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35 minutes ago, PearlHowardman said:

Sarah Silverman is obviously one sick, incurable soul.




Yeah? Maybe. I’m still going to see Wreck It Ralph 2. 

1 minute ago, Deranged Rhino said:

If you're playing the "Trump doesn't care about veterans" card, you've got a losing hand. 

Yes, that's what he's doing. Even showing a picture of Obama at Arlington in amongst what he considers "corpse men".

2 minutes ago, BUFFALOBART said:


Odd hill to die on for you libs. Bugt do yourself a favor...when busting on Trump, try not to use Obama as an example of what to do. Because the dude is the single biggest pu$$y every to avoid the rain. 


Image result for obama, rain, marine holding umbrella

3 minutes ago, peace out said:

When your argument turns to discrediting someone else who has zero to do with the topic at hand you're losing.


I agree. No idea why Buffalobart brought Obama into this discussion.

1 hour ago, Deranged Rhino said:

If you're playing the "Trump doesn't care about veterans" card, you've got a losing hand. 

He did say he doesn't think captures veterans are heros...wonder what he thinks about the ones who were KIA.....

3 minutes ago, Iron Maiden said:

He did say he doesn't think captures veterans are heros...wonder what he thinks about the ones who were KIA.....


And how'd that attack line work out for his opponents when they tried it? It failed miserably, because there's zero doubt of his position on the troops, the military, and veterans. He's done more for them than the past two administrations combined 16 years in just 2. 


Like I said: losing hand.

3 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


And how'd that attack line work out for his opponents when they tried it? It failed miserably, because there's zero doubt of his position on the troops, the military, and veterans. He's done more for them than the past two administrations combined 16 years in just 2. 


Like I said: losing hand.

It's still bad optic at the very least....missing Vet Day at Arlington...C'mon....

5 minutes ago, Iron Maiden said:

It's still bad optic at the very least....missing Vet Day at Arlington...C'mon....


It absolutely is.


Which begs the question as to what caused the cancellation. Due to Trump's feelings for the military and this day in particular (he wanted a military parade in DC), it likely was not for a flippant reason. Certainly not because he doesn't care about the troops or the military - I think we can both agree on that. 


That's what I don't get about the continued line of attacks on Trump. There are so many other, legitimate criticisms one can level against his personal conduct - why invent one like this? It just rings so hollow. 


"President Trump did not want to cause that kind of unexpected disruption to the city and its people," Sanders said. She also said the trip to Aisne-Marne was 2½ hours each way by car.


https://amp-france24-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/amp.france24.com/en/20181112-trump-cemetery-no-show-out-concern-paris-traffic-world-war-one-centenary-armistice?amp_js_v=a2&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQECAFYAQ%3D%3D#referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.france24.com%2Fen%2F20181112-trump-cemetery-no-show-out-concern-paris-traffic-world-war-one-centenary-armistice


Try and Trumpsplain some more, if you will.  Do you guys ever get tired of dying on these hills only to be wrong time and time again?


That's a rhetorical question.  Apology accepted.


I do not believe Trump’s ‘I love the troops’ is genuine. I mean, I believe he likes/wants a huge and prolific military because all authoritarians do...but that’s a far cry from the genuine appreciation that guys like George W. Bush. 


I couldnt phathom not making it to Arlington on Veterans Day. It’s unrcontionable. 


That said, I’ll probably vote for the douche in 2020 because I can only imagine the train wreck that’ll win the DNC. 


Are those Troops at the border going to be stuck down there over Thanksgiving? Just as a political prop for Republicans? What a disgrace! 


Republicans don't care, or they would be trying to get those troops back to their regular bases to spend the holiday with their families. 

2 hours ago, Chicken Boo said:

"President Trump did not want to cause that kind of unexpected disruption to the city and its people," Sanders said. She also said the trip to Aisne-Marne was 2½ hours each way by car.




You're unfathomably stupid. 

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3 hours ago, Chicken Boo said:"President Trump did not want to cause that kind of unexpected disruption to the city and its people," Sanders said. She also said the trip to Aisne-Marne was 2½ hours each way by car.


You literally proved the point people were making yesterday about logistics - and admitted you were (again) wrong. 




You're terrible at this. 

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