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Finally. Somebody in the political media is catching up...

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...to what I've been saying for at least 2 years. In some parts, what I've been saying for 10+ years.




I've been say this for 2 years now:


The media fixation hands Trump the initiative. Because so much of the news is based off of his Twitter feed, he can create storylines, and spark confusion and outrage, with the push of a button. This ability lets him shift attention from current controversies by creating fresh ones.

This is why I have been laughing at the clowns who complain about his twitter feed, since day 1. When are you clowns going to realize that he uses it as a tactic? When are you clowns going to realize that tweeting at 3am does 2 things: annoy the hell out of people who have to cover him, and, constantly deny them sleep? The sleep thing sounds dumb...until you really think about it. Well, some of you can think about until judgment day, and will never get it because don't have the IQ to get it. The rest of you do. 


....2 years now:


The ongoing hysteria lessens the cost to Trump of each bad story. It also allows him to portray media institutions and figures as insiders contemptuous of Trump voters and eager to overturn the result of a presidential election.

If the leftists could see their way to STFU, and just do normal stories about Trump for just 7 days, this wouldn't be possible. But they can't control themselves. Like feral children, they've been going every day for 2 years, their brains have mal-formed, and now it's impossible to train them to stop. As such, there might be 20k people in this entire country today that are still persuadable regarding media leftist bias. We all know what they do. There's nobody left who says the media isn't biased, and is taken seriously.


...since right after the 2006 midterms:


Nor do Democrats understand that American populism is not simply economic. It is cultural. It has long been associated with traditional values and practices, an unreconstructed patriotism, and support for law and order. No matter how well Democratic proposals might test, the party will not succeed at the national level unless it addresses and mollifies the social concerns of the white working class. Pelosi, Schumer, and Sanders have not tried.

The "coalition of the ascendant" and the "demographics are destiny" arguments have failed so badly, that one of the guys who wrote the original book has called BS on his own work. He is a serious academic. However, we aren't dealing with very many serious people on the left these days. There has been so much psychological commitment to these utter BS theories, that when they inevitably fail to produce the expected results(Trump beating Hillary badly), it mangles what little cognitive skills existed in those who bought into them.


Look: one had to be just above retard IQ, or massively affected by emotional contrivance, to believe that Asians, over the course of 20 years, were going to remain a homogeneous voting bloc in the first place. Or Hispanics, or Blacks, or whites. 20 years of culture and experience...is supposed to just go by, and nobody changes their views, never mind whole sections of population?


That's like saying the iphone was never going to have an impact on culture, over 20 years. STFU! Saying stuff like that only serves to make some people dumber, and force the rest of us to contend with them.

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3 hours ago, Tiberius said:

But I knew iphones were going to have an impact, so you couldn't have been talking about me. 


Trump is a complete idiot 

I am talking about everything you post. If somebody actually took what you said at face value, and incorporated it into their base of knowledge? They'd be dumber. 


This is pretty much what is happening to the bubble left. They get all their "news" from a single source like MSNBC, then, thinking they are informed, go on facebook/login here, and proceed to get tomahawked by the actual facts. 


Some people are sick of that hence, #walkaway. Others are either too weak, too vain, or simply too stupid to realize they are being gamed, and repeating the error, getting the same results you do here.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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1 hour ago, DC Tom said:

This is my favorite thread...



And yet...the clown above still can't help himself from posting in a thread he can't even see?


Why? Scared of me. Scared of what I might say. Scared that I might come in on some random Thursday, like today, and blow up in 2 hours all his months of getting suckers to worship him.


Same DC_Tom, different day, or is it month? Year?


EDIT: Don't be fooled. Tom was arguing with me in a thread about an hour? ago. Now, he's pretending like he's always had me on block. 


It's the exact sort of petty and lame, yet, easily exposed nonsense that he's been running for years. Actually, you know, you don't login for months and months, and then you spend one day here...and to get all this response? Man, it must suck here most of the time now. 

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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4 hours ago, OCinBuffalo said:

Why? Scared of me. Scared of what I might say. Scared that I might come in on some random Thursday, like today, and blow up in 2 hours all his months of getting suckers to worship him.


What the !@#$ are you smoking?


Can I have some?

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1 minute ago, Koko78 said:


What the !@#$ are you smoking?


Can I have some?


He's a legend in his own mind.  


My grandmother died last week, and my mother is boycotting the memorial service because she (mom) did not get enough recognition in the obituary.  She is easily the most self-centered, delusionally narcissistic person I know.


And OC makes her look like a goddamned piker.

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7 hours ago, DC Tom said:


My grandmother died last week, and my mother is boycotting the memorial service because she (mom) did not get enough recognition in the obituary.  She is easily the most self-centered, delusionally narcissistic person I know.

The apple doesn't fall from the tree

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