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Which protestors are worse?

Which are worse?  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. Which are worse?

    • Liberal Hippie Protestors
    • Right Wing Nuts

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Do you want me to bring up protestors at pro-life vs. pro-choice rallies? I see no difference between the two sides (you may want to just focus on one specific instance, I do not). Saying one is worse than the other is being either naiive or disingenuous.



I'm sure you don't. It's easy to be above the fray and say a pox on both houses, probably feels good too. I'm sure some naivete is involved is well.


Still, I don't think it's naiive or disingenuous to point out the side that loves to paint themselves as champions of free speech while they steal whole runs of college newspapers with a viewpoint they don't like or trying to drown out with heckles or throw 'food' at speakers they don't like is being hypocritical. Again, show me similar actions by the other side. And the pro-life/pro-choice comparison is totally disingenuous as making sure an opposing viewpoint is heard at a public function is hardly squelching free speech. If this salad dressing tossing moron had simply held up a sign outside the hall where the speech was given he would have gotten his point across and not been a public nuisance and a hypocrit to boot.


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I'm sure you don't. It's easy to be above the fray and say a pox on both houses, probably feels good too. I'm sure some naivete is involved is well.


Still, I don't think it's naiive or disingenuous to point out the side that loves to paint themselves as champions of free speech while they steal whole runs of college newspapers with a viewpoint they don't like or trying to drown out with heckles or throw 'food' at speakers they don't like is being hypocritical. Again, show me similar actions by the other side. And the pro-life/pro-choice comparison is totally disingenuous as making sure an opposing viewpoint is heard at a public function is hardly squelching free speech. If this salad dressing tossing moron had simply held up a sign outside the hall where the speech was given he would have gotten his point across and not been a public nuisance and a hypocrit to boot.


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I am not saying that the left aren't hypocrits. They are. They call for tolerance in other POV's, but yet hate it and do everything they can to make sure that opposing POV are either eliminated or discredited in the minds of Joe Public. They have no trouble distorting the truth or flat-out lying in order to achieve these goals.


I brought up the abortion debate to show that both sides are willing to resort to unethical and sometimes violent tactics. Saying one is worse than the other is just flat-out wrong. They are both guilty, but are guilty in different ways.

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A. At least the right wing "nuts" have legit causes.


The lefties cry out for dolphins, but don't care about human life.


Right. All Dolphins should die. But Catholicism says I should produce a child every time I want to get laid. Or choose abstinence. Gotta love that right wing stuff. :angry:

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Thanks, RCow.  But you left out "coward." :angry:


You left out "logical", "confident" , "independent", "capable of making up one's own mind" " able to distinguish truth from rhetoric" ...hmmm what did I leave out? B-)

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Right. All Dolphins should die. But Catholicism says I should produce a child every time I want to get laid. Or choose abstinence. Gotta love that right wing stuff. :angry:


Now that is a nice bit of ignorance. You do realize that 60% of the "Catholics" in this country vote with the left and thus Democrats? Ignorance of reality is always a good option.

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You left out "logical", "confident" , "independent", "capable of making up one's own mind" " able to distinguish truth from rhetoric" ...hmmm what did I leave out?  :angry:


Welcome to the reason I'm and independant and haven't voted for a Democrat nor Republican for a decade.

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Right. All Dolphins should die. But Catholicism says I should produce a child every time I want to get laid. Or choose abstinence. Gotta love that right wing stuff. :lol:


If you guys would stop shouting at each other, you'd realize that both sides have good points. Should the environment be protected? Yes. That's why the Clinton presidency was such a disappointment. Clinton's biggest contribution to the environment was saving on trees by using the Constitution as toilet paper.


Has the Left shown concern for human life? No. It basically ignored the worst mass murder in human history: the Soviet Union's Holocaust. http://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/20TH.HTM


On the other hand, the Latin American Catholic Church's strange insistence on fighting birth control while doing little to discourage out-of-wedlock sex has strongly contributed to that region's overpopulation problem. However, the Latin American Catholic Church's views are not reflective of the right wing in general, especially considering that the Latin American Catholic Church has been strongly influenced by Marxism!


What we need to do is to put namecalling aside, and simply ask ourselves what kind of a world we want to live in. Then we need to go out and choose the policies that will get us to where we need to be. I want to live in a world with dolphins, so I favor protecting them. I want to live in a world without overpopulation or poverty, so I believe the Latin American Catholic Church should be promoting birth control while discouraging out-of-wedlock sex. I want to live in a simpler, freer world, which is why I favor a smaller, simpler, more just government.

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Hippies.They're everywhere. They wanna save the earth, but all they do is smoke pot and smell bad


I hate hippies! I mean, the way they always talk about "protectin' the earth" and then drive around in cars that get poor gas mileage and wear those stupid bracelets - I hate 'em! I wanna kick 'em in the nuts!




I wear one of those "stupid bracelets" but it is a "HOPE" bracelet to raise funds for the MS Society, and I know the funds are going ot the cause, unlike Tsunami bracelets from EBay (is it really helping anyone?). ;)


I do not know why anyone would worry about protecting the earth. Unless a big asteroid or something hits, or the sun goes nova, the EARTH is in no danger (ask the dinosaurs). People may be in danger if humanity does not wise up though. :blush:


I am an ex-hippie, do not smoke pot (actually I rarely smoke pot), my 1992 Tracer gets great mileage, and I no longer smell bad. Let me know if you will be coming to the 2005 tailgate so I can wear an athletic cup!


Want some brownies? ;)

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Now that is a nice bit of ignorance.  You do realize that 60% of the "Catholics" in this country vote with the left and thus Democrats?  Ignorance of reality is always a good option.




I recall hearing that more catholics voted for Bush than Kerry.

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The poll indicated the Catholic vote was split 52 (Bush) / 47 (Kerry). It's close enough to 50/50 that you can't make generalizations about the political preferences of Catholics.



I would like to see how this compares to other elections, to see if it is a Party issue or a candidate issue.

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The poll indicated the Catholic vote was split 52 (Bush) / 47 (Kerry). It's close enough to 50/50 that you can't make generalizations about the political preferences of Catholics.


The way the numbers slide when church attendance is factored in is pretty interesting though. Big difference there.

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I recall hearing that more catholics voted for Bush than Kerry.


Where did I say how they voted, what I said was 60% of Catholics are democrats. Thet doesn't mean that is how they voted for a given candidate. Hell I am an independant, but I didn't vote for Nader.


I do however vote along various partylines depending on the best candidate for each office.



I believe between the options the Catholics while primarily registered democrat voted for Bush on moral values.

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I believe between the options the Catholics while primarily registered democrat voted for Bush on moral values.


That said, and combined with this, shouldn't "good" Roman catholics tend to vote GOP?

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Where did I say how they voted, what I said was 60% of Catholics are democrats.  Thet doesn't mean that is how they voted for a given candidate.



You do realize that 60% of the "Catholics" in this country vote with the left and thus Democrats?


You said they vote with the left. I just pointed out that in the last election they voted with the right.

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That said, and combined with this, shouldn't "good" Roman catholics tend to vote GOP?


A lot of what that site has to offer is the same tired old Leftist propaganda. In reference to the death penalty: "The antidote to violence is not more violence."


On war: "Catholic teaching calls on us to work to avoid war. Nations must protect the right to life by finding ever more effective ways to prevent conflicts from arising, to resolve them by peaceful means, and to promote post-conflict reconstruction and reconciliation."


On affirmative action: "We support judiciously administered affirmative action programs as tools to overcome discrimination and its continuing effects." Clearly, it is an act of injustice to give Michael Jordan's son a racial preference over the son of a West Virginian coal miner. Yet this is what affirmative action does; and this is what the Catholic Church seems to be advocating.


As for the whole pacifist/anti-death penalty thing, do you think that hardened criminals respond to intelligent dialogue? They respond only to the use of force. A government has the duty to defend its citizens from crime, even if this comes at the expense of the lives of hardened criminals.

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You said they vote with the left.  I just pointed out that in the last election they voted with the right.


You need to look at it from a broader picture. While the Catholics tended to vote republican as of late, honestly look at who the democrats have put up. A divorced former Catholic, a perpetual liar, a scoundrel (2 terms), and on. While the republican choices have always been light years ahead they have been more in line with the Catholic teaching. Think about it abortion which is murder in my eyes and many Catholics is done at a rate of millions per year. While the Catholic Church teaches peace we have seen far fewer killed in the war in Iraq, Afghanistan and on death row. In fact while the Church has spoken out against the Iraq war they have did not have a problem with Afghanistan, and will state these is sometimes a need for war.


Secondly the Catholic Church teaching giving, etc... If you look at the local and state elections for Catholics I would bet their voting practices are more in line with the Democrats there.


The real issue with taking a single election (President) is that you are taking it out of context of what defines a democat and a Catholic. I think if you see a democrat candidate who is a "true" Catholic, not some divorced alley cat who goes against every Church teaching, you may see a huge block of the Catholics return to voting democrat even at the national level.

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