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I'm sick and tired of hearing about this darn subject. The way I see it, MLB is responsible for this nonsense and this subject can't go away fast enough for me. If MLB would've enforced the rules against steroid use in the fist place none of this would have taken place. The truth is, steroid use was good to the game. We know it, they know it. Let it rest.

I'm sick and tired of hearing about this darn subject. The way I see it, MLB is responsible for this nonsense and this subject can't go away fast enough for me. If MLB would've enforced the rules against steroid use in the fist place none of this would have taken place. The truth is, steroid use was good to the game. We know it, they know it. Let it rest.


I enjoy baseball, and I don't care one bit.


What I do care about is kids using the stuff. There is so much pressure on kids today to make it in sports if they have decent talent. The high schools for the most part are much larger than they were when I was a kid. That means more kids trying out for the same number of positions. Pressure from dad, pressure from coach, pressure from friends...leads kids to do things that they really shouldn't. Will these hearings have any affect here? Highly doubtful.

I'm sick and tired of hearing about this darn subject.


Not me. I'm just sick and tired of all the OT posts.


Wait. So are you.


Wait. This IS another OT post.


Damn vicious cycle!


I am tired of the people involved in this issue acting as if we are all so ignorant as to believe that they have not and will not ever do anything to "enhance" thier performence. It astounds me to think that these guys all think that everything negative from two former MVP's in Canseco and Caminiti, are all just made up stories and inuendos. For them to sit there and say they knew or know nothing that transpired is IMO ludicrus. Would have much more respect if they would just say yes I did take performance enhancing drugs. I for one hope they continue to act ignorant and thumb thier noses to they sky and that congress does get involved in the way so that they have no choice but to consent to strickter testing. And that goes for all sports not just BB. :w00t:

I for one hope they continue to act ignorant and thumb thier noses to they sky and that congress does get involved in the way so that they have no choice but to consent to strickter testing. And that goes for all sports not just BB.  :w00t:


Yeah, Congress has been super successful in eliminating drugs from our schools. Why shouldn't we expect them to be even better when taking on millionaires? :doh:

The thing I can't figure out is why Congress cares about it.


That makes two of us! :w00t: I thought when I elected my congressman, I told him I didn't give a rats a$$ about baseball! :doh:

I'm sick and tired of hearing about this darn subject. The way I see it, MLB is responsible for this nonsense and this subject can't go away fast enough for me. If MLB would've enforced the rules against steroid use in the fist place none of this would have taken place. The truth is, steroid use was good to the game. We know it, they know it. Let it rest.


I grew up a big fan of baseball. I loved to play it, watch it, go to Atlanta Fulton County Stadium to see my Braves, etc. To me, Dale Murphy was everything that was right about baseball. He was as close to a childhood hero as I had. As I grew older and began to learn more about the economic structure of the game, I became disillusioned with it. The Braves return to power and subsequent World Series win in '95, the McGwire/Sosa home run race, and moving back to Atlanta helped me keep a vested interest in the game. But seeing all these statistical comparisons to years past, and learning more about how steroids have likely played a greater role that previously thought, it's really made it hard to look at the state of the MLB and not be disappointed.

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