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Posted (edited)



Keep trying to sell me on the idea that people like this are human beings too, with human desires, that I should give a **** about.


Also, make note of the publisher of the original piece cited in this article. That venerable member of the "free press."


Edited by joesixpack
Posted (edited)

How about we do this by the book?

1. This clown is not capable of enforcing law. Therefore, he does not have the power to make an ICE agent "unsafe" by arresting him.

2. This clown is not capable of interpreting law. Therefore, he does not have the power to hold an ICE agent in contempt, or order him or her about, or affect their "safety" in any way.


So, what other way should we interpret this, than, this clown is guilty of assault? He has no power to affect any ICE agent, other than either personally participating in violence against them, or, calling others to do so. ICE officers have every reason to believe that this person is sincere.


Hence, why haven't the US Marshals thrown this guy in the slammer for threatening a government employee doing their duty? I'm no lawyer, but I am fairly certain that these laws are on the books, and since this turd can only be speaking as a private citizen and not in any official capacity, why isn't he guilty of prima facie assault on a Federal officer? Intent? The intent is clear: to intimidate the ICE person and therefore prevent them from doing their job. 

Edited by OCinBuffalo
Posted (edited)

Everyone should be guaranteed a Federal job


Congratulations on your new Federal job!

Be warned that you will be sent to prison for satisfactorily performing you job description

Edited by /dev/null
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