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Democratic 2020 Presidential Primary Thread


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On 3/14/2019 at 6:48 AM, Doc Brown said:

Suburban women may decide this election so a tall, good looking and charismatic guy may be a draw.  I'd love to say it was on actual substance, but we know better than that.


By the way, the outfit and pose can't be a coincidence.




O'Rourke is to Ronal Reagan as Silky Extra-Soft Tofu is to Prime Rib. 



On 3/16/2019 at 8:56 AM, Buffalo_Gal said:

Well, Beta definitely isn't "the guy". All that stuff about his fantasy writing at 15 (!!!) coming out so early? The Dems would have buried it so deep before he declared if he was supposed to be this cycles empty suit.


I've seen that movie before...


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I'm not sure if this gives any perspective on the current Dem #s, but here is March, 2015 Quinnipiac Republican poll #s (a lot of names that nobody GAS about anymore):




                     Mar 05  Nov 26  Jul 08  Jan 21  Dec 11  Oct 02  Apr 03
                     2015    2014    2014    2014    2013    2013    2013
Bush                 16      11      10      11      11      11      10
Carson                7       8      na      na      na      na      na
Christie              8       8      10      12      17      13      14
Cruz                  6       5       8       9      13      10      na
Graham                1      na      na      na      na      na      na
Huckabee              8       5      10      na      na      na      na
Jindal                2       2       1       3       3       3       3
Kasich                1       2       2       2       2      na      na
Paul                  6       6      11      13      14      17      15
Perry                 1       2       3      na      na      na      na
Rubio                 5       2       6       8       7      12      19
Santorum              2       1       2      na      na      na      na
Walker               18       5       8       6       5       4       2
McDonnell            na      na      na      na      na      na       1
Portman              na       -      na      na      na      na      na
Romney               na      19      na      na      na      na      na
Ryan                 na       5       8      13       9      10      17
SMONE ELSE(VOL)       1       1       -       -       2       -       1
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)      2       1       2       1       1       1       -
DK/NA                17      16      20      22      17      19      18


By July, 2015, according to CNN poll, https://www.cnn.com/2015/07/01/politics/donald-trump-poll-hillary-clinton-jeb-bush/index.html


It was: 

19% Jeb Bush

12% Trump

8%  Huckabee

7%  Carson

7%  Rand Paul

6%  Rubio

6%  Scott Walker

3%  Christie




Edited by snafu
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50 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

Harris without much name recognition doing ok 

  Are you joking?  You would have to be living in a cave to not know who Harris is based on all the MSM coverage in the last few months.  The only way she could increase her presence is to go around and give free lap dances.  

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16 minutes ago, RochesterRob said:

  Are you joking?  You would have to be living in a cave to not know who Harris is based on all the MSM coverage in the last few months.  The only way she could increase her presence is to go around and give free lap dances.  



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1 hour ago, Deranged Rhino said:


She forgot the cardinal rules of DC politics: Don't bite the hand that feeds you - especially if that hand is the Clinton machine. 



Too bad. Her position on guns and the NRA are spot on. The NRA wants to sell assaut rifles to a teenager in Walmart! :lol:


The Donner Party primary is going to be the best ever.



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1 hour ago, Doc Brown said:

Latest Dem CNN/SRRI Poll.  More supoort for Harris and O'Rourke.




Buttigieg... ?


16 minutes ago, LABillzFan said:


Too bad. Her position on guns and the NRA are spot on. The NRA wants to sell assaut rifles to a teenager in Walmart! :lol:


The Donner Party primary is going to be the best ever.




The really funny thing is she ran for Senator initially by claiming that she was a pro gun Democrat from a red county.

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9 minutes ago, Koko78 said:


Buttigieg... ?



The really funny thing is she ran for Senator initially by claiming that she was a pro gun Democrat from a red county.

There are a lot of dem candidates that have to deny their past in order to claim a far left position. Who other than Bernie hasn't done this? Even Joe Biden says he's the most progressive of all of the candidates. This shift will not help those candidates and it will bring them down when thrown in their faces.

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28 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

There are a lot of dem candidates that have to deny their past in order to claim a far left position. Who other than Bernie hasn't done this? Even Joe Biden says he's the most progressive of all of the candidates. This shift will not help those candidates and it will bring them down when thrown in their faces.

That's why the shiny new penny with charsma often wins regardless of experience.  In this case it would be Beto who seems to have taken the middle of the road positions within the primaries.  He's my longshot candidate right now.

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Just now, Doc Brown said:

That's why the shiny new penny with charsma often wins regardless of experience.  In this case it would be Beto who seems to have taken the middle of the road positions within the primaries.  He's my longshot candidate right now.

He's going to get pummeled by his past. Wait until the debates (if he gets that far) when he'll have to take a stand. All these candidates are falling all over themselves to be the furthest lefty. I can't think of one that isn't for 3rd trimester abortions. Well, only 17% of our adult population agrees with that position. They've all pretty much endorsed the Green New Deal. Sure, whoever wins the nomination will try to back off from that fantasy, but during the free-for-all of getting nominated, they'll have said enough to sink themselves.

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14 hours ago, Doc Brown said:

That's why the shiny new penny with charsma often wins regardless of experience.  In this case it would be Beto who seems to have taken the middle of the road positions within the primaries.  He's my longshot candidate right now.


He's barely a longshot because he is on the record for open borders and infanticide.


It gets him donors and it gets him a seat on MSNBC, but there is no way the US votes for a guy who wants open borders and is in favor of third-term abortions up to birth.


Plus, he needs to get with the program like Fauxcohantas and move the goal posts for the US to be ruled by the coastal elites.





Oh, wait...looks like Robert Francis is in lockstep...



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