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Democratic 2020 Presidential Primary Thread


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2 hours ago, Koko78 said:

How anyone thinks Joe Biden has a smidgen of a chance as things now turn to the Ukraine, is beyond me.  Between his handsy nature, his son Beau being a director of a Ukrainian holding company, and his son Hunter and the Ukrainian gas company (nevermind the China joint venture $1.5B deal)... I sit here and scratch my head wondering why people don't think President Trump wouldn't hammer away at Biden daily over that crap?

Edited by Buffalo_Gal
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12 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

How anyone thinks Joe Biden has a smidgen of a chance as things now turn to the Ukraine, is beyond me.  Between his handsy nature, his son Beau being a director of a Ukrainian holding company, and his son Hunter and the Ukrainian gas company (nevermind the China joint venture $1.5B deal)... I sit here and scratch my head wondering why people don't think President Trump wouldn't hammer away at Biden daily over that crap?


Because, at this point, the polls are purely name recognition. In addition, I wouldn't be surprised - at all - if they're over-representing people in liberal states in these polls. Trump is getting more than 40% of the vote.

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10 minutes ago, Koko78 said:


Because, at this point, the polls are purely name recognition. In addition, I wouldn't be surprised - at all - if they're over-representing people in liberal states in these polls. Trump is getting more than 40% of the vote.


this is so freakin early to get anything going, especially when they had better rally hard to try to defeat a currently winnable incumbent.



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“The good news for the Democratic contenders is that most of the party’s voters have not made impeachment a litmus test: Even after [special counsel Robert S. Mueller III] delivered the report to [Attorney General William P.] Barr on Friday, few activists confronted the candidates at weekend appearances with questions about Russia. With Democrats winning back a foothold of power by capturing the House last year, enthusiasm for impeaching [President] Trump has ebbed.”

https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/25/us/politics/mueller-report-2020-candidates.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage

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The dem contenders basically all support the New Green Deal along with other socialistic programs such as Medicare for all. They're falling over each other to get to the furthest left position. The nomination process will force these idiots to stake out firm positions that whoever wins the nomination of course will try to modify in the general election. No wonder they didn't want Fox News moderating any of their debates. They are afraid that Fox might clearly define them. It doesn't really matter though, they'll out each other and pay the price against Trump. The dem meltdown is going to be as fun for the right as American deaths are to HAHA Gator. 

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10 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

The dem contenders basically all support the New Green Deal along with other socialistic programs such as Medicare for all. They're falling over each other to get to the furthest left position. The nomination process will force these idiots to stake out firm positions that whoever wins the nomination of course will try to modify in the general election. No wonder they didn't want Fox News moderating any of their debates. They are afraid that Fox might clearly define them. It doesn't really matter though, they'll out each other and pay the price against Trump. The dem meltdown is going to be as fun for the right as American deaths are to HAHA Gator. 

No, they are not all for Medicare for all and Green New Deal. Get your facts straight. Oh wait, you can't do that. LOL 


Surprised you didn't mention the slavery reparations things. That is the scary one! What a joke that will be if the Dem nominee has that baggage around her neck :( 

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8 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

No, they are not all for Medicare for all and Green New Deal. Get your facts straight. Oh wait, you can't do that. LOL 


Surprised you didn't mention the slavery reparations things. That is the scary one! What a joke that will be if the Dem nominee has that baggage around her neck :( 

Tell me HAHA Gator, what major dem candidates are against Medicare for all and the New Green Deal?

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16 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

No, they are not all for Medicare for all and Green New Deal. Get your facts straight. Oh wait, you can't do that. LOL 


Surprised you didn't mention the slavery reparations things. That is the scary one! What a joke that will be if the Dem nominee has that baggage around her neck :( 

  Baggage as far as defending the proposal or that a candidate has family history as slave owners?

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14 hours ago, njbuff said:

Something tells me that prison and CPL will not go well together.


It would be a shock if we don't hear that CPL wasn't killed in prison.

The firm of Avenatti & Cohen will be setting up shop in Otisville, NY where a federal "white collar crime" prison is located. The Jailhouse Lawyers have already published a fee schedule of packs of cigarettes for relatively minor offenses and carton(s) for the more serious faux pas.

6 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

Look it up 

***** you, Sue.

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18 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

No? Much easier to spew ignorance, I guess 

Once again, you dispute something that someone posted and then when challenged to prove it, declare that it's the other person's job to refute their own assertion. When will you ever learn? (I know the answer to that but had to ask anyway)

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2 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

I know! 

You are a sleezeball, devoid of character and any true standards. Changing what I post and then quoting it is the best you can do? Are you out of gruesome deaths to laugh about? I know they are not American so the atrocities will not meet your standards, but you can probably find a video of the NZ Mosque killings. That might hold you over.

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