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Election 2020: Shpuld Trump Be Primaried

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1 hour ago, keepthefaith said:


I liked him for a short time, but then his whining and pontificating wore me out.




Rubio absolutely not.  Soft on illegal immigration and fiscal issues and we've got some serious fiscal issues.  Wouldn't be surprised though if he ran. 


+1 on Kasich.  Rubio was so terrified of making a mistake he often said nothing and did nothing of substance.  His number one priority was covering his own ass.  Nikki Haley is the female version of Marco Rubio.  


If in theory, the Republicans wanted to give Trump some competition, I think they'd need a businessperson like him without all the baggage and his propensity to create baggage. 


I don't think anybody cares about insider Washington politicos in a post-Trump era.    

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Don't forget about Romney waiting in the wings.  He hates Trump, he's going to be Senator soon, he's been through the grind and he's got loads of his own money.


7 hours ago, The_Dude said:


It's hard man on the big government thing. We need a big government, but we gotta limit its reach. 


You don't need a federal government that does what States have traditionally done.  To me, that's a federal government that's too big.


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9 minutes ago, snafu said:

Don't forget about Romney waiting in the wings.  He hates Trump, he's going to be Senator soon, he's been through the grind and he's got loads of his own money.

Can't wait to hear his ideas of how to fix health care.

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4 hours ago, Tiberius said:

Trump lied about the Trump Towers meeting. He put out a statement that the meeting was about Russian adoptions, which was a lie. 


Trump lied about knowing about the hush money payments, he told the press to ask Michael Cohen and it, which is damn funny. 

I need more proof than you saying so. It's all speculation. I don't like people who claim to be a certain party but continuously bash it. 

This is just a stupid message board. Why can't people be who they are? Why pretend? Who really cares in the end?

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