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Donald Trump. -Conscientious objector to the Vietnam war.


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After the Marian reforms Rome’s army began to slowly but constantly become less Roman. And as the Roman legions became less Italian, the Roman army cared less and less about...Rome. 


What happens was that the Romans that forged their empire during the Punic Wars, especially after the 2nd, found that their children began caring less and less about Roman virtues and their civic duty and just became gluttons. They craved on excesses of money, material  possessions, whoring and games. And the empire they built began ruling them because the Romans lost their martial spirit. 


And  s that’s what I see going on in my country. Trump supporters are nothing like the Greatest Generation. They’re not ‘whatever the job takes,’ they’re ‘let’s not make Putin mad.’ Capitulation is treason. 

4 minutes ago, Tiberius said:


Quite heroic wasn’t it. 

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3 minutes ago, The_Dude said:

Donald Trump is an unpatriotic charlatan. 


He avoided serving his country at all costs when called upon by his country for service. His actions are considered by many treasonous. 


But if we want ant to talk about the debauched depravity of the man were just getting started. 


Whats more pathetic about his base is how he fools them. He lies loud and often and they eat it up. Even Hitler didn’t have it that easy — his crowds made him at least work. 


The money laundering links links for the Russians in the 80’s. 


The casual strolls through the changing rooms of his beauty pageants to include underage girls. 


The whoring. 


And hes an awful business man. Seriously, the man conducts business like a vulture, and his business decisions aren’t great. 


Trump Nation has elected a treasonous coward. A pedophile. And the most dishonest politician in United States history. 


I cant wait till your all seen as jackasses which history will label you all as. Jackasses. 


Thats NOT fair to Hitler. Hitler fought courageously in WWI. Hitler wasn’t a pansy. 

Not only are your charges unsubstantiated but your use of the English language is atrocious.  I would refer to you as white trash but I am remiss to insult your superiors. Do you even know what a complete sentence is?

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18 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

Not only are your charges unsubstantiated but your use of the English language is atrocious.  I would refer to you as white trash but I am remiss to insult your superiors. Do you even know what a complete sentence is?


This is an internet message board, not an academic paper. 


My phone does weird things on this platform. It’s weird. It adds words and changes words. 


Now, pansy, do you want to attack my argument or you just go sit there and try to capitalize on grammatical mistakes? 


You got nothin. 


Plus, bro, I don’t need the internet to tell me I’m smart to make myself feel good. My transcripts validate that for me. 


“Excuse me, sir, but you made a grammatical mistake which by the laws of internet immediately invalidates all of your points and proves me the winner!”


what white trash logic. 

Edited by The_Dude
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16 minutes ago, The_Dude said:


This is an internet message board, not an academic paper. 


My phone does weird things on this platform. It’s weird. It adds words and changes words. 


Now, pansy, do you want to attack my argument or you just go sit there and try to capitalize on grammatical mistakes? 


You got nothin. 


Plus, bro, I don’t need the internet to tell me I’m smart to make myself feel good. My transcripts validate that for me. 


“Excuse me, sir, but you made a grammatical mistake which by the laws of internet immediately invalidates all of your points and proves me the winner!”


what white trash logic. 

How embarrassing for you. Blame your phone, it can't fight back.


I swear mom, I didn't touch that cake!

Cake Face.jpg

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Maybe the worst Trump Derangement Symptom, the Dems recasting the Vietnam War as a wonderful thing and attackIng people who didn’t go....


the laughs never ever stop and we aren’t even a quarter of the way thru....



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13 minutes ago, row_33 said:

Maybe the worst Trump Derangement Symptom, the Dems recasting the Vietnam War as a wonderful thing and attackIng people who didn’t go....


the laughs never ever stop and we aren’t even a quarter of the way thru....



The_Dudine likes to attack things that can't fight back. That's why he is so aggressive here on the internet. He can say his stupidshit and then go run and hide.

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15 hours ago, #34fan said:


The other dodgers aren't attacking the credibility of others on a daily basis via twitter.



She was good enough for Trump to have unprotected sex with.



Generally speaking, I'm not certain war has anything at all to do with "morality".



Yes you do.

There anything you actually look forward to? -Other than death, I mean?



Wow, you're so clever!!!

I hope your kids are adopted. It would suck having such a f'n retard for a father. 

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Bernie Sanders actually was a conscientious objector during the Vietnam War. 

Bill Clinton never served in the armed forces, neither did Al Gore - who flunked out of Divinity School, Hillary didn't serve, neither did Tim Kaine.

Obama didn't serve, and Uncle Joe did not either. Mike Pence did not serve, and neither did our current President of the United States -- Donald J. Trump.  


But it's just Trump who's getting flack on this. 

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7 minutes ago, Nanker said:

Bernie Sanders actually was a conscientious objector during the Vietnam War. 

Bill Clinton never served in the armed forces, neither did Al Gore - who flunked out of Divinity School, Hillary didn't serve, neither did Tim Kaine.

Obama didn't serve, and Uncle Joe did not either. Mike Pence did not serve, and neither did our current President of the United States -- Donald J. Trump.  


But it's just Trump who's getting flack on this. 


Bro my god. 


Revisionist BS. 


Trumps getting flack for it because for years, Republicans, rightfully destroyed Clinton for his cowardice. Now that they’re embracing cowards they’ve decided patriotism and valor are meager things — that’s what the flak is about. 


But keep movin them goalposts, bro. 

2 hours ago, 3rdnlng said:

How embarrassing for you. Blame your phone, it can't fight back.


I swear mom, I didn't touch that cake!


The autocorrect on my phone acts in mysterious ways on this site. It’s weird. 


Post another photo of a baby because that might be the thing you do that finally gets under my skin. 

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Wake up. It's the post-post Vietnam War era Dude. 



"But today, most candidates in this post-Vietnam, all-volunteer military era have never worn the uniform. And perhaps surprisingly among veterans groups, that’s not necessarily a problem."

“While I think that serving in the military is a positive for any candidate, I don’t think it’s a necessity to make a good president,” said Dan Caldwell, the political director for the group Concerned Veterans for America.

“In fact, presidents with military experience like Jimmy Carter, Lyndon Baines Johnson, and Ulysses Grant turned out to be terrible presidents who made decisions that negatively affected our foreign policy and the overall strength of our military,” Caldwell said. “For these individuals, their time in uniform clearly did not endow them with an ability to make sound national security decisions while president.”


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22 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


I had to double-check; the thread is so dumb, I thought it was The_Dude.


It wasn’t me. But it’s good to know there are other people with uncompromising principals. 


Personally, I think all who dodged the draft should be subject to my favorite ritual of decimation. 

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7 minutes ago, The_Dude said:


It wasn’t me. But it’s good to know there are other people with uncompromising principals. 


Personally, I think all who dodged the draft should be subject to my favorite ritual of decimation. 

It is highly unlikely that pissing yourself will come anywhere near decimating anyone else.

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16 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

It is highly unlikely that pissing yourself will come anywhere near decimating anyone else.


Id need at least 10 people to decimate one. 


My my suggestion is for you to figure out WTF I’m talking about. 

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11 hours ago, Azalin said:

Trump wasn't a conscientious objector. He was dismissed for physical reasons. Whether those reasons were valid or not, that's a different question.


I't's the SAME f__king question, you assh_le… 50 years later he's still a big coward, and an even more accomplished liar...   You're just OK with it because he isn't Obama.


11 hours ago, Azalin said:

 Mohamed Ali was, and I see nobody talking **** about that.


That's because Ali was brave enough to stand his ground, and pay the price... He spoke out vehemently against the Vietnam war, and did so without hesitation.


He didn't need a phony diagnosis from some mystery physician.


11 hours ago, Azalin said:

You leftists that try to paint Trump as a conscientious objector are wrong.


1) You don't need to be a leftist to find Trump's behavior contemptable.

2)  This thread is pretty firm on him not being a conscientious objector. It isn't a referendum on a war that ended 45 years ago.


11 hours ago, Azalin said:

I turned 18 in November of 1975, and never bothered to register for the draft, since the draft was going to end in less than two months. I remember my dad, who served in the army for a couple years after the Korean conflict ended, telling me that if my home is ever invaded, that I need to fight with everything I have to defend it. He also said that if I was drafted to go fight in the jungles of Asia in a political war, that he would support my fleeing to Canada.


Look, no one here is surprised that you far-right tough guys wanted nothing to do with this war.  


However, if one of you jerks ran for president, this "fleeing to Canada" thing might come up.  You may (quite justifiably) be called to answer for that.


If, as in Trump's case, you display a litany of character flaws and anti-social behaviors, the issue of your 'flight' will probably never go away.


Love it.. Hate it... -It speaks to your character.  And for the highest office in the land, it couldn't be more relevant.

Edited by #34fan
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