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Wow, that's really cool.....Did your wife find her through a breeder then?



Yes. In Dunn, North Carolina. About 45 minutes from were we live.

They have ads for white sheperds in Field and Stream.

I heard they are considered there own seperate breed now.


I heard there are also breeders who sell pure black and dark red German Sheperds as well.

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on the subject of dogs... ever since I had my pooch, every once in a while (about once every 2 weeks or so), she has what I can only describe as what sounds like a asthma attack. She makes this realy weird sound and she takes this really deep breaths (you can actually see her rib cage expand). It lasts a solid minute or so (it's ALMOST like she's choking, but she's not). She walks around while its happening. If I start petting her and talking nice to her, it stops alot quicker... it's obviously nothing terrible wrong (although obviously scary and uncomfortable for her), and the vet said she would almost need to see it happen herself to tell me (she listened to her breathing and said it was fine). Wondering if anyone even knows what the hell I'm talking about..

on the subject of dogs... ever since I had my pooch, every once in a while (about once every 2 weeks or so), she has what I can only describe as what sounds like a asthma attack. She makes this realy weird sound and she takes this really deep breaths (you can actually see her rib cage expand). It lasts a solid minute or so (it's ALMOST like she's choking, but she's not). She walks around while its happening.  If I start petting her and talking nice to her, it stops alot quicker... it's obviously nothing terrible wrong (although obviously scary and uncomfortable for her), and the vet said she would almost need to see it happen herself to tell me (she listened to her breathing and said it was fine). Wondering if anyone even knows what the hell I'm talking about..



My female German Sheperd does the same thing once in while.

She has for 6 years.


I don't think it is a big deal.


Kinda of like when we cough after drinking a class of water to fast.

Good pics. LMAO at the pic of Recon and the baby, that's a classic.


You can tell the little one is going to be a dog lover.......

That is one happy kid!  Of course, that will all change when he's old enough to figure out what number is on his jersey  :huh:



I will get him a JP one as soon as they come out in his size!

Dog Survives Having Nails Driven Into Skull


SPRINGFIELD, Mo. -- A hound mix named Trucker has survived having two long nails driven into his skull by his owner, according to Kansas City TV station KMBC.


The nails were driven into his head with a hammer, according to KYTV in Springfield. The nails just missed the dog's brain and major nerves. Veterinarians were able to remove the nails, but Trucker will be blind in one eye and deaf.


Dr. Robin Toner, an emergency veterinarian, said it is the worst case of animal abuse that the workers have seen. One nail was allegedly driven into the dog's skull, and another was hammered into his cheekbone, KYTV reported.


"It's an amazing thing that he could forgive people for what they have done to him because he is the sweetest, friendliest loving dog. He kisses your face and wags his tail when he sees you. For him to be that forgiving, I don't (know) of any person who could be that forgiving. We could really learn something from him," said Melissa Sartin of the Castaway Animal Rescue Effort (C.A.R.E) shelter.




Gee--lets pick out stories (horror stories ) so we can all feel like we are really good people in comparison.And lets make fun of Michael Jackson while we are at it so we can all feel really normal in comparison. Old and worn out human trait..-helps us not look at ourselves

Gee--lets pick out stories (horror stories ) so we can all feel like we are really good people in comparison.And lets make fun of Michael Jackson while we are at it so we can all feel really normal in comparison. Old and worn out human trait..-helps us not look at ourselves



No, I didn't post the story so we could "feel real good" in comparsion.


I asked a question, what the hell is wrong with people who would do such a thing.


Oh, and Michael Jackson is a freak and a menance. Lock him up.


You must be one of his fans who still breaks out his pleather red jacket and shiny glove on friday nights, and dances around your parents basement.


Dog Survives Having Nails Driven Into Skull


SPRINGFIELD, Mo. -- A hound mix named Trucker has survived having two long nails driven into his skull by his owner, according to Kansas City TV station KMBC.


The nails were driven into his head with a hammer, according to KYTV in Springfield. The nails just missed the dog's brain and major nerves. Veterinarians were able to remove the nails, but Trucker will be blind in one eye and deaf.


Dr. Robin Toner, an emergency veterinarian, said it is the worst case of animal abuse that the workers have seen. One nail was allegedly driven into the dog's skull, and another was hammered into his cheekbone, KYTV reported.


"It's an amazing thing that he could forgive people for what they have done to him because he is the sweetest, friendliest loving dog. He kisses your face and wags his tail when he sees you. For him to be that forgiving, I don't (know) of any person who could be that forgiving. We could really learn something from him," said Melissa Sartin of the Castaway Animal Rescue Effort (C.A.R.E) shelter.


Buddy "The Wonder" Dog and his girl friend Maxi " oh I thought those were treats sorry I chewed your nuts off " want to meet this guy so they could have a little talk.

I can definitely vouch for 1 and 3.....dont' have much experience with border collies, but that makes sense. Poodles have that 'foo foo' image, but I tell you what.....I won't speak for the little ones, cause I actually find them quite annoying. But standards are smart, athletic, emotional, intuitive, protective, loyal, good with kids, and they dont' shed. The big ones are chick magnets, too.......I take mine in the car whenever I go on a fast food run or whatever, and I swear the girl in the window loves on him almost without fail :lol:



My grandfather taught his poodle how to play a few songs on the freakin' piano. Was on Buffalo TV a few times during the 70's and 80's showing it off.




Gee--lets pick out stories (horror stories ) so we can all feel like we are really good people in comparison.And lets make fun of Michael Jackson while we are at it so we can all feel really normal in comparison. Old and worn out human trait..-helps us not look at ourselves



This may be the stupidest post I've ever read........you are truly an asss

Awwww....he's cute. My cats would love to eat him.  :lol:


lol.......Obi LOVES kitties :D

My grandfather taught his poodle how to play a few songs on the freakin' piano.  Was on Buffalo TV a few times during the 70's and 80's showing it off. 



wow lol.......I don't know if mine is that smart - or if he likes music lol - but he's clearly smarter than your average mutt, that's for sure.

No, I didn't post the story so we could "feel real good" in comparsion.


I asked a question, what the hell is wrong with people who would do such a thing.


Oh, and Michael Jackson is a freak and a menance. Lock him up.


You must be one of his fans who still breaks out his pleather red jacket and shiny glove on friday nights, and dances around your parents basement.


I wasn't defending him(Michael)--and if he gets sentenced to prison(which he probbly wont--money talks) its pretty much acknowledged that he will commit suicide.-I dont think they are gonna let him spend hours in prison doing his make-up etc. And I didn't say you overtly put the story up to feel good.-It is just classic--with our fascination with serial killers...or even just talking about some p of s criminal that we happen to know----there is in the back of our minds the 'satisfaction' of knowing we are not that bad......or not that strange.Makes us feel good temporarily.

Who knows why the guy nailed nails into the dog's head???--Maybe his parents tortured him or maybe he ws born with chromosomal damage or maybe he sold his soul to the devil.

This may be the stupidest post I've ever read........you are truly an asss


Yes..I'm truly an ass---and that makes you feel very superior(and un-asslike) by saying it. So I really made you feel good about yourself.I'm the ass and YOU aren't. You are quite a guy.

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