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Occasi-Cortez Channeling the Rent's too damn high guy


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15 minutes ago, TakeYouToTasker said:


Her financial situation is indicative of her lack of competence.


It's a marker for the sort of general ineptitude which doesn't belong in Congress.


Which, for anyone who knows anything about Congress, is really saying something.

You're right but her general stupidity overshadows her financial situation. Her finances can (theoretically) be fixed. Her stupidity not so much.

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5 hours ago, TakeYouToTasker said:


Her financial situation is indicative of her lack of competence.


Leftists: Kavanaugh is irresponsible with money because he bought seats to a baseball game, used his credit card, and friends reimbursed him. HOW IRRESPONSIBLE!!!


Also Leftists: Ocasio-Cortez didn't have the foresight to put money aside so she could afford rent in DC, and if you have a problem with that, it's because her skin is brown! Racists!


That NPC meme is dead on with these nuts.






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OK, still not sure how she couldn't get a personal loan at prevailing rates for the $6k or so she needs short term considrring she has a guaranteed 6 figure salary for the next 2 years.  It's probably back to bartending after that, but she still could cover the loan easily.

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7 hours ago, Taro T said:

OK, still not sure how she couldn't get a personal loan at prevailing rates for the $6k or so she needs short term considrring she has a guaranteed 6 figure salary for the next 2 years.  It's probably back to bartending after that, but she still could cover the loan easily.


A loan?  With interest??  That's being taken advantage of by the man.  The government should give her the money interest and tax free.  

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20 hours ago, Hedge said:


I realize this will be wasted breath, but try to take a moment, step back, and think fully about what you stated. 


And because this is probably necessary: *Hint: it involves Trump*

New here huh..18 posts.....I have read 1....you have definitely found your safe room to come to....I am quite sure you will be quite happy posting....congratulations 

17 hours ago, TakeYouToTasker said:


Her financial situation is indicative of her lack of competence.


It's a marker for the sort of general ineptitude which doesn't belong in Congress.


Which, for anyone who knows anything about Congress, is really saying something.

How much money do you make so I can assess the weight of your opinion and competence. ...in fact everyone here please post your wages....I will go first....my 2018 income will be between 275 and 285k....but I work every weekend and haven’t taken a vacation for 18 months...



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17 minutes ago, TH3 said:

New here huh..18 posts.....I have read 1....you have definitely found your safe room to come to....I am quite sure you will be quite happy posting....congratulations 

How much money do you make so I can assess the weight of your opinion and competence. ...in fact everyone here please post your wages....I will go first....my 2018 income will be between 275 and 285k....but I work every weekend and haven’t taken a vacation for 18 months...




Your income, and hers, is just a very small part of your, and her, financial situation.  

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19 hours ago, billsfan89 said:


If you followed my logic and read my posts you would see that the defense wasn't of AOC but rather mocking people who think that because someone doesn't have the funds to make a rather expensive move to Washington DC that means they are unqualified. You can point to a lot of AOC's lack of experience and some of her more out there policy positions as evidence she is in over her head. I was just stating that attacking her on this one particular ground was unfounded.

I am not saying morons don't exist on the left but rather pointing out that saying the left elects idiots while true isn't something exclusive to the left as there are plenty of examples or right wing morons. 


I'm coming to the conclusion that our current batch of politicians aren't the true cause of the logjam in DC.  We, the voters, are the root of the problem beacuse we continue to elect the same people to represent us.  If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got.

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10 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:

So calling a girl a girl is now somehow sexist?  Man have we become overly sensitive. 



The media has their new darling, and they are going to "protect" her, adore her, rewrite her history, and highlight her the way they think best.  Shades of the Obamas.

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20 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:

So calling a girl a girl is now somehow sexist?  Man have we become overly sensitive. 





Don't confuse 'overly sensitive' with 'distracting.'


Leftists like Ocasio-Cortez know how clearly thinking people see through their designed narrative ("I'm just a poor little brown girl trying to make the world a better place with free stuff, etc."). And when called out on it, the fastest way to shut it down is to pick the label, point at the accuser, make them backtrack, and shut them up.


What happened here? The person apologized and erased their comment. 


This isn't the first time she's been called out for claiming poverty while wearing expensive clothes, and consequently it's not the first time she and her supporters yell sexism and get those comments erased.


Label, point, shout, silence. Leftist playbook 101.



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3 minutes ago, TH3 said:

BTW TYTT .....at the age of 29.....Cortez makes $174,000 per year.....how many of you make $174k now ......let alone at age 29......more pwnage✌️


DUDE! Nothing says "I'm smarter than you" than a six-figure salary!


That's, like, totes pwnage, and you should, like, totes beleedat, amirite?!?!!  :thumbsup:



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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is claiming that she is being discriminated against by House Democrats, implying racism.  It turns out that she not only brings lots of media attention, she also carries a truckload of attitude.


James Barrett of the Daily Wire:

The nation's youngest congresswoman has also been sounding the alarm over racism and sexism she suggests she's already experienced on Capitol Hill.


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