the belt--45 years ago, when that's how dads managed their boys sometimes. But I was able to raise 2 boys without ever laying a hand on them or even threatening to. If you can't do that with your kids, I don't know how to help any of you. I received the belt on occasion and used the same on mine. What makes you think we need your help? You're not a better parent than I am. That last sentence of! You got hit and still feel you are a great parent, maybe you're a great parent because you were smacked when needed. Made you who you are today(a great dad). Maybe you should thank your parents for the discipline. 42 minutes ago, Dr. K said: My father hit me with his belt; it was his go-to threat whenever he was mad. Most of the time when a parent hits a child the parent is not dispassionately thinking of the child's benefit, they are just frustrated or pissed off and they lash out. The use of the belt or any instrument is too much. These parents often say that they are teaching their child not to "act out" but 90% of the time they are simply acting out themselves, teaching intemperance, rage, and cruelty. The number of you who think this is a good child rearing strategy disheartens me. To each his own. I call bs on the 90% statement. Where'd you get that #?
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