OCinBuffalo Posted September 17, 2018 Posted September 17, 2018 Well? I dunno, perhaps GreggyT can explain with big, smart, Hollywood meanings of words....how this abortion happened? https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4749591/arrived-destination How exactly, does one(or fellow faggot travellers) arrive... yet also have no destination(um individually, or as a group), via equality( ) , while also assigning this logical contradiction to: a choice? In reverse, logical order, one must recognize the "community" is now at a destination, which cannot exist, by choice, because they have arrived at it. How can one claim arrival, at a destination, which does not exist, but for a choice? No. Watch it again: it really is that nonsensical. Christ on the Cross: If somebody says Captain Picard? Or, temporal physics? I WILL hunt you down. --------- Meanwhile, in Reality: I owned 2 assclown UK-pretend Bills fans recently. I have it on film. My lawyer has it on film. He invited the rest of his partners over for a viewing party. F'ing clowns. F'ing wussies. For 20+ years they've made $ off of my guts, both business and street, and say "it's my cost of doing business", and the first thing they do, rather than consider my position? Email my fight videos to each other. F'ing Lawyers. Upside: now they all now what happens to them if they cross me. Video: what would happen if 99% of you ever F'ed with me in real life. It was in a restaurant we all know. The servers called me tonight: to laugh, and, to tell me that the 2 clowns were there. (Yeah, never believe any woman who says she doesn't like "fighting". They begged me to come back). Why call me? I entertained them last time. They wanted me to come back tonight and do it again. I'm 5 hours away, and even if I was 5 minutes? I am not your private army. By "do it", they want me to 3 Stooge the "bad guys", because they have never seen the like, and they loved it. They think what I did last time is original work. It is not. These skinny little Brits sat down at the bar looking for trouble and they found it. All I did was create funny out of stupid. Pretty much what I've been doing on this board for 10+ years. It's always the same thing with Brits or Canadians. They confront you politically in inappropriate situations(Sabres/Bills game), you beat them with unassailable logic, they == inferior == fight. Now? Everybody wants to see the show, like last time. A purportedly wise man recently told me: "You're going to have to come up with a way to deal with inferior people. Your brain isn't "you". Your brain is a tool that you've been given, nothing more. You have to find a way to make it work with inferior brains." I told him: "That's why I am a consultant. The best way to deal with inferior brains is to make them think it's all their idea." He told me: "Nice, but, cognition ain't ****. I've spent decades doing research, and cognition ain't ****.". Which, after a few days of careful consideration...pretty much explains DC_Tom. Cognition, truly, ain't ****, when one individual, per the link above, can find a way to contradict themselves, mid-sentence? Anne Dumb encompasses everything DC Dumb cognates 8/10 times here: she just gets us to the the stupid, faster.
4merper4mer Posted September 17, 2018 Posted September 17, 2018 Hey mods, can we add a reaction button that is a picture of a straight jacket? Because that Googly eye thing doesn't cut it. 2 2
DC Tom Posted September 17, 2018 Posted September 17, 2018 You should have taken a cue form Vontae Davis and retired in the middle of that train wreck.
Koko78 Posted September 17, 2018 Posted September 17, 2018 I'm going to have to discuss the predestination paradox with Captain Picard before I can answer the OP's rant.
snafu Posted September 17, 2018 Posted September 17, 2018 That was like a less talented, angry, drunk attempt at James Joyce, yes?
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted September 17, 2018 Posted September 17, 2018 2 minutes ago, westside said: What the hell did I just read?? It was the Word! 1
3rdnlng Posted September 17, 2018 Posted September 17, 2018 The thing that is being missed here is OC's coming out. ("How exactly, does one(or fellow faggot travellers) arrive...") That statement from his OP clearly indicates that he considers himself a "faggot". While I cast no dispersions on his sexual preferences, I do wonder what evil demons possess him? On numerous occasions here he has claimed to have been really, really good regarding his sexual prowess with women. What a tortured soul he must be, caught between his talent with the ladies and his desire for something entirely different. I think we should all take it easy on poor OC and encourage him with every one of his posts to speak out about his conundrum. At this time he needs our support. 1
Nanker Posted September 17, 2018 Posted September 17, 2018 10 hours ago, 4merper4mer said: Hey mods, can we add a reaction button that is a picture of a straight jacket? Because that Googly eye thing doesn't cut it. Take yer pick.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted September 17, 2018 Posted September 17, 2018 16 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said: The thing that is being missed here is OC's coming out. ("How exactly, does one(or fellow faggot travellers) arrive...") That statement from his OP clearly indicates that he considers himself a "faggot". While I cast no dispersions on his sexual preferences, I do wonder what evil demons possess him? On numerous occasions here he has claimed to have been really, really good regarding his sexual prowess with women. What a tortured soul he must be, caught between his talent with the ladies and his desire for something entirely different. I think we should all take it easy on poor OC and encourage him with every one of his posts to speak out about his conundrum. At this time he needs our support. How did you pick that out? Your gaydar (Radar) is working well, lol
3rdnlng Posted September 17, 2018 Posted September 17, 2018 4 minutes ago, Tiberius said: How did you pick that out? Your gaydar (Radar) is working well, lol By reading.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted September 17, 2018 Posted September 17, 2018 10 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said: By reading. Very carefully!
3rdnlng Posted September 17, 2018 Posted September 17, 2018 6 minutes ago, Tiberius said: Very carefully! Do you use it to find dates? 1
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted September 17, 2018 Posted September 17, 2018 Just now, 3rdnlng said: Do you use it to find dates? No, I'm not gay actually. You are the one picking up on stuff like that
4merper4mer Posted September 17, 2018 Posted September 17, 2018 2 hours ago, Koko78 said: I'm going to have to discuss the predestination paradox with Captain Picard before I can answer the OP's rant. Better check your mirrors dude. 2 hours ago, westside said: What the hell did I just read?? Who are you kidding? You worship OC and he owns you. And the rest of us.
outsidethebox Posted September 17, 2018 Posted September 17, 2018 3 minutes ago, 4merper4mer said: Better check your mirrors dude. Who are you kidding? You worship OC and he owns you. And the rest of us. I broke the chains OC used to tie me down brother. Free at last, free at last!!!!
4merper4mer Posted September 17, 2018 Posted September 17, 2018 15 minutes ago, westside said: I broke the chains OC used to tie me down brother. Free at last, free at last!!!! LOL. That's just what his superior mind wants your inferior mind to think. His plan is working.
DC Tom Posted September 17, 2018 Posted September 17, 2018 Has he won this argument and made me cry yet?
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