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Dog Survives Having Nails Driven Into Skull


SPRINGFIELD, Mo. -- A hound mix named Trucker has survived having two long nails driven into his skull by his owner, according to Kansas City TV station KMBC.


The nails were driven into his head with a hammer, according to KYTV in Springfield. The nails just missed the dog's brain and major nerves. Veterinarians were able to remove the nails, but Trucker will be blind in one eye and deaf.


Dr. Robin Toner, an emergency veterinarian, said it is the worst case of animal abuse that the workers have seen. One nail was allegedly driven into the dog's skull, and another was hammered into his cheekbone, KYTV reported.


"It's an amazing thing that he could forgive people for what they have done to him because he is the sweetest, friendliest loving dog. He kisses your face and wags his tail when he sees you. For him to be that forgiving, I don't (know) of any person who could be that forgiving. We could really learn something from him," said Melissa Sartin of the Castaway Animal Rescue Effort (C.A.R.E) shelter.



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Dog Survives Having Nails Driven Into Skull


SPRINGFIELD, Mo. -- A hound mix named Trucker has survived having two long nails driven into his skull by his owner, according to Kansas City TV station KMBC.


The nails were driven into his head with a hammer, according to KYTV in Springfield. The nails just missed the dog's brain and major nerves. Veterinarians were able to remove the nails, but Trucker will be blind in one eye and deaf.


Dr. Robin Toner, an emergency veterinarian, said it is the worst case of animal abuse that the workers have seen. One nail was allegedly driven into the dog's skull, and another was hammered into his cheekbone, KYTV reported.


"It's an amazing thing that he could forgive people for what they have done to him because he is the sweetest, friendliest loving dog. He kisses your face and wags his tail when he sees you. For him to be that forgiving, I don't (know) of any person who could be that forgiving. We could really learn something from him," said Melissa Sartin of the Castaway Animal Rescue Effort (C.A.R.E) shelter.






Whoever did this is probably a future serial killer, I guess they have to practice on something. :w00t: What a f'n bastard! The story doesn't say anything about the person who did it.


That just turned my stomach reading that. This is a very scary world. The thing that makes me mad about this is that the person that did this probably wont be in too much trouble. Its disgusting. My dogs piss me off, but no way in heck would I ever think of doing something like that. Sick, sick people.


Ugh, wish I wouldn't have read this thread.........this kind of sh*t stays with me for days.

Whoever did this is probably a future serial killer, I guess they have to practice on something. :w00t:  What a f'n bastard!  The story doesn't say anything about the person who did it.




Yet, many feel doing the same to a feline doesn't count. Amazing.

What is wrong with people? It should be what is wrong with this person. The responses here that express revulsion to what happened are a testament to some good in most people.



I said "people", because, I hate to say, I reading more and more stories like this the past few months.


Anyone have a dog that is just wicked smart? I have a standard poodle (yeah, yeah....) that can pick up on things amazingly fast. My family raised them from when I was a kid, but my ex-wife and I got this dog as a wedding/Christmas present a couple years ago. Anyway, they told me that his parents knew over 100 signs and were from a championship bloodline. One day I just started playing around with it and in a total of about five minutes I had taught him to speak, sit, and shake with only the use of hand signs. Poodles are known for being among the most intelligent of dogs, but this dog is really something.

Anyone have a dog that is just wicked smart? I have a standard poodle (yeah, yeah....) that can pick up on things amazingly fast. My family raised them from when I was a kid, but my ex-wife and I got this dog as a wedding/Christmas present a couple years ago. Anyway, they told me that his parents knew over 100 signs and were from a championship bloodline. One day I just started playing around with it and in a total of about five minutes I had taught him to speak, sit, and shake with only the use of hand signs. Poodles are known for being among the most intelligent of dogs, but this dog is really something.




I heard the three smart dogs were:

1. Poodles

2. Border Collies

3. German Shepards

I heard the three smart dogs were:

1. Poodles

2. Border Collies

3. German Shepards


I can definitely vouch for 1 and 3.....dont' have much experience with border collies, but that makes sense. Poodles have that 'foo foo' image, but I tell you what.....I won't speak for the little ones, cause I actually find them quite annoying. But standards are smart, athletic, emotional, intuitive, protective, loyal, good with kids, and they dont' shed. The big ones are chick magnets, too.......I take mine in the car whenever I go on a fast food run or whatever, and I swear the girl in the window loves on him almost without fail :doh:

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