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Only One Starter Drafted After 2nd Round


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The Pats have 15 of 22 starters that were drafted by them,  68 %.


The Bills have 8 of 22 starters that were drafted by them, 36 %.


My point was that I felt only having eight drafted starters seemed low,

and one starter drafted after round two was shocking for a very average team.  US.


Some posters challenged me to look at another teams drafted starters and I

chose N.E. 


Then people wanted to skew the numbers by adding special team players and

then said only go back to 2001 and other stuff.


Guess I'm the only one surprised, OR maybe there are more Ole' Whitey

apologists here than I thought.


So-Cal, with all due respect, you were the one who brought up Ol' Whitey. When I saw that, I decided to refute what you were saying. TD can only be accountable for draft picks from the last four years. The Pats have draft picks dating back from like ten years ago. I would be you money that after TD has another six drafts that his record will be as good or better than the Pats last ten years.

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So-Cal, with all due respect, you were the one who brought up Ol' Whitey. When I saw that, I decided to refute what you were saying. TD can only be accountable for draft picks from the last four years. The Pats have draft picks dating back from like ten years ago. I would be you money that after TD has another six drafts that his record will be as good or better than the Pats last ten years.



I really don't think he's gonna be around that long.

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i'm not as concerned about having starters drafted in later rounds as i am concerned about our ratio of drafted/free agent starters. need to build around the draft, not ralph's checkbook


but as far as the round our free agent starters were drafted in, most were 1st/2nd round picks there too (Vincent, Adams, Spikes, Milloy), 2 were undrafted (Posey, Fletcher), and a couple 3-7th rounders Oline, TE, and FB, which tend to get drafted later than offensive skill position and defense.

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TD's Drafts = B- He's made some blunders and some good picks

TD's FA Signings = B Signed garbage in 2001 ( no cap $$) ,Started signing good quality from 2002 on.


So Darin basically proved your argument was flawed. Then the 26-38 record is called out as a last resort. This isn't Madden 2005.


The major reason this team didn't show signs of progress until last year...could it be...Coaching ?


You keep comparing the Pats to Buffalo. Belichick IS the difference between a good team and a great team. You can stop the flawed player comparison now.


TD blew his 1st coaching hire. The Pats had Bill Belichick. We had Gregg Williams.


Welcome to the 26-38 explanation and why the Pats are better than anyone.

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TD's Drafts = B-  He's made some blunders and some good picks

TD's FA Signings = B    Signed garbage in 2001 ( no cap $$) ,Started signing good quality from 2002 on.


  So Darin basically proved your argument was flawed. Then the 26-38 record is called out as a last resort. This isn't Madden 2005. 


The major reason this team didn't show signs of progress until last year...could it be...Coaching ? 


You keep comparing the Pats to Buffalo. Belichick IS the difference between a good team and a great team. You can stop the flawed player comparison now.


TD blew his 1st coaching hire. The Pats had Bill Belichick. We had Gregg Williams.


Welcome to the 26-38 explanation and why the Pats are better than anyone.




You can't win without the horses. We simply don't have the horses, and

virtually none of them are coming after the second round.


Pick another team and see how many starters they drafted.


Don't you think if TD drafted better in mid-rounds our O-line might not

be the single biggest question mark every year, with this year not being

an exception?

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He also got us out of cap hell, signed London Fletcher, signed Sam Adams, signed Takeo Spikes, signed Troy Vincent, signed Jeff Posey, signed Troy Teague, signed Brian Moorman. 



Well, I suppose TD could have passed on signing these FAs and played some of our lower round draft choices instead. It would have made him look like a drafting genius! :blink:

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You can't win without the horses.  We simply don't have the horses, and

virtually none of them are coming after the second round.


Pick another team and see how many starters they drafted.


Don't you think if TD drafted better in mid-rounds our O-line might not

be the single biggest question mark every year, with this year not being

an exception?


We obviously don't have the best line in the NFL, but are they really THAT bad? They sprung Travis for 1300+ two years in a row, Willis went over 1100 in only 3/4 of a season last year, and our sack numbers improved. I'm all for upgrading it, but at least in the run blocking dept. they've been adequate.

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If you virtually never get a starter after round 2, why not?



Maybe because your round one and two picks are pretty damn good!


Of course, that wouldn't explain Erik Flowers or Corey Moore, but whatever.

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HOLY LORD... Oh my god... WOW.


I haven't seen someone get man handled this badly EVER on this board (yes, EVER).


First, you made a claim. We all told you that it would hold water if you compared it to another team.


You picked THE BEST team. You gave us numbers from that team.


Darin came along and taught you math.


You then realized you were wrong, so you then brought up TDs record (which had nothing to do with the original thread).


THEN you went on to say "well, even though I was wrong, most of NE's backups would start for us anyway".


Wow... I'm glad I got away from this thread for a while. Reading it now was awesome.


I won't call you an idiot. That doesn't mean you aren't one.

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Actually, I live about 5 minutes from RJ, he's in Laguna Beach.


I'm 2 miles from the ocean and surfing tomorrow at 06:00 am.



Who you foolin', RJ? I'd expect you to give TD some slack for cutting Flutie loose in year 1.

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HOLY LORD... Oh my god... WOW.


I haven't seen someone get man handled this badly EVER on this board (yes, EVER).


First, you made a claim. We all told you that it would hold water if you compared it to another team.


You picked THE BEST team. You gave us numbers from that team.


Darin came along and taught you math.


You then realized you were wrong, so you then brought up TDs record (which had nothing to do with the original thread).


THEN you went on to say "well, even though I was wrong, most of NE's backups would start for us anyway".


Wow... I'm glad I got away from this thread for a while. Reading it now was awesome.


I won't call you an idiot. That doesn't mean you aren't one.



Sorry, I can't take anything seriously from someone who's name is

synonymous with poopoo and has another mans picture as his avatar.


Not that there's anything wrong with that!

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Donahoe draft picks after round 3 still starting (or likely to this coming season) in the NFL:


Willie Williams

Joey Porter

Aaron Smith

Jerame Tuman

Hines Ward

Deshae Townsend

Mike Vrabel

Carlos Emmons

Clark Haggans

Willie Williams

Jonas Jennings

Terrence McGee

Ron Edwards

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Sorry, I can't take anything seriously from someone who's name is

synonymous with poopoo and has another mans picture as his avatar.


Not that there's anything wrong with that!


Hey, that's not just any man.......that's 'The Hasselhoff' :huh:

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The reality is that the late rounds of the draft in recent years have been pretty grim for this.  There are players like TJ Houshmanalphabet and Rudy Johnson for the Bengals who are contrary to the norm, but every team has had difficulty finding quality players in rounds 3-7.





Maybe the salary cap, now that we have gone a full generation with it, is finally starting to effect the play on the field? There may be fewer impact players found in later rounds, because teams really can't afford to waste time seeing if they can play, particularly when they have so much money tied up in free agent players signed at the same positons. It is much easier to sign, and cut, late draft picks, when you are feeling a salary cap squeeze....just a thought!

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