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Erie County Budget Mess

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You wrote that? You're joking right?


I think if you've spent any time reading the posts here at PP&P, you have a pretty good idea of what people think.


My take on your article is that you favor continuing to support a broken system. The 75% who disagree with you have probably had their fill and want change.


So you claim that Giambra only has three associates and family members working for him in the county? I think you should check your facts. I don't even live in the region and know you're way off the mark.


Buffalo is a hell hole with the best and brightest leaving at the cyclic rate, but your idea to fix this is to add "just a penny" to the sales tax.


The best way to sum it up for me is to offer a question and answer that should make my position clear...


Q. Do you know what the definition of insanity is?





A. Doing the same thing over and over and hoping for a different result.

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Vital services?


How is it that Erie County has to employ thousands more employees than Cook County (Chicago) to provide 'vital services' when the population of Erie County is so small?


Keep raising those taxes so we can keep driving out any young person who wants a future.

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A Penny For Your Thoughts


I just love it when people try to guilt you into thinking that raising taxes will solve the problems and that mass carnage will result if the taxes are not raised.


Having only one person in the snow plows will result in DEATH. People will be starving in the streets. Think of the children. If only we could just raise taxes, then we will be able to live in utopia.

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25% of people agree with you? That's good news. I thought there were more people who would agree with you. If it's only 25%, I'm heartened.


Yeah. A penny is nothing. Except for the fact that even MORE people will go out of county to make purchases, and in the long run, that MUST be good for Erie County.


Will the last one out of Buffalo please turn out the lights?

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Will the last one out of Buffalo please turn out the lights?


Remember when Buffalo was the 10th biggest city in the United States? Yeah, that was one generation ago.


Good to know we've been doing something right these past few decades. We can't even afford toilet paper in public buildings and people are leaving as fast as they can, but God forbid we try to spend our money a little more wisely. :doh:

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****bends over, trying to catch breath****




*phew* thanks, I haven't had such a good belly laugh in a long time.


"From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs", eh comrade?

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Here's my take on the Erie County fiasco.


So far the e-mail's been running 75% saying I'm nuts and that county government had to be reeled in at any cost and 25% agreeing with my stance.


I'm curious as to what my Bills' brothers (and sisters) think.


A Penny For Your Thoughts



Sorry, you're nuts !!!


I used to live in Buffalo when the sales tax went from 7% to 8% only temporarily and only to pay the stupid lost lawsuit to Cotrell for backing out of a stadium deal. When exactly did that temporary single penny increase come to an end?


I loved growing up in Buffalo. But, do you think I'm going to leave the conservative state of Indiana with a flat 3.4% income tax and 6% sales tax for the possibility of an ever approaching 10% sales tax in Erie County? Get a life!


Hey, let's raise property taxes on the inner city residents who already can't afford the tax bill they have today; NOT!!!


Did you ever hear of CUT SPENDING ???


GM should immediately be offered no taxes for the next 30 years if they agree to build more plants in WNY. Ditto for any large technology company that can offer jobs to graduates of UB and other schools in the area.


Why don't you start a poll and you'll quickly see that it is closer to 90% of folks here who think you're nuts?

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Remember when Buffalo was the 10th biggest city in the United States?  Yeah, that was one generation ago. 


Good to know we've been doing something right these past few decades.  We can't even afford toilet paper in public buildings and people are leaving as fast as they can, but God forbid we try to spend our money a little more wisely.  :doh:




I don't even know where to begin with this one.


Remember when Cleveland had a million people living in its city limits? Detroit had 2 million? Saint Louis was in the top ten population wise?


No, of course you don't.

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I don't even know where to begin with this one.


Remember when Cleveland had a million people living in its city limits? Detroit had 2 million? Saint Louis was in the top ten population wise?


No, of course you don't.



Which ones of Cleveland, Detroit, or St. Louis taxed themselves into prosperity? Did any of them have a nearly 10% sales tax?

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Here's my take on the Erie County fiasco.


So far the e-mail's been running 75% saying I'm nuts and that county government had to be reeled in at any cost and 25% agreeing with my stance.


I'm curious as to what my Bills' brothers (and sisters) think.


A Penny For Your Thoughts


If I had that in print I would hesitate to wrap fish in it, that it would spoil the meal.

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That solves pretty much nothing.  The fundamentals of WNY/NYS government need to change, not the way they collect revenue.




It's all related. You have to change how people pay, how much people pay, how much the govt gets, what the govt does, what the govt is forced to do by the feds, etc.

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Why is it "brave" to be for raising taxes but it is not "brave" to be for cutting spending?



I meant, he's brave for his original post looking for feedback here.

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Remember when Buffalo was the 10th biggest city in the United States?  Yeah, that was one generation ago. 


Good to know we've been doing something right these past few decades.  We can't even afford toilet paper in public buildings and people are leaving as fast as they can, but God forbid we try to spend our money a little more wisely.  :doh:





More like 100 years ago......pretty lousy when your best economic times are in the far gone rear-view mirror. 21st century? Buffalo quit at the halfway point of the 20th.




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