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Bombs in Mail to Democrat Leaders?


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4 minutes ago, TakeYouToTasker said:


I would like, very much, for you to make the case that the problem liberals are facing is that they aren’t fighting dirty enough, where you state that conservatives are; and that political violence isn’t being fostered and pushed as a legitimate course of action by the left in this country.


I’ll also note you didn’t bother responding to my post outlining very specific calls to, funding of, and actual acts of political violence being perpetrated by the left.


Probably because I don't have time to deal with this pointless discussion.


I spend enough time on pointless sports discussion and my life is busy enough with better things.

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7 minutes ago, TakeYouToTasker said:


I would like, very much, for you to make the case that the problem liberals are facing is that they aren’t fighting dirty enough, where you state that conservatives are; and that political violence isn’t being fostered and pushed as a legitimate course of action by the left in this country.


I’ll also note you didn’t bother responding to my post outlining very specific calls to, funding of, and actual acts of political violence being perpetrated by the left.

just in case he has you on ignore (not that i believe he does), i will quote you. do i think he will response and do as you asked, no. i don't think he can though i would like to see him try.


ETA: i see i was wrong, he did respond but I was right in that he wouldn't respond directly.

Edited by Foxx
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1 minute ago, transplantbillsfan said:


Probably because I don't have time to deal with this pointless discussion.


I spend enough time on pointless sports discussion and my life is busy enough with better things.


Sports are a past time, entertainment. 


We're talking about the future of our country and how to better it... but you have better things to worry about. 


(This isn't an attempt to be mean, it's an attempt to get you to stay here and join the conversation honestly. We need all the differing voices we can get, but you got to be willing to have a discussion, not just preach)

Edited by Deranged Rhino
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Just now, transplantbillsfan said:


If you say so.  


"I can't argue my point, so I'm going to just give up and feel superior."


One of the other marks of a neo-prog Jaco-trib: you can't argue your own beliefs because you can't recognize anyone else's.  Nothing but a pure, unchallenged solipsist.

Just now, Deranged Rhino said:


Sports are a past time, entertainment. 


We're talking about the future of our country and how to better it... but you have better things to worry about. 


We're actually talking about a pending civil war - not just the future of our country, but the deaths of a great number of people.

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4 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


Sports are a past time, entertainment. 


We're talking about the future of our country and how to better it... but you have better things to worry about. 


(This isn't an attempt to be mean, it's an attempt to get you to stay here and join the conversation honestly. We need all the differing voices we can get, but you got to be willing to have a discussion, not just preach)


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1 minute ago, DC Tom said:


"I can't argue my point, so I'm going to just give up and feel superior."


One of the other marks of a neo-prog Jaco-trib: you can't argue your own beliefs because you can't recognize anyone else's.  Nothing but a pure, unchallenged solipsist.


Well, he's got a valid excuse for not arguing the point he can't argue: He doesn't have time to argue.

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2 minutes ago, Koko78 said:


Well, he's got a valid excuse for not arguing the point he can't argue: He doesn't have time to argue.


Too busy arguing about...which QB is he for?  Is he a Taylorite?  An Allen Wrench?  A Petermaniac?  An Andersonson?


Another mark of the sopojatrib: an immature belief in the discredited Great Man Theory of history.  Forget the greater context of socio-economics and societal pressures and evolution...the real problem is one demagogue, and society is naught but a weak, vulnerable spectator.

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15 minutes ago, transplantbillsfan said:


Probably because I don't have time to deal with this pointless discussion.


I spend enough time on pointless sports discussion and my life is busy enough with better things.


I don’t believe that to be true.  I believe you fully know, and understand that the discussion being held currently is the single most important discussion American citizens will have in their lifetimes, but aren’t quite sure how to respond, because the facts you’ve been presented with, and make no mistake, they are facts, run counter to what you’ve been trained to believe.


I sincerely hope you decide to stick around.

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10 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


so.... what? they took the bomb with them to photograph it so they could post pictures on their website?

yeah, yeah... that's it. yeah!

Edited by Foxx
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1 hour ago, transplantbillsfan said:


No, that's actually NOT AT ALL what my argument boils down to.


It really isn't.


It's there for you to find it if you want.


PPP is definitely not where I will spend my time, but this half-day venture has been eye-opening.


This side of the board is not like TBD. PPP used to be the Mad Max part of the board, but TBD is so filled with BBMB jump-to-their-deaths-over-an-incomplete-pass-I-hate-the-Bills-but can't-can't-quit-them-erotic-nueurosis-coo-coo-town, that you can't take the TBD scream-and-run approach on PPP. You need to be prepared to back what you say.

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3 hours ago, transplantbillsfan said:


No, that's actually NOT AT ALL what my argument boils down to.


It really isn't.


It's there for you to find it if you want.


PPP is definitely not where I will spend my time, but this half-day venture has been eye-opening.

In fairness to transplant, ya'll did him dirty here.  


You missed his line here:

6 hours ago, transplantbillsfan said:




The media didn't ignore any of that.


What a great example you've provided of how much twitter is ruining our society.


Talk about divided times.



Just to point to one example, Michelle Obama once said "when they go low, we go high."


Obviously a metaphor.  Obviously not in relation to physical fights.  Obviously tied to dialogue.


Eric Holder, very obviously responding to her metaphor and reversing it, said "when they go low, kick them."


Also, obviously a metaphor.  And frankly, the Democrats biggest downfall politically has been that they've been far more civil and don't get dirty the way Republicans to, in general.  


There's nothing about anything physical there and everyone who's even remotely informed understood that what he said was a metaphor in response to another metaphor.


All of those comparisons in that stupid tweet, besides the fact that they're basically apples to oranges in the types of things being said by our President, are being said by people who are NOT the President of our country.


See, even though a majority of the population didn't vote for Trump. they listen and follow his every word because he's President now.   All those protesters who marched in "I'm With Her" rallies have seen the light and have decided to beat people up because President Trump said so.  Even as they believe everything their Democrat thought-leaders shovel down their throats, their words still mean less than the President that they hate, who is a habitually lying, racist, misogynistic, xenophobic bastard. 


Because approximately 0.0 people in the US believe in a Hillary Clinton message over a Donald Trump one. After all, he is the President, and she isn't.

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