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Okay... Had to Google/Wiki "Post Malone." NICE!


To put a spin on the Rodney Dangerfield line from Caddyshack:


"And this is Post Malone, huh? Oh, wonderful boy! A nice boy. Alright, he's a good boy. [He looks away] I tell ya. Now I know why tigers eat their young."





Glad to hear!  


On a related note, if you're interested in the "anatomy" of an airplane crash, there is a guy (Allec Joshua Ibay) on YouTube that posts videos where he uses Microsoft Flight Simulator, transcripts and the FAA investigation to show why and how the crash occurred.  Covers events from all decades simulating the event with the right plane, cockpit, flight controls.


The most maddening ones are where stone-cold human negligence is the cause.  ValuJet Flight 592 (where they loaded highly combustible oxygen containers in the cargo hold) and Alaska Airlines Flight 261 where the lack of lube and inspection of the rear stabilizer caused the crash come to mind.


There's also quite a few incidents created by idiot pilots.  The plane is a-ok but the inexperienced or in a rush pilot gets everyone killed.  


G-4's have pretty small nose gear tires.  The plane had a heavy fuel load due to the flight plan, so if one tire failed, the weight/speed of the plane may have over stressed the other tire.  Maybe the tires were older, or previously damaged?  If there's a cut, and it's on the ramp side of the tire, you wouldn't see it on a pre-flight inspection.  They could have also hit something on the runway, causing a tire to fail.  They did the right thing(s).  Burn off extra fuel because G-4's can't dump fuel, then divert to some airport that's an old/former SAC base, with a 12,000' runway, and set it down, slow & nose high, for as long as possible.

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