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Posted (edited)
34 minutes ago, Fetou said:

Which is why decriminalization would have to be across the board, and include a legalization of regulated prostitution. At that point, the main revenue drivers would be completely cooked other than human trafficking, which has comparatively limited demand and earnings potential. Recruitment would be very difficult at that point. 


Illegal weapons trafficking would be also be reduced dramatically without the black markets for drugs driving demand.

  Cartels and gangs are not going to go legit and are not going to seek out legit employment.  If you did take away all drugs (very doubtful) and legalize prostitution (would cause a schism between the sexes in North America) they would go right down the list to something much more painful for most which would include financial fraud.  God help us if they found a way to skim credit and debit cards in your house.  I would not write off human trafficking in North America just yet.  We might find in the long term that it is better for them to have one vice to cash on instead of exploring new revenue streams.

Edited by RochesterRob
1 hour ago, RochesterRob said:

  Cartels and gangs are not going to go legit and are not going to seek out legit employment.  If you did take away all drugs (very doubtful) and legalize prostitution (would cause a schism between the sexes in North America) they would go right down the list to something much more painful for most which would include financial fraud.  God help us if they found a way to skim credit and debit cards in your house.  I would not write off human trafficking in North America just yet.  We might find in the long term that it is better for them to have one vice to cash on instead of exploring new revenue streams.

How does legalized prostitution create a schism between sexes?


What evidence do you have for that assertion?






2 minutes ago, Fadingpain said:

How does legalized prostitution create a schism between sexes?


What evidence do you have for that assertion?






  I know plenty of females that are either wives or girlfriends who would not put up with a paid lover for their male partner.  At the same time I've never known any woman who thought being a paid receptacle was a great career.  What evidence do you have that prostitution would be widely tolerated outside of loner males?


OP They have dispensaries in Orange County, but the delivery services are competitively priced and so much more convenient. Although legal weed is not all good (It does increase use among teens at least in a short term sense and it does have some unintended consequences) the benefits of legal weed far outweigh the costs. Glad to hear things are going good in California, New Jersey is about to legalize rec weed hopefully they have as good a set up as California or Colorado. 

4 hours ago, Soda Popinski said:

I've got friends on Facebook who are pimping CBD oil. I don't know what it is I assume it is just the oil from the plant itself supposed to be good for all kinds of ailments without getting high at all.   Of course that takes the fun out of it for some people 

Oil = snake oil


I have friends who sell oils and juices and it's hilarious.  Fish oil is only good at a high dosage and only good in liquid form. Otherwise you'd need about 30 to 50 pills a day to begin to make a difference.  Tumeric is another one. To get the body to absorb as much as is needed than you'd essentially have to OD on it.  Of course, that's just my opinion from those who friends of mine who are in the medical field and a chemist.


The oil and juicing craze is just ridiculous.

9 minutes ago, RochesterRob said:

  I know plenty of females that are either wives or girlfriends who would not put up with a paid lover for their male partner.  At the same time I've never known any woman who thought being a paid receptacle was a great career.  What evidence do you have that prostitution would be widely tolerated outside of loner males?


You would see a lesser schism between the sexes if prostitution were legalized in my opinion. There are a lot of men that don't get laid, more now than ever since computers, video games and easily accessible porn make it easy to not interact with women. If you allowed prostitution in a safe (Well as safe as possible) legal setting you would see more guys get laid and more men want to be around women as a result. I think it would also result in a lot of men being less angry at women since they would actually be getting laid. 


The types of guys that would just pay for it and !@#$ off with women are most likely going to have a negative attitude towards women. I think you would also see a lot of women who have trouble getting laid be with gigolos and it would ease a lot of pain for them too. 


I don't think prostitution would be fully accepted in society. But I think that the benefits of people who are lonely or sexually frustrated having a safe way to vent out those frustrations and get sexual experience would be a net positive for society. Go to Canada where it is legal (person to person anyway) and I don't think Canadian women and men have a large gap between them, certainly not larger than the USA.

3 minutes ago, Boyst62 said:

Oil = snake oil


I have friends who sell oils and juices and it's hilarious.  Fish oil is only good at a high dosage and only good in liquid form. Otherwise you'd need about 30 to 50 pills a day to begin to make a difference.  Tumeric is another one. To get the body to absorb as much as is needed than you'd essentially have to OD on it.  Of course, that's just my opinion from those who friends of mine who are in the medical field and a chemist.


The oil and juicing craze is just ridiculous.


CBD oil has only been proven to help childhood epilepsy, the other benefits people espouse aren't nearly as proven (Which is to say that they aren't proven.) I would wait until they do more studies on the other impacts before using it myself. 

3 minutes ago, billsfan89 said:


You would see a lesser schism between the sexes if prostitution were legalized in my opinion. There are a lot of men that don't get laid, more now than ever since computers, video games and easily accessible porn make it easy to not interact with women. If you allowed prostitution in a safe (Well as safe as possible) legal setting you would see more guys get laid and more men want to be around women as a result. I think it would also result in a lot of men being less angry at women since they would actually be getting laid. 


The types of guys that would just pay for it and !@#$ off with women are most likely going to have a negative attitude towards women. I think you would also see a lot of women who have trouble getting laid be with gigolos and it would ease a lot of pain for them too. 


I don't think prostitution would be fully accepted in society. But I think that the benefits of people who are lonely or sexually frustrated having a safe way to vent out those frustrations and get sexual experience would be a net positive for society. Go to Canada where it is legal (person to person anyway) and I don't think Canadian women and men have a large gap between them, certainly not larger than the USA.

  The flaw in that thinking is that the prostitute will be expected to be perfect to the model men have in their individual minds with women.  No guy is going to ask a prostitute to grumble how work was that day or that they had to go over to school to see what trouble the kid got into plus piss the boss off for asking for time off in an impromptu manner.  That their "friend" is in town.  That the boss made inappropriate advances towards them.  Etc..  It's not easy to be around a real woman and at the same time it is not easy to be around a real man that always picks on his wife about carrying extra pounds, did not season dinner just right or made no effort but brought take home, the house is a mess, the kids' homework is not done, etc..


  The reality is that a relationship and/or marriage is something that has to be worked at by both sides.  In my mind adding an extra layer of fantasy does not help.

Just now, RochesterRob said:

  The flaw in that thinking is that the prostitute will be expected to be perfect to the model men have in their individual minds with women.  No guy is going to ask a prostitute to grumble how work was that day or that they had to go over to school to see what trouble the kid got into plus piss the boss off for asking for time off in an impromptu manner.  That their "friend" is in town.  That the boss made inappropriate advances towards them.  Etc..  It's not easy to be around a real woman and at the same time it is not easy to be around a real man that always picks on his wife about carrying extra pounds, did not season dinner just right or made no effort but brought take home, the house is a mess, the kids' homework is not done, etc..


  The reality is that a relationship and/or marriage is something that has to be worked at by both sides.  In my mind adding an extra layer of fantasy does not help.


I think you are misunderstanding my argument. A prostitute would never be able to replace a real in kind interaction with another person on an emotional level. However a prostitute can help someone with sexual anxiety and eliminate the social pressures that can some with a man being a virgin into his 20's. A lot of men who don't get laid in high school or early on in college develop a complex about being a virgin which can lead to them not feeling worthy enough of being with a woman sexually. A prostitute can eliminate that anxiety for many men.  


I don't think prostitutes add a layer of fantasy to anything. Guys who are trapped in miserable marriages are going to find a way to cheat or pay for it. Women will also find an outlet to cheat. Might it make it a bit easier? Sure but then again I think that if you have more guys getting laid at a younger age their confidence builds and they might interact with more women at a younger age and get their fill preventing a mid life crisis. 

24 minutes ago, billsfan89 said:


You would see a lesser schism between the sexes if prostitution were legalized in my opinion. There are a lot of men that don't get laid, more now than ever since computers, video games and easily accessible porn make it easy to not interact with women. If you allowed prostitution in a safe (Well as safe as possible) legal setting you would see more guys get laid and more men want to be around women as a result. I think it would also result in a lot of men being less angry at women since they would actually be getting laid. 


The types of guys that would just pay for it and !@#$ off with women are most likely going to have a negative attitude towards women. I think you would also see a lot of women who have trouble getting laid be with gigolos and it would ease a lot of pain for them too. 


I don't think prostitution would be fully accepted in society. But I think that the benefits of people who are lonely or sexually frustrated having a safe way to vent out those frustrations and get sexual experience would be a net positive for society. Go to Canada where it is legal (person to person anyway) and I don't think Canadian women and men have a large gap between them, certainly not larger than the USA.


CBD oil has only been proven to help childhood epilepsy, the other benefits people espouse aren't nearly as proven (Which is to say that they aren't proven.) I would wait until they do more studies on the other impacts before using it myself. 

Many things have been proven. But, those scientific journals you've read others reporting in are generally bunk.

9 minutes ago, Boyst62 said:

Many things have been proven. But, those scientific journals you've read others reporting in are generally bunk.


I have multiple people that I know who swear by CBD oil for pain and anxiety relief. I think it is either bunk or at best highly unproven. I wouldn't mind checking it out myself but I don't want to throw good money after bad. 

12 minutes ago, billsfan89 said:


I think you are misunderstanding my argument. A prostitute would never be able to replace a real in kind interaction with another person on an emotional level. However a prostitute can help someone with sexual anxiety and eliminate the social pressures that can some with a man being a virgin into his 20's. A lot of men who don't get laid in high school or early on in college develop a complex about being a virgin which can lead to them not feeling worthy enough of being with a woman sexually. A prostitute can eliminate that anxiety for many men.  


I don't think prostitutes add a layer of fantasy to anything. Guys who are trapped in miserable marriages are going to find a way to cheat or pay for it. Women will also find an outlet to cheat. Might it make it a bit easier? Sure but then again I think that if you have more guys getting laid at a younger age their confidence builds and they might interact with more women at a younger age and get their fill preventing a mid life crisis. 

  I don't know.  The issue is very complex.  A guy can have all the paid sex he wants but still strike out time after time in the real world.  Some guys want way better than they should expect based on their appearance or finances.  I shared a ride with an extremely attractive woman back and forth from college early on.  Of course she was never going to swoon over me and I never fretted over it even when some catty comments made by her towards me came to light.  Sometimes we just have to learn by being around people in an unshielded environment instead of being wrapped up in an emotional safety blanket.  I came to realize that my conduct (obviously drooling) was not attractive and had to make myself grow as a person.  Even though I was married by my mid-30's I had hotter women flirt very vigorously with me.  Never cheated even though part of me wanted to make up for the times I felt screwed over.

Posted (edited)
24 minutes ago, RochesterRob said:

  I don't know.  The issue is very complex.  A guy can have all the paid sex he wants but still strike out time after time in the real world.  Some guys want way better than they should expect based on their appearance or finances.  I shared a ride with an extremely attractive woman back and forth from college early on.  Of course she was never going to swoon over me and I never fretted over it even when some catty comments made by her towards me came to light.  Sometimes we just have to learn by being around people in an unshielded environment instead of being wrapped up in an emotional safety blanket.  I came to realize that my conduct (obviously drooling) was not attractive and had to make myself grow as a person.  Even though I was married by my mid-30's I had hotter women flirt very vigorously with me.  Never cheated even though part of me wanted to make up for the times I felt screwed over.


Of course it wouldn't be a panacea for every situation but I know a lot of guys who developed confidence from their first sexual experience. I think if you allowed men and women (I know a lot of women who had a lot of anxiety over their first sexual experience) to pay for sex legally and as safe as possible you would see a lot less anxiety over sex. Even just the idea that "you could always pay for it" would alleviate a lot of anxiety and stress people experience over sex. Yes paying for lots of sex is never going to teach you how to meaningfully interact with women in a romantic way. You can be good at sex but still be corny.


But it is at least a piece that someone can acquire that would greatly alleviate one aspect of romance for many. I think that would be a net positive for society as a whole. It's tough enough for a guy to learn to be good with women but doing so while feeling sexually inadequate is almost impossible. 

Edited by billsfan89
4 minutes ago, billsfan89 said:


Of course it wouldn't be a panacea for every situation but I know a lot of guys who developed confidence from their first sexual experience. I think if you allowed men and women (I know a lot of women who had a lot of anxiety over their first sexual experience) to pay for sex legally and as safe as possible you would see a lot less anxiety over sex. Even just the idea that "you could always pay for it" would alleviate a lot of anxiety and stress people experience over sex. Yes paying for lots of sex is never going to teach you how to meaningfully interact with women in a romantic way. You can be good at sex but still be corny.


But it is at least a piece that someone can acquire that would greatly alleviate one aspect of romance for many. I think that would be a net positive for society as a whole. It's tough enough for a guy to learn to be good with women but doing so while feeling sexually inadequate is almost impossible. 

  I have mixed feelings about my first time.  The fact that it was a fix up and felt like most of the school knew it actually made it non-pleasurable.  The physical part was a dud in large part because I was way drunk.  I remember enough that I knew that I was a gentleman and the very morning after it was like women were looking at me differently but in a good way.  The first time a woman tried to pick me up in a bar or club was in the same town just a couple of weeks after.  


  I've been down the no confidence road at various times.  The worst part was having the male relatives, friends, and neighbors give me the disappointed look.  Actually, I got chewed out by a couple of uncles about being dateless during my mid-teens.  I was never extremely bothered by the turn-downs themselves.  

Posted (edited)

To each, their own. I will try not to preach, but I had far more enthusiasm than anxiety when I first had sex. 

6 hours ago, SDS said:

If anyone thinks drug cartels are just going to pack up their things and go home after losing the mj trade think again. The streets are awash in opiods that are taking mj's place in their revenue stream.


I have a nephew in RI who liked weed. A lot. He told his mom (my sister) “yeah, there’s no weed in town, but heroin is everywhere!” 


I was shocked by that, but it turned out to be true. 

6 hours ago, Soda Popinski said:

and those are cut with drywall, and other assorted byproducts to save money.    opioids are bad enough on their own let alone when they get mixed with other garbage.    




And I’ll try to stop after this: drywall is better than fentanyl - that’s what killed my son....one snort after three years clean. (Court ordered testing for child custody, not wishful parent.) He got sucked in by a girl, his pattern. Ugh....


Drugs suck. 

Edited by Augie
1 minute ago, RochesterRob said:

  I have mixed feelings about my first time.  The fact that it was a fix up and felt like most of the school knew it actually made it non-pleasurable.  The physical part was a dud in large part because I was way drunk.  I remember enough that I knew that I was a gentleman and the very morning after it was like women were looking at me differently but in a good way.  The first time a woman tried to pick me up in a bar or club was in the same town just a couple of weeks after.  


  I've been down the no confidence road at various times.  The worst part was having the male relatives, friends, and neighbors give me the disappointed look.  Actually, I got chewed out by a couple of uncles about being dateless during my mid-teens.  I was never extremely bothered by the turn-downs themselves.  


My first time was a mess but I think that it certainly alleviated my stress over not feeling experienced enough. I think that's a very powerful thing to feel inadequate sexually it makes things much easier when you alleviate that feeling. 


Fear not, if we have learned anything, it’s that there is a teacher out there who wants to....”teach you”. 

On 8/27/2018 at 9:39 AM, ShadyBillsFan said:

I never had a hangover from smoking.  


I'm cheap.  $40 will last me 2 + weeks,   in a bar $40 is gone in 3 to 4 hours 


$40 lasts me 6 months.  Seriously.  And $40 gone in a bar in 3-4 hours??  Lightweight.  

On 8/27/2018 at 12:28 PM, SDS said:

If anyone thinks drug cartels are just going to pack up their things and go home after losing the mj trade think again. The streets are awash in opiods that are taking mj's place in their revenue stream.


Ding ding ding.  I've been saying this for years.  I laughed my ass off when people said the cartels would go away when we legalized pot.  Yeah, they'll just start selling Mary Kay.  

23 hours ago, billsfan89 said:

OP They have dispensaries in Orange County, but the delivery services are competitively priced and so much more convenient. Although legal weed is not all good (It does increase use among teens at least in a short term sense and it does have some unintended consequences) the benefits of legal weed far outweigh the costs. Glad to hear things are going good in California, New Jersey is about to legalize rec weed hopefully they have as good a set up as California or Colorado. 


They do but they are mostly located in Santa Ana.  As I said I live in the 'burbs of OC and why drive to SA when you can have at hottie deliver it to your door. 

  • Haha (+1) 1
13 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:


$40 lasts me 6 months.  Seriously.  And $40 gone in a bar in 3-4 hours??  Lightweight.  


Ding ding ding.  I've been saying this for years.  I laughed my ass off when people said the cartels would go away when we legalized pot.  Yeah, they'll just start selling Mary Kay.  


They do but they are mostly located in Santa Ana.  As I said I live in the 'burbs of OC and why drive to SA when you can have at hottie deliver it to your door. 


I agree the dispensaries in the burbs of OC aren't that plentiful but they are there, I was in Irvine 4th of July weekend and I found a dispensary about 10 minutes away. That being said my friends out there said they mostly use delivery services. But I wanted to check out a dispensary for the kicks of it. 


Cartels and organized crime are not going to go away as long as there is some sort of illegal industry they can peddle in. But if you do legalize weed you dramatically shrink their market in that particular vice. That does have a negative impact on their business. Since the lottery you don't really see a lot of people running numbers anymore. 

Posted (edited)
On 8/24/2018 at 6:11 AM, Chef Jim said:

With pot now 100% legal here in California I’ve been partaking more than I did when I just had my medical card. It’s interesting to read about the effects of different strains. I don’t get to try a lot of them because I use so very little that a gram will literally last me months. I buy indica to help me sleep and sativa during the day on weekends.  Here’s the thing. How do you know what you’re getting?  With booze it was easy. An IPA tastes like an IPA. Pinot like a Pinot. Scotch like a Scotch etc etc. As many of you know I’m against over regulation by the government but things like this I’m ok with. 


Oh and here’s the cool part. I live in the suburbs of Orange County so there are no dispensaries here so they deliver to your door. Had two deliveries since moving here over a year ago. Both times by a hottie.  “Hey baby...wanna get high?”   ?

I actually work for a dispensary in San Diego. 


You can can tell the difference between a sativa and indica by the effects. Sativa is high. Indica is stoned. 


Sativas will I’ll make you heart race, good for chores/ activities but may make you feel paranoid. 


Indica will lock you to the couch and make you lazy. Good for watching tv and bedtime. 


Cbd is actually more in our store than thc, crazy. 


Our top three sellers are:

1. Carts

2. Edibles

3. Flower


Its such a fun, young billion dollar industry with so much opportunity.  


Canada just went legal, soon the USA.

This is what will get Trumpski another term. 


Federally legalizing a month before the election. 

Edited by COTC
44 minutes ago, COTC said:

I actually work for a dispensary in San Diego. 


You can can tell the difference between a sativa and indica by the effects. Sativa is high. Indica is stoned. 


Sativas will I’ll make you heart race, good for chores/ activities but may make you feel paranoid. 


Indica will lock you to the couch and make you lazy. Good for watching tv and bedtime. 


Cbd is actually more in our store than thc, crazy. 


Our top three sellers are:

1. Carts

2. Edibles

3. Flower


Its such a fun, young billion dollar industry with so much opportunity.  


Canada just went legal, soon the USA.

This is what will get Trumpski another term. 


Federally legalizing a month before the election. 


I know the difference in the effects of sativa vs indica.  My question was how do you know you’ve purchased a sativa or indica?  You can read the tasting notes and see if the bud you’ve purchased is tastes and smells like the notes but those are often subjective like tasting notes for wine. 

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