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End of United States within 38 years?

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I read that Titor stuff too.  I'm certainly not saying I believe any of it, but it did make for some pretty fascinating reading - until I saw the time machine.  That seemed plain funny.  But hey, what do I know about astrophysics and wormholes? :angry:


I don't necessarily believe any of Titor's stuff, but if you really read what he wrote, it's pretty difficult to poke holes in his story. He describes some cutting edge thinking in physics to explain his method of time travel.

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I think as national and natural resources dwindle (oil, clean water), and religious fundamentalists from all major religions gain influence, there will be regional conflicts which will result in nations merging either by choice or by force, and eventually there will be a few mega-countries that will be ruled by the corporate elite who control the resources and the fundamentalists who mislead the public, who will cooperate for their common benefit of keeping power and control over the masses.




Been reading 1984 again, haven't you Joe??? <_<

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We need England and Ireland first.  Becks, Bass, Harp and Guiness.



Sorry. The Belgians make a better beer than either the Irish or English (which I know will piss off some people here). We can also go after the Czech's, since they make a pretty good brew.

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