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Public opinion on Iraq

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Yeah well so did I. Taught me not to believe in exit polls anymore...




He also relied on polls to support his argument. :huh:


Why would anyone believe exit polls in the first place?

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Yup, it's that time already: the second year anniversary of our mid-East excursion


What happened?

I agree with AD that it will not be reasonable this soon to accurately determine whether this was successful or not. While the effects may well extend throughout our lifetimes, I think the results will probably be evident within 10 years rather than 20 or more. A quick review of what's happened so far:


Afghanistan: free elections.

Iraq: free elections.

Libya: turned over its nuclear-weapons development programs and is cooperating with the U.N.

Lebanon: Pro-Syrian government steps down, Lebanese stage protests demanding prompt withdrawal of all Syrian military and intelligence agents and free elections without Syrian meddling.

Egypt: pressured into opening up the electoral process.

Saudi Arabia: allowing municipal elections to be held.


"This process of [democratic] change has started because of the American invasion of Iraq. I was cynical about Iraq. But when I saw the Iraqi people voting three weeks ago, eight million of them, it was the start of a new Arab world."

- Walid Jumblatt, leader of the Lebanese Druze community (critic of the U.S.'s regime-change policy in Iraq and former ally of Syria, he is considered by many to be a bellwether of Lebanese politics).

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I'm willing to bet that 50+ years ago there were polls that said lynching negroes and making sure they were fully segregated was a great idea and that if they were to ever integrate that it would be BAD.


Good thing there was no "yellow journalism" and subsequent polls after the Normandy invasion or the Battle of the Bulge, Antietam, Iwo Jima, Saipan, Baatan etc.... good thing polls didnt pop up all over the inta-net after we bombed the crap out of Dresden and Tokyo or Hiroshima and Nagasaki huh?
















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Good thing there was no "yellow journalism" and subsequent polls after the Normandy invasion or the Battle of the Bulge, Antietam, Iwo Jima, Saipan, Baatan etc.... 


:D Freakin' hillarious post!!!


Yellow Journalism was used to get America INTO a war, not out of one. :lol:


Yellow Journalism came about some 100 years ago to get Americans to see the atrocities the Spanish colonialists committed against the Cubans (while ignoring the atrocities the Cubans committed against the Spanish). Cartoons, printed against a yellow background, were used to sell public opinion on sending American soldiers to war against Spain in Cuba and the Phillipines.

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Sweet!  Polls!




I love it. You can make stats or polls say whatever you want them to say.


Today's Rochester Rag:


"Rochester is the greatest place to live and work on the planet.


No, wait ... scratch that. It's the absolute pits.


Best. Worst. Take your pick. It's all there in black and white. Study after study, report after report. They lavish praise — or dump — on our fair community, sometimes even when studying the same topic.


How do you explain this: In 2002, the Children's Defense Fund, a Washington, D.C., anti-poverty group, said the city had the nation's 11th-highest rate of child poverty. A year later, Child magazine ranked Rochester seventh among the "10 Best Cities to Raise a Family."


Hey, we're a great place to raise poor kids. Just kidding."


Full story:

How does Rochester rate?

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Yup, it's that time already: the second year anniversary of our mid-East excursion dubbed Operation: eat hot lead suckers.

Who can forget all the incredible images that have become ingrained in our conciousness: All the network TV cameras beautifully capturing the poetry of the initial bombing raid on Baghdad March 19th, 2003. Donald Rumsfeld confidently beaming that he had assembled, in his words "The Mother of all coalitions". Our President standing resolutely behind a "Mission Accomplished" banner as well as Mister Bush hopping on that midnight plane to Baghdad for Thanksgiving with a plastic turkey in tow.

We all seemed so much happier then.

What happened?



Here there is only one right point of view. You mind your manners before you're dealt with! :lol:

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Here there is only one right point of view.  You mind your manners before you're dealt with! :lol:



Providing a lot to the debate, as usual.





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Providing a lot to the debate, as usual.







What is there to debate? I take it you are for rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.


It is all bad politically. To turn things upside down, you gotta get that message out and make it stick.

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Providing a lot to the debate, as usual.






This whole board is nothing but a bad re-run of itself. I'm only doing my part like the rest of you, Mr. Ex-Presidential Candidate. :doh:

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BTW, this thread is much more of a pile-on than a 'debate'.  Even you can see that!



So, why don't you provide something to support the other side of the argument? Is that because you can't?


It is amazing how the lefties on the board cry foul, but yet are incapable of supporting their side of the debate. All I hear is soundbite driven drivel. If you want better debate, bring it on. If you cannot provide better debate, then whose fault is that?

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So, why don't you provide something to support the other side of the argument? Is that because you can't?


It is amazing how the lefties on the board cry foul, but yet are incapable of supporting their side of the debate. All I hear is soundbite driven drivel. If you want better debate, bring it on. If you cannot provide better debate, then whose fault is that?


Because it's much easier to be part of the problem when you have no solutions.

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It is amazing how the lefties on the board cry foul, but yet are incapable of supporting their side of the debate. All I hear is soundbite driven drivel. If you want better debate, bring it on. If you cannot provide better debate, then whose fault is that?




Do you consider me a lefty (I'm oftentimes referred to in that manner), or did you really mean "some" lefties?



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Do you consider me a lefty (I'm oftentimes referred to in that manner), or did you really mean "some" lefties?





No. I know that you are a rightie who is not enamored with the current crop of Republicans. Pretty similar to myself, although I would never vote for John Kerry. :lol:


Another difference is that you actually bring something to the table. I may not agree with it, but at least you are not a lemming who can only regurgitate things spoon-fed to them by the mainstream media. You are also actually willing to listen to the other side.

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