Koko78 Posted April 6, 2019 Posted April 6, 2019 https://news.yahoo.com/2020-vision-warren-calls-for-end-to-filibuster-in-senate-184500247.html Quote So let me be as clear as I can about this: When Democrats next have power, we should be bold. We are done with two sets of rules, one for the Republicans and one for the Democrats. And that means when the Democrats have the White House again, if Mitch McConnell tries to do what he did to President Obama and put small-minded partisanship ahead of solving the massive problems in this country, then we should get rid of the filibuster. Expand Wow, this is hysterical. She wants to eliminate the filibuster only if the Democrats win in 2020. If she really wanted to walk the walk, she'd introduce the rule change now. Laughably disingenuous. Not that I'd expect anything else from Lieawatha. 3
Azalin Posted April 6, 2019 Posted April 6, 2019 On 4/6/2019 at 7:27 PM, Koko78 said: https://news.yahoo.com/2020-vision-warren-calls-for-end-to-filibuster-in-senate-184500247.html Wow, this is hysterical. She wants to eliminate the filibuster only if the Democrats win in 2020. If she really wanted to walk the walk, she'd introduce the rule change now. Laughably disingenuous. Not that I'd expect anything else from Lieawatha. Expand Disingenuous indeed, and little more than another in a long string of nonsensical talking points put out there for the witless drones to chant at their upcoming election rallies. 1
Koko78 Posted April 6, 2019 Posted April 6, 2019 On 4/6/2019 at 7:35 PM, Azalin said: Disingenuous indeed, and little more than another in a long string of nonsensical talking points put out there for the witless drones to chant at their upcoming election rallies. Expand Hmm, does Cocaine Mitch need to schedule another vote to make the Democrat "hopefuls" back up their rhetoric? 1
IDBillzFan Posted April 6, 2019 Posted April 6, 2019 On 4/6/2019 at 6:43 PM, Deranged Rhino said: When TDS is so bad all you can do is respond with "BUT TRUMP!" Predictable and sad. Expand The only thing that could make him more sad is if he happily posted photos here of men sucking each other's *****. Oh, wait. But hey...we don't judge. It's probably against the rules for here, but if he loves to spend his days sharing photos of men sucking each other's *****, then he should be free to so with his other Tinder boys.
Azalin Posted April 6, 2019 Posted April 6, 2019 On 4/6/2019 at 7:43 PM, Koko78 said: Hmm, does Cocaine Mitch need to schedule another vote to make the Democrat "hopefuls" back up their rhetoric? Expand I think they'll manage just fine on their own.
3rdnlng Posted April 6, 2019 Posted April 6, 2019 On 4/6/2019 at 2:26 PM, BigMcD said: It’s like visiting the zoo. Expand I doubt that you ever came in the front door. On 4/6/2019 at 4:37 PM, Deranged Rhino said: ...Not even that time you bribed Ukraine to not prosecute your son for his shady business dealings that netted him and your family millions? Of course you're not sorry for that, Joe. You're a fake, a fraud, and a bad person. Your time's almost up. Hope it was fun for you, Joe. Expand I'll bet he'll be sorry for this little tune:
Nanker Posted April 6, 2019 Posted April 6, 2019 Da Bill-a-jizz comin’ Ta’ yer home town. Da Bill-a-jizz comin’ Ta’ yer home town. Da Bill-a-JIZZ!!!! Democrat Anthem. Kill and sell as many dismembered infant body parts as possible for the maximum profit!
Q-baby! Posted April 7, 2019 Posted April 7, 2019 On 4/6/2019 at 9:43 PM, 3rdnlng said: I doubt that you ever came in the front door. I'll bet he'll be sorry for this little tune: Expand I don’t do the back door you pervert!!!
GG Posted April 7, 2019 Posted April 7, 2019 Didn't know if I should post this here or in the Deep State or Trump Media thread. I saw a headline cross over my phone about Obama's speech in Berlin. I tried looking it up, and there was no mention of it anywhere other than Fox News!! Odd, don't you think? Until you see the topic that he spoke about. Not a single major news outlet had this story on the main page. This is the reigning standard bearer of the party. I don't like to post links from Fox News, but in this case, there was no other choice. Obama worries that progressives risk creating ‘circular firing squad’ Quote Former President Barack Obama said on Saturday that he is worried that progressives are creating a “circular firing squad” as prospective Democratic presidential candidates race to the left on a number of hot topic issues ahead of the 2020 election. “The way we structure democracy requires you to take into account people who don’t agree with you,” he said at an Obama Foundation town hall event in Berlin, according to The New York Post. “And that by definition means you’re not going to get 100 percent of what you want.” “One of the things I do worry about sometimes among progressives … we start sometimes creating what’s called a ‘circular firing squad’ where you start shooting at your allies because one of them has strayed from purity on the issues,” he said. Expand 3
row_33 Posted April 7, 2019 Posted April 7, 2019 it was good that Cuomo on CNN spent five minutes explaining why the meme of a second Biden touching himself up and smelling his hair was not an actual video
Q-baby! Posted April 7, 2019 Posted April 7, 2019 On 4/7/2019 at 3:20 PM, row_33 said: it was good that Cuomo on CNN spent five minutes explaining why the meme of a second Biden touching himself up and smelling his hair was not an actual video Expand Well in his defence, you have to consider the intelligence of his viewers.
Nanker Posted April 7, 2019 Posted April 7, 2019 Bernie, "Let Felons Vote While They're Still in Jail."
Doc Brown Posted April 7, 2019 Posted April 7, 2019 On 4/7/2019 at 2:40 AM, GG said: Didn't know if I should post this here or in the Deep State or Trump Media thread. I saw a headline cross over my phone about Obama's speech in Berlin. I tried looking it up, and there was no mention of it anywhere other than Fox News!! Odd, don't you think? Until you see the topic that he spoke about. Not a single major news outlet had this story on the main page. This is the reigning standard bearer of the party. I don't like to post links from Fox News, but in this case, there was no other choice. Obama worries that progressives risk creating ‘circular firing squad’ Expand Reminds me of 2016. House Speaker Paul Ryan described the negative campaigning among GOP presidential candidates as "a conservative circular firing squad" that could cost Republicans the 2016 election. Interviewed Monday on Hugh Hewitt's radio show, the Wisconsin lawmaker stressed he will remain neutral in the White House race, but when asked about the "massacre" going on inside the GOP, he issued a warning. "I do worry about a conservative circular firing squad. All that does is play into the hands of the left, and give them the election victory by default that they're looking for," he said.
Deranged Rhino Posted April 7, 2019 Posted April 7, 2019 On 4/7/2019 at 7:43 PM, Doc Brown said: Reminds me of 2016. House Speaker Paul Ryan described the negative campaigning among GOP presidential candidates as "a conservative circular firing squad" that could cost Republicans the 2016 election. Interviewed Monday on Hugh Hewitt's radio show, the Wisconsin lawmaker stressed he will remain neutral in the White House race, but when asked about the "massacre" going on inside the GOP, he issued a warning. "I do worry about a conservative circular firing squad. All that does is play into the hands of the left, and give them the election victory by default that they're looking for," he said. Expand It does. Because both obama and Ryan are representing the uniparty establishment (Clinton/Bush) and want trump gone if only to save their own asses.
Deranged Rhino Posted April 7, 2019 Posted April 7, 2019 https://mobile.twitter.com/mtracey/status/1114895322147446785
SoCal Deek Posted April 8, 2019 Posted April 8, 2019 This is a legitimate question: Out here in California we’ve all been mandated to take harassment training at a minimum of every other year, dating back to Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas. Didn’t Joe have to take this training? Didn’t he have to sign a form declaring he’d sat through the course? Are elected officials exempt? If so...why?
row_33 Posted April 8, 2019 Posted April 8, 2019 On 4/8/2019 at 12:05 AM, SoCal Deek said: This is a legitimate question: Out here in California we’ve all been mandated to take harassment training at a minimum of every other year, dating back to Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas. Didn’t Joe have to take this training? Didn’t he have to sign a form declaring he’d sat through the course? Are elected officials exempt? If so...why? Expand It was all a funny misunderstanding for Joe.
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