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Butm he made me.  Andm it wasn't too longq ago.  


I wasm suing the silica copmanyx for this twitchingx I get.  I wasm winningx too.  Thenw I wasm askedb to meet in quartersm with the judgem and the other attorneyc.  Whenw we gotm backx there I was forced into a tube leadingw you know where.


I will notm subjectx myself to whateverm  contraptions Bookerm and Grassleyx want to put me throughx but I thoughtx youc guysm should know.  And yes Tom I rememberx what song was playingz.

  On 9/27/2018 at 11:47 AM, Tiberius said:

Just one song and done? 


Just?  Itz was the longestm 4:28 of my lifem.  I'm holding backw some detailsm that onlyz Kavanagh and thatm silica guy wouldm know.  Kavanagh hasm some weird tastesm in musicw and womenw.  Let's justm leave it at that.

  On 9/27/2018 at 12:15 PM, Keukasmallies said:

Well, just know that I'm sending this "conversation" to Nancy and Chuck for vetting.


Pleasem no.  I can't.  Kavanagh wasm bad enoughw but I amw reallym scared of Diane Feinstenw.  Really scaredm.

  On 9/27/2018 at 12:54 PM, Tiberius said:

I wonder if Michael Avenatti is aware of you yet? 



Him and Trump going at each other is the best! Can't stop laughing when Trump insults him. 


He ism awarem of me under separatem cover.

  On 9/27/2018 at 9:26 AM, Not a Hamster said:

Butm he made me.  Andm it wasn't too longq ago.  


I wasm suing the silica copmanyx for this twitchingx I get.  I wasm winningx too.  Thenw I wasm askedb to meet in quartersm with the judgem and the other attorneyc.  Whenw we gotm backx there I was forced into a tube leadingw you know where.


I will notm subjectx myself to whateverm  contraptions Bookerm and Grassleyx want to put me throughx but I thoughtx youc guysm should know.  And yes Tom I rememberx what song was playingz.


is this like pig latin? ickenchay oupsay


Are you sure it was Kavanaugh? Perhaps others will come forward saying they did it? 




Senate Judiciary Committee investigators spoke to two men earlier this week who believe they may have been involved the alleged sexual assault at the center of Christine Blasey Ford's accusations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of, the committee said late Wednesday.

Staff for the committee's chairman, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), said that during a review of Ford's claims that Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed and groped her during a 1980s high school party, two men came forward to suggest it was a case of mistaken identity.  On Monday, a man submitted a written statement and spoke with staff from the Judiciary Committee after he claimed he believes he may have been involved in the alleged incident with Ford. He spoke again with investigators on Tuesday, and described his recollection of his interaction with Ford. On Wednesday, the man provided a more in-depth written statement, the panel said. On the same day, investigators from the committee spoke over the phone with a second man who believes he should be the target of Ford's allegation, not Kavanaugh.  







  On 9/27/2018 at 1:13 PM, Not a Hamster said:

I havem a tailw and itm twitches.  Sue me.  Moronq.


and i was supposed to know this how? excuse the !@#$ out of me but it is harder than hell to read. my condolences for your, condition.


just as an aside, you could edit to make it more readable. nevermind me, do as you will.

  On 9/27/2018 at 1:20 PM, Foxx said:

and i was supposed to know this how? excuse the !@#$ out of me but it is harder than hell to read. my condolences for your, condition.


just as an aside, you could edit to make it more readable. nevermind me, do as you will.


A tailv is a bodyx part, not a conditionw.  Humansm are such jerksm sometimes.


 Pardonw me for being proudm of my abilitiesm and gettingw a little excitedm sometimes.  Have youx ever got excitedm and had an inabiltyx to control a bodilyx function?  I'm guessing yes, butm your wife knowsm for sure.

  On 9/27/2018 at 1:23 PM, DC Tom said:

Mistaken identity.  It was Richard Gere.


Oh Godm this jerk is backq.  Does Richardm Gere constantlyz complain aboutc how Michelle Pfeifferm sucks and thatm Sandy is better thanq Stephanie?  Whateverm the heck thatm means.  It was Kavanaugh.

  On 9/27/2018 at 1:27 PM, Not a Hamster said:

A tailv is a bodyx part, not a conditionw.  Humansm are such jerksm sometimes.


 Pardonw me for being proudm of my abilitiesm and gettingw a little excitedm sometimes.  Have youx ever got excitedm and had an inabiltyx to control a bodilyx function?  I'm guessing yes, butm your wife knowsm for sure.


oremlay ipsumyay olorday itsay ametyay , onsequatcay elerisquescay olestiemay isusray idyay , ermentumfay olutpatvay ulpacay oncusrhay aecenasmay enimyay odalessay , anteyay ariusvay odalessay ortortay , untsay uscefay ustojay , aurismay atyay ullamyay ascray exercitationemyay edsay inyay . onnay etyay etyay arturientpay odalessay , uamqay ibhnay utyay aeneanyay idyay , aurismay uctuslay acyay uncnay augueyay ariusvay , iverravay uncnay itaevay . etyay utyay , ullanay iaculisyay enaeoshymay ingillafray aliquetyay utyay , onnay ollicitudinsay onnay ullamcorperyay , idyay aucibusfay edsay , aliquamyay etiamyay ondimentumcay uisqay uisqay isusray emportay . elementumyay etyay edepay iverravay uscipitsay ontesmay , elvay istiquetray ellentesquepay aeneanyay erpay ivamusvay , otentipay ortortay eolay . agnamay imperdietyay ondimentumcay anteyay enectussay , urnayay aesentpray accumsanyay , aretraphay urabiturcay arcuyay eolay ayay , onummynay odioyay onnay itsay . elityay ecnay ecnay elvay acititay ascray , uiday aoreetlay imperdietyay aurismay onecday idyay , atyay eugiatfay ametyay elisfay iberolay ellentesquepay integeryay , utyay ecnay . itaevay etyay ellustay , onsequatcay igulalay ullamnay onnay istiquetray , elitvay ortortay , ellustay ibhnay itsay , iverravay aoreetlay etiamyay erosyay uctuslay ultricesyay ecnay . ortapay acinialay aliquamyay aurismay etyay odioyay , agnamay etyay ullanay ectuslay uncnay ollicitudinsay , augueyay ivamusvay edsay isusray uiday ametyay , auctoryay etyay orttitorpay ayay estibulumvay

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