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16 hours ago, Thurmal34 said:

TakeYoToTasker cares about SA genocide in August of 2017.


With the history of that country, think about what he’s actually concerned about, and what it says about him.


I’ll take a moment to review his posts about Apartheid and let you guys know what I find. No need to stay tuned!



Is it your contention that I am a racist because I'm opposed to genocide?


Using that logic, those who support ethnic cleansing are not racist?


Or is it only wrong to oppose genocide when the victims are black or brown skinned?


How does that reconcile with the Holocaust?  The European Jews were largely light skinned, as were those who perpetrated the violence.


Or is genocide morally acceptable when it's committed against the ancestors of oppressors, colonists, or conquerors?


What, then, of the Bantu's who conquered the lands held by other tribes prior to being colonized by the Dutch?  Once the current black residents of South Africa have finished with their ethnic cleansing, should they immediately be looking over their shoulder fearing a just genociding of their own by the original tribes indigenous to the area?


Once the genocide is complete, and the white farmer has been expelled or eradicated, and the people of South Africa fall into starvation (Which will happen, by the way.  Each SA farm feeds 3000 people on average, and are currently barely producing enough to feed to population; and 70% of all farms seized over the past several decades now lie fallow.) is the international community obligated to feed those who just perpetrated a genocide?


Along the same lines, when those fleeing the starvation caused by their own actions begin flooding into Europe, should Europeans take them in?


Finally, speak to the group about the positive morality of supporting genocide, and please explain why ethnic cleansing is a good thing.


Thank you.

26 minutes ago, TakeYouToTasker said:

Along the same lines, when those fleeing the starvation caused by their own actions begin flooding into Europe, should Europeans take them in?


The answer to that is no. The boats should be sunk.


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