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Barry Bonds shrivled steroid enhanced balls got real big yesterday.


he has the audacity to use his son in front of the media. He told the camera operators to pull their shot out from a close up on him....so his son could be seen in the shot. so america could see how the media has hurt his family.


when will this pompus ass look in the mirror and point the finger at the person responsible?


what a @#%*!!!!!!


And to think the Bigs are going to let him break the HR record. Push everything under the rug so that America will continue to support a deteriorating league, and a corrupt drug-enhanced statistical inflation. These bozo's knew what was going on, but did nothing because the people paid to see these "great" players hit the ball out of the park in record numbers.


A pox on MLB. I was a diehard Mets fan once apon a time, but FA and drugs have made of it something akin to the NHL. Actually thats not fair. The NHL only suffers from greed.


its no worse than:

Sosa not speaking english. (he speaks better english than I do).

or Big Mac saying " i dont want to talk about the past".

its no worse than:

Sosa not speaking english. (he speaks better english than I do).

or Big Mac saying " i dont want to talk about the past".


They've all become one big disgrace......on top of that, Selig is a damn JOKE. I'd only heard soundbytes from him until these hearings.......the guy just has no clue. As for Bonds, I actually felt embarrassed for him watching that interview with his kid......he just has no clue how pathetic he looks and sounds. I don't know about the rest of you, but steroids or not, I have a hard time sympathizing with multi-millionaires who are 'tired'

its no worse than:

Sosa not speaking english. (he speaks better english than I do).

or Big Mac saying " i dont want to talk about the past".



No argument from me. Screw 'em all.


Remember the Mac/Sosa HR derby a few years back? I had arrived at a place of distain for MLB prior to that, but even I found that race entertaining. What does that look like now? MLB can drown in their own vomit for all I care....

he used his son yesterday.

it was pathetic and a disgrace.



You're spot on with that observation. What shrivel of respect he had left with the sporting public went up in flames yesterday. I can't remember an athlete coming across worse in a press conference.


Forgive me if this is a little off topic, but I always want to tell this true story when someone is talking about Bonds.


In 1999 I was a Marine in San Diego. I was taking photos of a couple hundred Marines who were unfurling the world's largest American flag on the field for the National Anthem at Qualcom Statidum before a July 5 Padres-Giants game. It was Miiitary Appreciation Day and the game celebrating Independence Day.


I was on the field near first base as the National Anthem began. I clicked a couple quick shots of the Marines on the field and then turned to get a few shots of players standing with their caps over their hearts. Just as I was putting my camera down I noticed Barry Bonds. While the rest of his team was all standing at attention, he was lying down in the dugout.


It may not seem like a big deal, but I thought it was a disgrace. I wrote a opinion column for my base newspaper, and SI ran a clip from it. The Giants said he was lying down nursing an injury, but he never showed any other sign of an injury before or after that game.


It just pised me off, and I'll be very happy to see him leave the game.

its no worse than:

Sosa not speaking english. (he speaks better english than I do).

or Big Mac saying " i dont want to talk about the past".



Sosa didn't have a clue what was going on.


It's times like these that make me glad I have no time vested in watching this sport. Having watched clips of the press conference, it has become increasingly clear that even at the age of 40, Barry Bonds has all the emotional control and strength of a Pez dispenser.


Even the fans say it's a bunch of out-of-countrol crap. Unfortunately, it doesn't matter. You all keep showing up to games and buying merchandise and enabling the problem.


You guys should have bailed on this sport after the last strike. And you should really bail on the sport this season. Unfortunately, that won't happen and MLB will continue on its current path.


I agree to an extent.



i bailed on the sport for two years after the strike.

i don't see a reason to bail on the sport now because a small percentage of players have screwed the game. and i really believe it is small percentage overall.


i am a Reds fan. I have guys like Jason Dunn who is a pure power hitter who hit 46 dingers and Griffey who...yeah he has been hurt...but one of the most pure athletes who have hit 500 career homers and never touched the junk.

these are the kind of guys that make me remain a fan of the game.


there is not reason to throw the baby out with the bath water.

get rid of Bonds, McGwire, Sosa...and the few otheres who have screwed not only with baseball, but their own bodies.

You guys should have bailed on this sport after the last strike. And you should really bail on the sport this season.



Exactly....I could not agree more! Abandon this fiasco known as MLB and embrace the WORLD'S SPORT.................SOCCER!!!! Turn on Fox Soccer Channel and immerse yourself in the exciting match play of the English Premier League......Check out the top teams in all of Europe in the UEFA Champions League......root for your favorite national team as World Cup '06 approaches......YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

Exactly....I could not agree more!  Abandon this fiasco known as MLB and embrace the WORLD'S SPORT.................SOCCER!!!!  Turn on Fox Soccer Channel and immerse yourself in the exciting match play of the English Premier League......Check out the top teams in all of Europe in the FA Champions League......root for your favorite national team as World Cup '06 approaches......YOU CAN DO IT!!!!




oh great. you see what you started LA ??? :P

oh great.  you see what you started LA ???    0:)




Since the strike of 1994, I have watched only a handfull of games. I would rather french kiss Woopie Goldberg while she has a mouth full of half-chewed peanuts than subject myself to MLB.

oh great.  you see what you started LA ???    :P


Some friends and I were discussing the way to fix MLB.


First, everyone needs to stop watching it. De-value the sport to the bone.


Then, get Vince McMahon, Dick Butkus and Hollywood Hulk Hogan to by the rights to MLB, but change it to MLB-X. Change things up.


First, start with adding cheerleaders who frolic in hottubs on top of the dugouts.


Next, when the batter hits the ball, he's allowed to take the bat with him to first base and use it to help him get their safe. If the batter makes it to first without using the bat, he can keep it with him until he has to use it. If he steals second without using the bat, he gets an extra bat.


Next, to make it interesting, allow the first and third base coaches to sit on wooden, breakaway chairs. Anyone running for first or stealing third is fair game.


To increase crossover viewership, I recommend you do away with trained umpires and use aging wrestling vets that are probably still in McMahon's speed dial. I'm talking totally retro: Haystack Calhoun. Captain Lou Albano. Real wrestlers from when the sport was fake, but everyone denied it.


Anyway...that's how my friends and I would fix baseball.

Sosa didn't have a clue what was going on.



even if he didnt know what was going on, SOME ONE COULD HAVE TOLD HIM.


you dont show up at a freakin congressional hearing and say.. "why am i here?".

Exactly....I could not agree more!  Abandon this fiasco known as MLB and embrace the WORLD'S SPORT.................SOCCER!!!!  Turn on Fox Soccer Channel and immerse yourself in the exciting match play of the English Premier League......Check out the top teams in all of Europe in the UEFA Champions League......root for your favorite national team as World Cup '06 approaches......YOU CAN DO IT!!!!



I would rather watch paint dry... :blink::blink:


Bonds will not pass Ruth or Aaron. In fact, I think he will retire because MLB will/has/is put pressure on Bonds to retire so the most prestigous record in sport will stay intact.


Bonds has already tainted the 1yr home run record (McGwire too). MLB will not let him taint both.

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